Monthly Archives: June 2018

Full Moon in Mula Nakshatra: Love, Sex and Freedom Wednesday June 27 10:53pm

The Strawberry Moon

This is an auspicious time to act from inner wholeness, to move from inner peace and hold the vision of heart-centered action.  This is a great time to make space for your heart to breathe and open in direct proportion to outer pressure. There is a mastery in an equal and opposite approach.  I’m reminded of the phrase, “They go low, we go high”.

 The opportunity to make the future path sacred and to access personal spiritual wisdom peaks as the sun and moon reach their purnima, the moment of brightest potential.

I intend to respond, not react.

I aim to consult the open heart first and let action and speech bloom from the unconditional forgiveness that inhabits the core of my humanity.

If that fails, I’m just gonna do my best and trust that it’s good enough.


I don’t mean to diminish how hard this action plan may be, quite the opposite (wink), I am laying the preferred perspective out first because it is becoming increasingly difficult to focus on proper principles as the volume of chaos increases.  My practice is to return to proper principles, no matter how far out the detour takes me.  Current transactional energies are distinctly and excruciatingly unfair, unjust and out of alignment.  I would suggest that this is the very heart of the healing crisis: conflicting energies are uniting.

I have been exploring the metaphor of goddesses of antiquity traveling through the underworld for quite some time.  Innana, Persephone and Kali are the heroines in this tunnel of time.  The nakshatra of this full moon is Mula, the tail star of Scorpio closest to the Galactic Center, which astronomers characterize as a black hole.  Mula is also within the degrees of Vedic Sagittarius, where (now) retrograde Saturn has been ruminating since mid-January.

I picture him shuffling around in his bathrobe scrutinizing how well I am walking my talk and parsing the truth here. Maya Angelou said that “There’s a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure the truth.”  What we believe is possible, what we accept as true are being examined, explored and generally raked over the coals by the tools we use to accomplish things.  The lord of time and matter is helping us refine our process.  (Please, stop helping me, Saturn.)

Mula is symbolized by bound roots or an “elephant goad”.  Yeesh.  It’s the feeling of my meaning, my understanding, my truth, my adaptation versus my principles, cosmic law and, you guessed it, karma.  I mean, let’s admit it, if only here and now, doesn’t all this constipated, lurching, herky-jerky, non-progress or even recidivism feel familiar?  Does it threaten your self-value to be presented with the same obstacles repeatedly?

Tropical chart of the Full Moon

That’s not the energy to go inward with here.  We want to trust ourselves to see the truth and realize that truth cannot ignore context.  It’s not relative, but it is embedded and connected to everything else in the Water Heavy Oxygen Rich Ecobiome.  I know boundaries are important to becoming myself, but they are. not. real.  “I am he as you are she as they are he and we are all together”.  But also, “It is not he or she or them or it that you belong to.”  Both/and.  Takes some capacity.  Gotta reach.

I repeat: not all of what we are called to endure or correct is our own doing, there is no need to feel guilt or shame on top of the hardship of balancing the scales.  Jupiter in Vedic Libra squaring Mars in Capricorn is expanding and accelerating the karmic bloom.  Hold the line to human compassion in service, if you are called and DON’T TAKE IT PERSONALLY or assume others deserve the punishments they are getting.  Hurt people hurt people, so it’s best not to heap judgement onto injury, even if Saturn says it’s OK.  He’s testing us.  Let’s be impeccable. Because the promise of this nakshatra is that those who transgress cosmic law bring their own fate upon themselves.  Who knows?  Maybe it’s true?


Vedic Chart

The astrology of this full moon is, well (need I say it), intense.  It’s 1 degree away from Vedic Saturn and conjunct retrograde Mars (read: REALLY strong) in the graha (or planetary influence) of Ketu (the shadow “planet” or south node of the moon, (read: headless tail of the dragon) also known as our collective past.  This graha is ruled by Ketu (read: REALLY, REALLY strong) and the dark goddess Nirrti of whom Wikipedia says:

“Nirṛti निऋती is the Hindu goddess of deathly hidden realms and sorrows, one of the dikpāla (Guardians of the directions), representing the southwest.

Nirrti is a Ketu ruled nakshatra in vedic astrology, strongly associated with Kali in form Dhumavati. Nirṛti is mentioned in a few hymns of the Rigveda, mostly to seek protection from her or imploring for her  during a possible departure.”

Goddess Nirrti, Hindu Goddess“Goddess Nirrti has been mentioned in one hymn of Rig Veda. Nirrti’s name means “destruction.” Nirrti manifests herself in decay, need, anger, old age, cowardice and death. She is the representative of the dark side to Vedic vision of feminine divinity.  Repeatedly she is given offering in order to keep her away from the sacrificial rituals as well as from general affairs of people.

However, in Atharva Veda she is described to have golden locks. In the Shatapatha Brahmana she is related with pain and the south west corner is considered as her region. In it she is also mentioned as residing in the south, the direction of kingdom of the dead.

In the Vedas, Nirrti is the daughter of Surabhi (the cow goddess), the wife of Adharma (Destroyer of All Things), and is the Goddess of Disease and Death. Nirrti means “misery” and is worshipped in order to dismiss disease. She is also considered as the goddess who punishes the sinners. However she also protects those borne into crime as long as they remain ethical.  She dwells in isolated places and watches over those people who are hungry or in mourning. ” ~

Her vehicle is a raven, the most ambiguous symbol of antiquity.  whenever I see a raven I look for subtle, magical intelligence, but that’s just me.  Some people are happy to dismiss them as pests.  Image result for dark goddess with crow

Raven and Dove by axymaid on Deviantart

Individuation requires an other.  Unity and separation, systole and diastole, opening and closing are polarities required for expansion, knowledge and evolution.  Nirrti and all the goddesses who travel the depths are representatives of the dark mother, the one we must push against in order to fully become ourselves.  She does not symbolize the wholeness of the womb where hunger is food, thirst is quenched and stillness is movement.  She embodies the cycle of need: the reaching, the questing, the striving for an answer in alienation and uncertainty.  Birth IS separation after all and something is being born in this struggle.  My job is to make sure it’s worth it to myself and the W.H.O.R.E.

Venus and Mars still stand across from each other in the sign of mother nurture and father foundation respectively.  It’s slightly sexually sideways, in my personal view; the lovers are in the sign of the mother and father, so it’s like double masculine, double feminine and the glare of this lunation’s opposition (since all full moons are polarities) almost reduces the angle to opposing teams.  Cancer is all immediate, instinctive response and nurturing abundance and Capricorn is careful, structural, rationing and rational.  It’s like the human family is split over it’s resources into two camps: compassionate, sharing need fulfillment versus restrictive, limited autonomous martial state.  Eep.


Arjuna stands before the great battle of the Bagavad Gita.  He knows that he and his family have done all that they can to prevent this war, but war is upon him.

“What stops him is his feeling of grief, a feeling that clouds his vision and makes his mind reel. Krishna responds by teaching Arjuna how to see, not from his own particular point of view, but from the point of view of “Time,” in which everyone is born and lives and finally passes away. Krishna’s point about the destructive and creative cycle of the cosmos is conveyed in the revelation of Krishna’s divine form (a phenomenon called theophany) and in Mahabharata 1.1.188-190

“Time ripens the creatures. Time rots them. And Time again puts out the Time that burns down the creatures. Time unfolds all beings in the world, holy and unholy. Time shrinks them and expands them again. Time walks in all creatures, unaverted, impartial. Whatever beings there are in the past will be in the future, whatever are busy now, they are all the creatures of Time—know it and do not lose your sense.”


Red Eagle Lake this was a 16 mile (round trip) hike.  Whew!

Since it’s a a both/and world I thought I would give you the rough stuff first.  No sense in being Polyanna about it, we have had it really good for a long time and now the garden party at the end of time is wrapping up and the bill is being delivered.  No problem, as long as you have the currency to pay it.  But this time the cash comes in the form of connection, humility, tough love and personal discipline.  It’s a tropical Capricorn full moon and Cap demonstrates emotion by being responsible and paternal.  Cancer wants security and “adulting”.  Step up and you will be rewarded with foundations of lasting value.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and among the softer qualities of this materialization, manifestation, rationalization duo we find discernment hightened and honed.  We can see with great clarity what is not working and apply our logical razors to it.  Do your research, come armed with the right information and separate the wheat from the chaff.  Attend the minute particulars, as William Blake commands, and  refine your foundation.


Red Eagle Mountain,  Red Eagle Lake

Time to get off the treadmill, push into discomfort and growth, and take the training wheels off your bike.  Be your own Daddy.  The sun and moon both square Chiron so issues around the wound (y’know, the crack where the light gets in?) may get activated.  You’ve been through this so many times recently, surely it’s time to own it, get on top and wrap your protective arms around that wounded inner child and protect him or her responsibly instead of joining her in blame, shame or grief.  A little forgiveness and an open heart (regardless of who’s trying to hurt you) can be the best protection.

Eight planets are in Cardinal signs, four planets are retrograde in the tropical chart and Mars is among them.  I intend to turn inward FIRST, to shine the light on my own dreams, goals and shortcomings when irritability and frustration strikes.  We are going into the core, deep into the source of chaotic, volatile forces and rapid changability.  I seek to train my first reaction to be to step back, find center and let it be my guide.  If we can learn to release attachment, let go of the past, and forgive we can begin to make our daily mundane experience sacred.  If you have a spiritual goal, this cosmic weather is a huge help in creating the discipline to realize it.


Red Eagle Lake and Mountain

I try to look to the opposite energy, so as Uranus shakes what I thought was secure, whether it be banking systems, earthquakes or volcanoes, I tend to go inside and  visualize myself in meditation, even if I can’t do it in the moment.  I train myself to take three deep breaths and release them slowly.  Even better if  I give myself a real break and have a daily practice.  Doesn’t matter what it is.  Just a little time out of time, just for me.  Honor you.  Value you.  I do.

There’s a lot of mirroring, doubling and slight-of-hand going on.  Hidden within the difficulty is the opportunity to realize the reward of your hand work, dedication and karmic bloom.  If you’ve been owning it as you go along, really trying to do your best and accepting the mistakes and defeats, balance may come into your experience and it just might stay for a while.  I hope so.  I truly hope so.  For those in the “smash and grab” camp, things may not go so well.  I shall endeavor to hold them in their wholeness and not throw kerosene on the fire.


I’ve heard people say that the mountains in Helena are not as sexy or grand as the ones here are and maybe that’s true, but I miss this mountain and the standing stones in the batholith and the hikes without a destination.  I miss all of you, too.

Mind your heart,





This Planet was Conceived in Love



Water fall over me, wash imbalance away.

Sun shine brightly, warm my soul this day.

Wind blow gently, whisper wisdom in my ear.

Earth rise to meet me, cradle me safe and near.

With the spirit of nature,

I am never alone.

I have arrived.

I am home.

May the grace that is given me be shared with those who need it most in this moment.  May the Family of Humanity rise strong from her struggle.  May we not just awaken, may we unite in mercy, compassion and the primordial love in which we were conceived.


Solstice Celebration: The Longest Day

Well Yoganauts, it’s the moment where the sun stands still.  In the northern hemisphere the earth is at perihelion to the sun and in the southern hemisphere it’s at aphelion, which is the point farthest from the sun.  North of the equator it’s the longest day, south thereof, the longest night.  Many things are at critical mass.  Have you cultivated the capacity to stand more?


Chief Mountain sacred to the Blackfeet.  I live on their Reservation.

Vedic Mars is retrograde at this moment, dominating the energy.  It’s just not a good time to begin new projects, extending your already stretched self further.  However, it is a great time to refine processes we have already begun, clean up messes we have already made and forgive ourselves and our past.  There’s a grief energy in the healing crisis.  Moving into the new means resolving the past.  It’s uncomfortable.  The way we thought it was is not the way it is.  It’s an ego death when Mars goes backward.  Old structures, even unhealthy ones, are still supporting us.  New structures of stability have not yet been made.


Swiftcurrent Creek and Boulder Ridge, Many Glacier

I guess it’s true for me, too.  I have been furiously applying for new jobs, trying to find a more comfortable, better organized, more ethical organization to work with and, of course, as always seems to happen, I found a powerful, inspirational ally and mentor, built a structure with her to protect the staff here and got our little supermarket and convenience store running like clockwork (ok, more like Stonehenge) then grew attached to the people.  Krishnamurti, I wish people were not so easy to love, but the fact is I am responsible for the summer employment experience and safety of about 20 millennials and a few adults whom I enjoy working with.  It. Is. Not. Boring.

I don’t know how to give a half effort.  Unless something better comes along I will be standing here where the prairie meets the Rocky Mountain front and the rivers flow to all of the oceans cleaning up the messes, refining processes and, I hope, aiding positive growth.  Dammit.  My immediate boss is pretty spectacular.  I am going to include her on this email in appreciation.  I think she has the capacity to see the blog and not have me committed to an institution.  Or if she does, she’ll probably book our rooms next to each other.  We’ll probably make it through this summer, Seana and I, but our sanity is already being tested.  Anyway, she’s got my back and I have hers, so we got that going for us (in my best Bill Murray from Caddy Shack impersonation).


Coming into the St. Mary Valley from the North (powerlines, derp).

This year, the Northern Hemisphere summer solstice will occur at 4:07 am MDT on June 21st.  That will be Thursday. I will be in Whitefish at a sweet little hotel with a pool and a hot tub, far away from anyone who knows my name for a little bit.  It’s intense here.  I bet it’s intense where you are, too.  I don’t have any particular insight for this celestial phenomenon except to ask each of you, to connect with the Earth in some way on that day. If you feel appreciation, show it.  If you feel pain ask her to recycle it and give you something different.  She’s generous.  She will help.

Just like us, she passes through cycles of polarity again and again and still, she manages the balance that sustains life for 7 billion human hearts every day (not to mention all the other hearts here, too). Every day, I am inspired to begin again by her.  Thank you, Gaia. Thank you, cursed St. Mary, for making me grow beyond what I thought I could do every single day since April 20th.


Big Mountain in Whitefish, hold my calls (powerlines, derp.)

So this is not the usual Vedic lunar yoga blog, I just wanted to connect and share some photos that I hoped you would like.  I hope to have time to keep up with the astrology as we move into eclipse season on the Cancer/ Capricorn axis.  It’s going to be exciting.  But just in case I don’t get back to you until August (I am speed dating about 2.2 million people in July) I wanted to say thank you as we celebrate the brightest day of the light.  Grateful to all of you and the opportunity to express my little piece of cosmic observation.  This rhythm of the sun and the earth is the reason we have life.  It took 4 billion years to get this far.  I didn’t get this far only to get this far. Onward.


Waterton, B.C.


Waterton, B.C.


Waterton, B.C.


Red Eagle Mountain in my backyard.


About 10 miles in on the Going to the Sun Rd.  It’s still being cleared of snow.


My friend Barb’s hand.


Practicing in April.  This field is green and filled with flowers, I will get another photo soon.  I love this spot.


From behind the Supermarket.


From my kitchen window.  After the rain comes sun, after the sun comes rain, baby.  Keep going.


Mind your heart and know that I care VERY deeply for your well-being,





I Have the Self-Love to Define Myself and My Boundaries. New moon June 13th 1:43pm MDT

This new moon (a time of introspection where a new cycle begins in darkness) falls in the Vedic lunar mansion called Mrigashira between Taurus and Gemini ((23º20 Taurus to 6º39 Gemini) in the Orion constellation.  It is ruled by Soma, the Moon God whose name also means also the magical elixir of immortality to which nearly the whole of the Rig Veda is a hymn to.  It is the searching star, the star of the quest for understanding and desire to gain mastery over plants.  It’s symbol is the deer head or the crown chakra of the deer.

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“Mrigashira is where we seek the perfection of our creative desires. It is the urge of being fulfilled and satiated by the achievement of our goal. Through this quest, the birth of intellectual insight and meaning begin to take place. Mrigasira, meaning “Deer Head”, has the strength, courage and perseverance of the spiritual warrior, but with the grace and tranquility of a deer. Being sensitive and inquisitive, Mrigasira types like to lay a thorough foundation and weave intricate patterns to gain understanding and true experience.   Here we take bliss in the pursuit of the highest fulfillment of perfection and beauty.” ~

Mrigashira Nakshatra Characteristics & Features:

Mrigashira Nakshatra Ruling Planet Mars
Nakshatra Number  5
Nakshatra Gender Neutral
Nakshatra Symbol Antelope’s head
Animal Symbol Female Serpent
Presiding Deity Soma, the Moon God
Nature Devas (God-like)
Dosha Pitta
Mrigashira Nakshatra Rashi (Zodiac) Mithun (Gemini)
Guna Tamasic
Element Earth
Disposition Soft, Mild, Tender (Mridu)
Mrigashira Nakshatra Baby Names  Names start with Ve, Vo, Ka, Kee (see Padas of Mrigashira)


Mrigashira Nakshatra

We must contemplate the dual nature of desire at this lunation.  We are grounded in Taurus energies, but moving into the sign of the twins and the nakshatra is ruled by Mars.  The temptation to unknowingly project characteristics we find unacceptable in ourselves onto others can be strong here.  Conversely there is the temptation to see what we want to see in the words and reactions of other people.

The sign of the twins points to relationship in the most basic way and this particular lunation runs with that ball since the zodiacal opposites Venus and Mars align perfectly.  Exactly perfectly.  The cosmic lovers are both really closely aligned to Rahu and Ketu, the nodes of the moon, the shadow planets which give us our points in Cancer and Capricorn for the eclipses coming in July.  Vedic astrology does a much better job of giving us the cosmic impetus for the #MeToo global movement, but beyond that it points to the rift within each one of us between the penetrative, forward moving forces and the receptive, nurturing tendencies we feel.

Vedic chart of the new moon.

So the focus is on intense relationship.  Sigh.  It’s not an easy time on planet 3.  The wild deer is an innocent herbivore with the heart of Soma: pure, intellectual and agile.  But she is always ready to run.  She is gentle, but anxious.  The churning mind leaves the body restless and the desire nature is ill at ease with a dynamic world that cannot be fully understood.  For the true creature of mind trust is ambiguous, power is capricious and desire is seductive.  Essentially, we will need calming at this time.

These have been ongoing principles in my yoga classes: self care and gentle practice.  I don’t want to lie to you, I have taken some heat for this and missed some opportunities because I believe in them so strongly.  A wise woman (Kelly Baraby) told me some years back about BKS Iyengar’s opinion on yoga in the west.  I can’t find the quote, but he basically felt that we need restorative movement and breathing that brings us back to the interior experience.  The worship of science and materialism have taught us to distrust the instinct and the wisdom of the body.  Now is the time to critically examine any ideology or relationship to a system of thought that does not bring us peace within.

Western (Tropical) chart of the new moon

“The deer of Mṛgaśīrṣā sniffs the ground in search of Soma in healthy and delicious herbs, but the human spirit sniffs at the paths of life in search of Soma in the form of eternality and bliss.”  –Vic DiCara, 27 Stars, 27 Gods

How Mrigasira became a constellation:

“Brahma (the Creator) had a daughter who was very beautiful and to whom he was sexually attracted.  His daughter sensed his attraction so she took the form of a deer and ran away.  Brahma then took the form of a stag and chased her across the heavens.  When Rudra (aka Shiva) found out what was happening he cut off the head of the stag in order to prevent the incestuous relationship from taking place.  The stag’s head became the nakshatra of Mrigashira  –James Kelleher, Path of Light Volume 1  ~

SO!  I don’t usually get to tackle such and ugly topic, but I have to admit I am eager to take a swing at this one.  It satisfies my own need to project and “see the mote in another’s eye” while revisiting our earlier discussion about magical will.  Indulge me a moment.  Maybe you have heard a bout a book called “The Secret” or “positive thinking” or “mental science”?  These are about idea that our desires are all that matter and we should use mental focus on them to force the world to suit us.  This blog stands against that idea.

This blog is a bout a both/and world where we invite and invoke the larger wisdom of the planet and the cosmos to inform our experience, our lives, our practices and our decisions.  Most especially, this blog advocates inviting the natural world, the water-heavy, oxygen-rich eco-biome (or W.H.O.R.E.) to help refine our evolution by observing the processes of the moon and the seasons.  Maybe you are laughing because I am all upset about people thinking positively, but I am and I am not alone.  Check this out if it interests you:

My point is, there are victims in the world.  We cannot indulge every desire and we most assuredly cannot make a quest out of bedding our daughters, yet cultural programming has us doing violence to each other and the planet every day and has desensitized us to the consequences of our actions.  No matter what magical protocol I am exploring I still inhabit a 3D world and I am responsible for the the results of my actions.  I worry because I feel that there is a larger program at work that aims to divorce us from our humanity.

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In the myth Rohini is saved by Shiva the Destroyer who decapitated the rampant Brahma.  While we may not have such powerful allies, Tropical astrology does offer us a divine connection in this new cycle to channel divinity: the North node of the moon is in Leo and Mercury is in trine (favorable relationship) to Uranus.  This makes me smile because it’s like a cosmic sneeze of creativity.  What you seek you carry within and it may present itself suddenly.  Keep in mind something is trying to show itself to us through us so draw, paint, dance, sing, write or sculpt something into the world.

We may be able to really make something brilliant out of our vulnerability, our humanity and our compassion.  I don’t think directing the universe to deliver the goods with new age mental science is going to access this beauty, this authenticity or this purity.  This is more of a “Shiva take the wheel” scenario.  The creation may be driven by hunger, but it will be satisfied in humility.  If we care about ourselves and love ourselves we cannot continue to do things that are toxic for us, we have to do the things that feed our souls.  Now is the time to make the time.

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As always, I want to advocate for actually taking time to feel what you are feeling and sit in appreciation of your body.  There is a line between feeling what we feel fully and being paralyzed, pulverized and petrified by what we fully feel.  To walk that line is to be a human.  This moment is always the singularity.  I choose which thoughts I think.  Literally.  I’m not kidding.  I have a conversation with the news-feed in my head.  Some of the stuff I find in there is sincerely not mine.  When I recognize a thought or a sentiment that is unwanted or unfamiliar, I say so, even if only mentally.  Because deep down I know that if I pretend my shadow is not there it will destroy my world.  I mean, isn’t that what has happened to American culture?

These days I am especially appreciative of my brain, my heart and my belly or my 3 minds as I like to think of them.  When we think of the genius technologies of Uranus and Mercury, let’s not forget the wisdom of the body.  It gets ill when we are doing the wrong things, yo. That is a pretty amazing piece of techne in my view. Thought did not create that and it’s no mistake either.

My world is not particularly rational right now.  I have not worked in a corporate culture for almost 10 years and I gotta tellya, very little of what I do makes sense.  I am getting used to being repeatedly thrown under the bus, but it’s not good business so I can’t help but wonder what it’s actually for.  Lucky for me, my intuition and the skills I have practiced of feeling my way into things, loving, valuing, honoring myself and having a sense of humor are serving me well.  For now.

It is said that hell is a place where people have private tables and plenty of soup but the spoons are too long to get the nourishment into one’s mouth.  In the same story, heaven has the same soup and spoons, but the tables are long and everyone just feeds the person seated across from them.  May your intuition guide you to the seat that will nourish you best among the people you would most enjoy feeding and being fed by.  I may be at the wrong table, but I can honor my need to get up and leave.

Image result for the story of the long spoons