Monthly Archives: April 2016

SIMPLE, RESTING CALM and CAUTIOUS FLEXIBILITY. Let’s practice it. 27 April 2016

In adult life, the Moon can represent the emotional face we show to the public and our sensitivity to that. Prince’s Moon, at the underside of his horoscope, would also indicate that he was a very private and emotionally intense individual, despite his public flamboyance.

The Crab Nebula is the result of a supernova – the death of a massive star. It was first chronicled in 1054AD and is one of the most studied objects in the sky, “truly making it a cosmic icon“, Nasa said.

The purple colour is the result of the filters in the telescopes, the actual nebula looks like this:

The Crab Nebula (catalogue designations M1, NGC 1952, Taurus A) is a supernova remnant and pulsar wind nebula in the constellation of Taurus.  One of the many nebular components (or anomalies) of the Crab is a helium-rich torus which is visible as an east-west band crossing the pulsar region.  As yet, there has been no plausible explanation put forth for the structure of the torus.[35]  (I’m telling you, you can’t fabricate these coincidences.~L)
The Crab Nebula seen in radioinfraredvisible lightultravioletX-rays, and gamma-rays.  (Soon we will be able to see what it looks like with gravity waves?!?  Are you getting the sense that “REAL”, PHYSICAL, BANG-ON-IT-WITH-A HAMMER “reality” might not exist?  Think I am blowing metaphysical sunshine up your epistemological skirt?  It is VERY important to any enterprise that we agree on the starting point and our own science is based upon being able to “recreate initial conditions”.  So far the examination of nature has only shown us our ignorance.  That is good news.  It opens the realm of possibility.  I think a little more open hearted latitude is called for.  A little less Hadron collider a little more make sure everyone has food (sit down Monsanto, I wasn’t talking to you). ~L

 “Retrograde planets are also there to bring us opportunities that were intended for us that we either missed or ignored… So they can function as if we are being given a second chance too.

So… This week we have:
Mercury: (communication & transportation)…
Pluto: (transformation)…
Saturn: (long term growth)…
Mars: (energy and action)…
Jupiter: (learning and justice)…

Princes’ Chart and Saturn Returns...
They happen when you are around 28 years old… And again, when you are around 58 years old…

It’s not just the Saturn Return…

There is also a very powerful T-Square with Jupiter (over-indulgence) opposing Neptune (illusions and drugs) in conflict with Saturn (long term direction and prosperity)… It’s a very good reminder for all of us to re-examine the pressure and stress we are under and what we can do to “vent” that negative energy.”
0(+> I am conscious.  I am love. <+)0

         The last quarter moon is also called the third quarter moon. Contrast the illuminated sides of the first quarter and third quarter moons to see that the greater area of dark maria covers the third quarter moon. Image via NASA/Bill Dunford.

The last quarter moon is also called the third quarter moon. Contrast the illuminated sides of the first quarter and third quarter moons to see that the greater area of dark maria covers the third quarter moon. Image via NASA/Bill Dunford.

The last quarter moon is slightly less bright than the first quarter moon. That’s because illuminated side of the last quarter moon is more covered over by maria – low lying plains of hardened volcanic basalt. The dark maria reflect sunlight less effectively than do the lighter-colored lunar highlands.  The terminator – shadow line dividing the lunar day and night – shows you line of sunset on the waning moon. It’s along the terminator that you have your best views of the lunar terrain through binoculars or the telescope.  The moon won’t rise over your eastern horizon till late tonight, likely after midnight. Given clear skies, you should easily see the moon in the morning sky, even after sunrise, on April 30.

Look for the moon at or near its last quarter phase on the morning of April 30. (it falls in the sign of Aquarius.~L)

         Moonrise on April 23, 2016 by Scott Kuhn.

Rise of the April, 2016, full moon by Scott Kuhn of Chatsworth, Georgia.

This weekend’s full moon was the farthest full moon, and the smallest full moon of 2016. We’ve heard it called the micro-moon or mini-moon. Scott Kuhn captured this shot of the moon, and posted it to EarthSky Facebook.

Thanks, Scott!

This full moon came less than one day after reaching lunar apogee, the moon’s farthest point in its monthly orbit. It lay some 30 thousand miles (50 thousand km) farther from Earth than 2016’s closest full moon – a supermoon – due on November 14.

Read more about 2016’s smallest full

Mercury Ret

“Moon Mind Calendar

{April 25th to May 1st}

This Week’s Intention: Part of you is ready to awaken, the other part of you is resisting. Part of you is moving forward, while the rest of you is moving in reverse. Where are you in conflict with opening and closing? Seek to unite these opposing forces within. 

The week begins with a debilitated Moon sandwiched in between retrograde Saturn and Mars. This puts pressure on the emotional body and stirs conflicting feelings. Look for these conflict zones within your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.
Unify polarities. 
Heal inner conflicts.
Increase your power and clarity.”
 “the Waning Moon Cycle
{April 21st to May 6th}
The significance of this waning cycle is a strange mix of beginnings and returns. The pull, the desire for something new will be strong, yet with four of the nine planets retrograde (six counting the nodes), returns and retracing your steps will be forced and obligatory. Your job is to find all those places within you that are resisting and refusing your inner growth

This is the path of yoga, union, and includes the integration of masculine and feminine polarities.”


Sun, Mercury and Venus in earthy Taurus

Quotes and picture from

Taking time to do nothing often brings everything into perspective. ~ Doe Zantamata

All creatures, all plants and flowers, all living things can continuously exist, grow and multiply without needing a dime.”
(This is such an important TRUTH, but one that we drown out EVERY day with what we perceive as the necessities of modern life.  Money is a CONCEPT, an intellectual construct inserted between me and the natural world which is abundant, complex and holds my REAL lessons.  If I give all my effort away to man-made systems of control, then is it any wonder I will have to spend so much time correcting myself?  Furthermore, how much does giving myself over to a CONFLICTED idea like money make me ill?  Can I flip the set on my longest held ideas about the nature of my reality? Just sayin’. ~L)

Maybe every once in a while we can take a break from doing everything faster and quicker to reflect on who we are and where we are going. ~ Joe Plumeri

a pair of spiral galaxies merging

“If you allow fear to dominate your thinking, then you’ll be so seduced by it’s logic you might not even realize you’re slipping under it’s spell. Listen to the wisdom of your worries without falling for their feelings of scarcity.” (Did you experience the scarcity or was the fear of it acquired?~L)

Julie Wilder at

  • It helps to remember that when we have this many retrograde planets, the world may appear or feel crazier than usual. Key word is “erratic” as retrogrades do not follow the traditional path, but that can be a good thing in terms of developing deeper insight and differing points of view to help us create new and innovative solutions to problems.
  • Keep in mind that we might be prone to changing our minds several times during these intense retrograde cycles, so this requires added caution and flexibilityin decision making processes.

When Mercury Retrogrades
Retrain all your thoughts,
they are endless reincarnations,
reawaken, realign to divine reverberations,
recommit to recombine all your studies and realizations,
recompute and reconcile remedy your tribulations,
reapprove, reunify and restore all your relations,
refortify and re-engage reinduce your aspirations,
reforest and recharge the deserts of imagination,
re-execute re-explore and re-enlist your revelations,
refocus and reforge retrofit your affirmations,
re-plan and redraw reaffirm your destinations,
reacquire, reconsign recover all your validations,
replenish, and relight reconfirm visualisations,
reword, rewind and resist old temptations,
rejoice, redistill and recite invocations,
redesign to revive and renew your cultivation,
to replant the garden of your dreams
                                                 M31 Adromeda Galaxy (now defunct~L)

“This week brings the second of six challenging aspects between Saturn and Pluto.  The last will occur in Nov. 2019.  The effects of this aspect have been in the air for over a year already.  This pair, as all planets, has both positive and negative sides.  On the bright side we have work which is both hard and transforming.  On the dark side, we see those who have claimed demigod status and are mean, even vicious, to all others.  On the personal level, it requires that you work really hard to hold onto your personal power in the face of circumstances that are not at all conducive to your use of it.  Be creative.  When this is over, the winners will be those who have adapted and honed their solutions to a fine science.  Those with a little bit of power are likely to exploit it well beyond what it is worth.”

Twists and Turns

The breakdown to the breakthrough of Mercury going retro is bringing the unconscious to consciousness in Taurus.   THE MATERIAL aspects of your life including but not limited to: personal perspective, talents and soul-skills, personal assets, personal possessions and what YOU PERSONALLY VALUE all come up for retrofit.  Can I value my spiritual talents and cash in on them, too?Is getting personally rich helping us gain a better planet?  Does the planet/spirit/cosmic perspective factor into your future material plans?  Are the stubborn aspects of my life since July 2015: the “zombie” persona released?  Can I accept and RECEIVE that is WAS NOT a raw deal I got, IT WAS A COURSE CORRECTION TOWARD HARMONY?  CAN I LIE BACK AND RECEIVE, ALLOW and GET OUT OF THE WAY?  CAN I TRUST SPIRITUAL BEAUTY?  Where do I find faith?  Can I accept a magical, gorgeous life and esteem myself enough to allow what seems impossible?  Can I receive what is offered graciously?  Am I ready to leave the depleted, spiritual starvation behind?  Am I ready to move beyond my pain addiction and into a SACRED RELATION TO MY LIFE?~L

“In Hindu astrologyVakri grahas are those planets of the Solar System other than the Sun and the Moon that appear to move backwards, which apparent motion is due to earth’s orbit. Vakri in Sanskrit means twisted or crooked; it also means indirect, evasive and ambiguous. A Vakri graha is also known as the Saktha graha. Vakragati confers exceptional strength (i.e. Cheshtabala –-A planet’s cheshta bala is the strength which is obtained by the virtue of its movement. ), to Vakra grahas whose strong influence is expressed by the manner they affect the Natal Chart and by their transits. The two Lunar Nodes have perpetual retrograde motion.”

Vakra Asana in Yoga twists the body from back to front. Usually these asana are done to strengthen the spine and make them flexible. The potential of the retrograde planets is to be flexible, to twist things around, to make them unclear, to teach messages in an indirect way, to view life in a different way to others. By doing it correctly they can strengthen themselves and become adaptable, original, innovative and different. On the negative side they can be twisted thinkers, crooked and dishonest. The individual can deal with the quality of their retrograde planets in a positive manner or can use their potential in a totally negative way. The essence is there to do good or bad in the planet but it is up to the individual to use this in the right way.”
Do I love this? Yes, I do.  It is the Vedic, Cosmic Prime Directive.~L
Cosmic Spiral
“I feel intuitively that this quarter moon will be a culmination and a beginning and a checkpoint all at the same time. We’re on the road to find out, as Cat Stevens would say. My best advice is to stay flexible and free from thoughts that say this is how it will be. The place we inhabit may be well-worn and familiar, but there is always something new, something unforeseen, something sparkling just below the horizon. Keep yourself occupied, chin up, life is good.
Protect the throat chakra: There are some simple things you can do to protect yourself energetically from harmful outside influences. The throat chakra is a portal of communication, the link between thoughts and speech. For those who are particularly sensitive, this chakra may easily become depleted without proper care. One option is to wear a scarf if you’re not already in the habit. Alternatively, place your fingers gently over your lips if you are in a situation where you have to listen to something unpleasant. This may be done in conversation or when traveling through a crowded space, for example. Visualize a bubble of bright turquoise light enveloping the throat. You may also enjoy keeping the ears covered with a hat or headband. Experiment and find something that works for you.”
“You’re not a salmon, don’t fight this current.  You can use this new direction best if you rest and let it in.  If you push over the next 2 months and act like you know (ego), you will exhaust yourself.  Respect the higher purpose of time to reconsider course correction and gain a different perspective that will make ALL THE DIFFERENCE.  Allow the adjustment to occur.  there is a broader perspective waiting for you at the end of these retrogrades.  We have expanded a lot, it’s time to honor the retraction.”
~ paraphrased from Mama Maga of

Twisty yoga and simple calm,
Thursday noon, Saturday 10:45am.
Love abides,
PS.  The blog (still under construction) is here

Full moon in Libra (Vedic) Scorpio (tropical) Thursday, April 21 11:23pm

“Moon Mind
{April 18th to 24th}

This Week’s Intention: Harmonize extremes, find balance within.
Where are your inner conflicts keeping you from the nourishment you crave?
What external mirrors are showing you where your internal disharmony is?
Seek unity, seek yoga.”


“Hanuman” by Susan Seddon Boulet, 1989

“Hanuman illuminates the infinite strength and courage we hold within us when we are resolved in faith, love, and devotion, and in many parts of India, this Full Moon will be celebrated as his birthday. On this Full Moon of HanumanSwati (the area of the sky – or Nakshatra of this full moon ~L) challenges us to hold fast to our decisions, and to elevate the “monkey mind” (that craves distraction) to the one pointed devotion of Hanuman.

Ask yourself the questions that Swati, also known as the star of self-inquiry, illuminates: Who are you and what really stirs your heart? What gets your blood pumping?  Where do you belong? This Full Moon challenges us to dive headfirst into our personal power—often a daunting task—and to stand firm in our truth.

Vayu, the Vedic God of Wind, rules over the Nakshatra of Swati, blowing his creative life force, or prana, through everything on earth. The power he wields is beyond measure, for he is the animator that inspires our very hearts to beat and our blood to flow. He fuels our devotion, strength, and courage, and his son, the monkey godHanuman, is considered to be the embodiment of perfect devotion, surrender and selfless service.

On this Full Moon, call on the son of the spring winds – Hanuman – to help you harness your power and courage.  If you’re flexible and determined, this Full Moon can reinvigorate your soul’s purpose and carry you in the direction of your dreams.”

“Newsflash: the only obstacles between you and your desire are ones you can effectively address with honesty, kindness and a brave heart.”~by Katt at

"Obstruction" by Eugenia Loli

Obstruction by Eugenia Loli

“This month, Mars and Pluto seemingly ‘stand still’ in the sky at the same time. The challenge in that is to conquer a fear of being beaten by a bigger power”

(I have decided to remember that the only power others have over me is that which I have given them.  I am consciously choosing not to fight, become attached or struggle.  I am choosing to calmly, quietly and with deep gratitude, accept my power back.  I’m not gonna stand there in my underwear looking at the train wreck any longer.  Imana stretch under the rainbow.~L)

In this photo, the shadow of the photographer’s head – bottom, center – marks the center of the rainbow circle. This double rainbow was captured in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska. Image via Eric Rolph at Wikimedia

“Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are all retrograde (looks like they are moving backwards)… To give you a quick idea, if you consider

Pluto deals with things like transformation

Saturn deals with establishing order and value

Jupiter’s energy is there to bring new understanding and justice

and Mars just wants action… hehe…

So when all of these planets are retrograde, it’s like the rules are suspended and many will start to act in some rather strange ways… And ways they may regret later on.  This week’s chart is one that is based more upon our own choices and attitudes… The tension aspects are there to help show us what is wrong and the harmony aspects are there to show us how to fix them… So we have the best of both worlds workin’ for us right now…”~Daniel Dowd of

Learn more at

Hanuman humps a mermaid
While on the way to a heroic quest, the impetuous Hanuman catches a bit of strange. (in most tales Hanuman is celibate, but in one he is loved by a beautiful mermaid.  I think he deserves every happiness~L)

“There is certainly no
clear simple solution now.

Anyone who presents one
is either naive
or full of it.

It is often unwise
to act impulsively
during a retrograde station of Mars,
mainly because there is often
an irresistible urge to push forward.

People with a low impulse control
panic that they’re going to be left behind
that they’ve been to compliant,
too laid-back,
and too easy-going.

Others seem to act
more decisively and effectively.
They know when to speak
and when to shut up.
They’ve learned when to speed up
and when to slow down.
Those who jump the gun
are desperate to confront,
prove themselves, make their mark,
and regain some position of dominance,
however untimely or inappropriate
their aggression may be.

It is all too easy to twist a current situation,
even if your perceptions are correct,
and distort it and rationalize acting out
to assert some sort of
cockeyed dominance over a situation
that has nothing to do
with the internal process you are experiencing.”

(Seems like a good time to SLOW DOWN.~L)

File:Hanuman and Mermaid Suvannamaccha.jpg

“The cosmos is currently rallying (slapping us around~L) for us to wake and to live as if our stories have never been told. That we might look to each new day with wonder for what lies ahead so that our Souls can be free. Free from fear, skepticism, and hate. Free of stalemates that keep us un-integrated within. Free from the pain we inflict on ourselves, and each other. Free from our self-defeating ways (this is the knuckle–the crucial shadow work, I think~L). Go deep with your investigation, dear reader, and be brave. Know that what you find, no matter how scary or undesirable, is just another gem in the dark caverns of your imperfect self to be revered. Take a look at all that you are with a fresh set of loving eyes, and hold the world at large with that same loving gaze. Unravel, and be humble. Your life was meant to be lived. Live it uninhibited.”

AR2529 on April 12, 2016 by Abhinav Singhai in New Delhi, India.

AR2529 on April 12, 2016 by Abhinav Singhai in New Delhi, India.   (Doesn’t look like a mango to me.~L)

“There are only two Gods with the power to control the nine planets, especially the influence of Saturn. Lord Hanuman is one of them. His powers are so great that even Saturn fears to influence him or his devotees. Those who pray to Hanuman are not troubled by the planets, as all nine planets are deeply indebted to Hanuman.

Montage of our solar system.  Image Credit: NASA/JPL

Group photo!!~L  Our moon is beautiful!!!

He is considered the hero of heroes, as well as the servant of servants. He is totally selfless and without his own agenda. His power is so great that he seems to control Saturn with his tail, but really he controls Saturn with his love. Saturn loves and respects Hanuman so much that he cannot bring himself to harm those who are under his protection.” (need to mention that this site does not agree with our timing of Hanuman’s birthday.  puts it at Jan 9th, also wants to sell you “power rituals to rewrite your destiny”.  I’m going with the “other parts of India”.~L)

“The Venus/Uranus conjunction happens close to the Scorpio Full Moon (April 21st or 22nd, depending on your time zone). The surprise or abrupt change of priorities will be aligned with this Moon’s all or nothing culmination. In keeping with Scorpio’s uncompromising intensity, there may be a total ending or complete commitment to going further. Authenticity will be the theme. Pluto Rx amplifies the vibe of the inward journey and unavoidable truth.

Note that this Moon will make a tense inconjunct to Ceres in Aries. Ceres is about nurturing, mothering and loss, although Ceres in Aries emphasizes a new chapter. The birth of a new issue or idea will demand attention in a discordant way.”

“Don’t be reactive. Assert yourself from a clear sense of knowing, and if you can’t do that, at least play it cool. Breathe through your impulses, so your fears don’t run into hyperdrive.”


“We are powerful beyond measure, and so deeply vulnerable at the same time. This may seem like a dichotomy, but it isn’t. We have misunderstood real power. It has been something assertive, non-surrendering, pushing on through. This is not real power. This is simply willfulness. Real power is something else – – receptivity, openness, the courage to keep your heart open on the darkest of days, the strength to feel it all even when the odds are stacked against you. Real power is showing up with your heart on your sleeve and absolutely refusing to waste one moment of your life hidden behind edginess and armor.”~Jeff Brown by way of

“When Hanuman was just a little monkey god, he was completely enamored by the sun, because he thought the sun was, in fact, a giant mango.   He bent his knees deeply and sprung from the earth toward the sun with his mouth wide open. When he made it to the sun’s height, he took the whole sun into his mouth at once.   The more he tried to chew it, the more he failed and the more his mouth was burned (“Hanuman” translates as “one with the broken jaw”).

Some years later, Hanuman was considering teachers in preparation for his service to Lord Ram, and his mother brings up the possibility of Surya becoming his teacher. “I’m sure Surya has forgotten about the whole mango incident. Go to him and ask him if he will teach you the Vedas”.

Is this Hanuman who came to celebrate the birthday of his beloved Rama and who blesses those who celebrate his Master?

Is this Hanuman who came to celebrate the birthday of his beloved Rama and who blesses those who celebrate his Master?~awakening

Surya was not swayed to teach Hanuman. “I’m afraid I don’t have the time to teach you. I have to keep the universe lit. I have many things to attend to and can’t afford to slow down for the sake of your studies.”  Due to the abilities Indra bestowed upon him (after breaking his jaw to get his mouth off the sun~L), Hanuman felt he was up for the task. “Well what if you didn’t have to slow down any of your activities. I’ll keep up with you.” (real power~L)

This is the mythological origin of the sun salutation. If you think about the structure of the sun salutation, there is always a sense of moving backward, as you hop or step back to chaturanga, into upward dog and then back to downward dog. There is a movement energetically from the front to the back of the mat. It is said Hanuman kept up with Surya through these Surya namaskars.

At the end of their time together, Hanuman asked Surya how he would like to be compensated for his Vedic training, but Surya refused any compensation, saying that the offering of a truly dedicated student was reward enough. Hanuman replied, “Then I give you my gratitude and my (sun) salutations”.  Surya, the symbol of Hanuman’s biggest mistake (confusing the sun for a mango) turns out to be his greatest teacher.”~Jacob Kyle at Embodied Philosophy

This artist's concept puts solar system distances in perspective. The scale bar is in astronomical units, with each set distance beyond 1 AU representing 10 times the previous distance. One AU is the distance from the sun to the Earth, which is about 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers.  NASA's Voyager 1, humankind's most distant spacecraft, is around 125 AU.  Image via NASA/JPL-Caltech

This artist’s concept puts solar system distances in perspective. The scale bar is in astronomical units, with each set distance beyond 1 AU representing 10 times the previous distance. One AU is the distance from the sun to the Earth, which is about 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers. NASA’s Voyager 1, humankind’s most distant spacecraft, is around 125 AU. Image via NASA/JPL-Caltech.

“With three major planets now retrograde (Saturn, Mars and Jupiter) you are being asked to make multiple returns. Expect to be revisiting physical and spiritual bodies in new ways, though the emotional body will be your most potent guide. Inner conflicts may increase as Sun and Venus are exalted simultaneously, however this will be mirrored to you through external conflicts. Who are you blaming or accusing? These battles are within you. Seeking integration with your polarities is the only path for unity.

April 21st: Full Moon in Libra + Swati Nakshatra.

April 24th: Venus moves to Aries. *Free* Full Moon Creative Ritual     Class. Join the Class List.

April 28th: Mercury Retrograde.”

“A new chapter in your journey of self-assertion, discernment and healing. 

Sometimes Love smooths over the rough, jagged edges.
And at other times it says – I´ve tried my best – it´s the same dynamic over and over again – *waves goodbye* – and keeps on walking.
As attached as you may be to the message, or the words you use – be detached to the response you get.
As that has nothing to do with you, whatsoever.
Given other dynamics in the sky, for many – I would see the ´walking away from crap´ theme probably the more dominant expression of this energy.
You are what you are.
Take it or leave it.
As far too many of us have compromised far too much.
Just be clear about your energy, and resist the temptation to get hostile or defensive if someone chooses to see you differently.
There is of course a space for healthy communication and deep sharing that allows transformation to happen.
Some of you will see those opportunities emerge as well, over the next few weeks.
But – remember – it takes to two tango.”(Had to think of you, Debra & John.~L)

The mantra for Scorpio moon is:


“Om Angarakaya Namaha”

(Om An-ga-ra-ka-ya Na-ma-ha)

This mantra is to call to the lord of peace and removal of any obstacles in your way.

The intention of this mantra is to keep us in balance; from losing our even nature through darkness and unfocused energy.

Please remember that I am NOT an astrologer. Rather, I am a Vedic reader, a discipline which incorporates Astronomy, Astrology and Vedic tendencies to build the most accurate readings which lead the pathway to change and self-reliance. (Just loved this–really speaks to what Vedic philosophy does for me.~L)

May the light of the moon help you discover yourself and be one with yourself.

Please remember this is a intense full moon try not to make hasty decision as you will later regret it.

Maharani Rutan©

Ophiuchus (standing over the Scorpion) teaches us to recognize that power is not something outside of self and gaining it is not attempting to control our external world and the people in it, but is through the art of self-mastery to claim the power within self. This requires an inversion in consciousness from being a victim of our life experience to being a creator of it. This flip in consciousness is not merely attained by changing how we think, although that can open the path to it. It is the result of doing the inner work, physiologically, emotionally and mentally that changes our vibrational


So, this is our unique opportunity.  There are trines (harmonious aspects), t-squares (challenging aspects) a full moon (illuminating, culminating energy) and more than the fair share of cosmic chaos swirling all around us.  This is our time to shine what we have been practicing and see if it serves us.  As a matter of fact, this is the perfect time to evaluate the utility of ANY tool.  Not for judgements’ sake, but for lightening the load.

Cosmically, we are catapulted into the future while inundated with images and traumas from the past.  It is time to decide how well we are letting go of the behaviors and impulses we did not intend to collect.  The reactions and triggers foisted on to us by trauma and fear must be unsentimentally released.  Ironic that this is best achieved by the illumination of fear and shadow, no?  It will be easier now to release.  That is GOOD NEWS.

We can master ourselves BEST, our lunar philosophy will argue, when we can see where we are lying to ourselves and not walking our talk.  We return to trust when we question WHY we put the mask on to begin with, when we see the subtle forces that encouraged us to build the walls, to mistake false security for power.  There is no need to condemn or judge here, just to question, see both sides and sink into the softness of the center: the place between head and heart where we can access BOTH.  

This moon is unaspected (an unusual and subtle point) except for the sun in Taurus, as full moons are always oppositions.  So this energy is given to extremes.  It could go either way here.  Scorpio is given to extremes as well, so it’s a good time to ask yourself: what would a relation of TRUST, LOVE and GENUINE DESIRE FOR INTIMACY look like, between any extreme polarities you may face?  May you have many examples in your life to refer to, as I am grateful to have so many in mine.  

Thursday and Saturday classes will center (punny) on Hanumanasana (the ultimate push – pull polarity) to celebrate his natality and his example of strength, devotion and perseverance.  Jai Hanuman!  Then we will engage a deep release of head, neck and shoulders to honor his bridging the gap as we prepare to take our own leap into the soft center between head and heart.


“Hanuman’s second leap (after the mango incident~L), the leap to Sri Lanka, came during his journey to find Sita.  Hanuman is with a group of buddies looking for Sita, and encounters a slight obstacle in his search – the ocean.  Hanuman feels defeated and believes that his mission to find Sita has failed; but, just when he wants to give up, his friend Jambavantha reminds him who he is.  He sings Hanuman’s praises, and Hanuman remembers his own powers and leaps across the ocean. ~ (Never mind that his obstacles increased and included Sita not wanting to be rescued.  Celebrate the leap!~L)

What happens when you go for the mango?


First Quarter Moon Thursday Navratri Ends Saturday. YOU ARE NOT LATE. YOU HAVE ARRIVED.

Moon Mind

{April 11th to 17th}
This Week’s Intention: Allow the divine feminine to move you, shape you and re-create you. Open, respond, awaken and surrender. Where is your rigidity keeping you resistant to receiving? Where are you saying ‘no’ to more nourishment and abundance from life?
Moon is waxing as the Navaratri celebrations continue. The Vedic New Year continues to unfold with the wisdom of the Divine Mothers, Lakshmi and goddess Saraswati offer nourishment through health and wisdom, abundance and creative power.  Sun jump starts a new cycle this week as it moves into its sign of exaltation, Aries. Mars goes retrograde, inviting in a new way of working with your inner warrior.
April 13th: Sun moves to Aries, its sign of exaltation + new Solar Cycle begins!  


April 15th: Vasant Navaratri Ends + Raam Navami.
April 16th: Mars Retrograde.
April 21st: Full Moon in Libra + Swati Nakshatra. 
In the spring, Navaratri marks the “waking up” of the devis or the goddesses, of Shakti; the aspects of Natural Law that enliven growth, abundance, prosperity, learning, well being, change and transformation. In the fall, Navaratri invites in destruction, removal, change, transformation and healing. The goddessesDurga, Saraswati and Lakshmi symbolize these parts of life and Nature, while also being parts of our own innate beingThe three of them together represent our wholeness, the trinity of life, alive in and around usThese three goddesses also connect to Shakti, the goddess who gives the spark of life to every being, to Nature, and to existence.
Life is full of polarities.
What emerges when two opposing forces merge and co-create? 
In the Expressive Art Therapy realm, we call this “the Third”. Some know it as the Transcendent, or simply the emergentThe Masculine and Feminine energies are intimately related to how well you can receive nourishment in your life.  The Masculine wants containment and structure. The Feminine needs expansion and fluidity. 
How can these opposing forces find harmony? 
(Maybe like this?~L)

And, in other news, the sun is sporting a giant bindi for Navratri. Way to support your goddess, Surya.
Bernie McGee in Scotland caught this image at sunset on April 11, 2016. He wrote: Bernie McGee in Scotland caught this image at sunset on April 11, 2016. He wrote: “Didn’t realize when I took this that I’d captured a massive sunspot! :))”

The sun is now moving toward a minimum in the 11-year solar cycle, and spots on the sun’s surface have been few and far between. But, in recent days, a giant spot has come into view on the sun. Dubbed Active Region 2529, it is many times the size of  This showed up on the 6th day or Goddess Katyayani’s day of worship. In Hindu traditions like Yoga and the Tantra, she is ascribed to the sixth Ajna Chakra or the ‘Third eye chakra’, and her blessings are invoked by concentrating on this point.[1]  

You can’t make this stuff up.

View larger. | Eliot Herman in Tucson caught Aldebaran and the moon in daylight, just as the star was about to disappear behind the moon's disk.

Eliot Herman in Tucson was struggling with incoming clouds when caught Aldebaran and the moon in daylight, just as the star was about to disappear behind the moon’s disk. The star can be seen in the lower right of the (Aldebaran is my bindi.~L)

Just to sum up; that’s the Sun and the Moon wearing bindis. (sort of)~L

Happy Navratri, yo.

Mars, known to the Romans as the god of war (in Greece he was Aries~L), goes retrograde on April 17 and remains so until June 29. Historically, those who draw a sword or attempt to expand power during these periods eventually find it turned against themselves.   In our personal lives we are well advised to avoid extending our boundaries or initiating “war” on any front. The defendant, not the aggressor, will win in any conflict as long as the god of war moves backward and it doesn’t matter how big or right the initiator may be. When Mars is retrograde we are well advised against filing suit, hunting for game or opting for elective surgery (a different type of sword.)

Artist’s rendition of a solar storm hitting Mars and stripping ions from the upper atmosphere.  (Interesting to note that the planet of war has been so embattled with the sun and other objects that it has lost it’s atmosphere, water and habitable terrain.~L)

 Mars partners with older brother Pluto, who will be retrograde as well the following day, and together they work in tandem to facilitate your growth moving forward, not superficially but deeply, and with serious evolution in mind. Pluto tells Mars exactly what you need at each juncture, and then it is Mars’ job to put it all in motion. Allow yourself to slow down and cruise for a while, integrating all that is illuminating those vital honest pathways.  If you tune in, an expansion of your awareness will occur, and from there, you will be able to activate a solid way  forward into your desired future!
Mars Retrograde Happens Every Two Years
The two planets are like race cars on an oval track. Earth has the inside lane and moves faster than Mars — so much faster, in fact, that it makes two laps around the course in about as much time as it takes Mars to go around once.

About every 26 months, Earth comes up from behind and overtakes Mars. While we’re passing by the red planet this year, it will look to us as though Mars is moving up and down. Then, as we move farther along our curved orbit and see the planet from a different angle, the illusion will disappear and we will once again see Mars move in a straight line.

This apparent erratic movement is called “retrograde motion.” The illusion also happens with Jupiter and the other planets that orbit farther from the sun.

Just to make things a little more odd, the orbits that Earth and Mars follow don’t quite lie in the same plane. It’s as if the two planets were on separate tracks that are a little tilted with respect to each other. This causes another strange


Under any Pluto transit, we feel pressured to eliminate and release the old, outworn, outdated and obsolete in our lives. When Pluto is transiting retrograde, we are urged to let go of attitudes, thinking or communication patterns, security drives, rigid emotions; a time to undergo an internal form of house cleaning.  The powers of regeneration are far greater when retrograde. People with a natal retrograde Pluto have a tremendous ability to overcome major illnesses that might otherwise cause permanent disability. Remember, retrograde motion is always directed toward inner activity such as the psyche or psychological patterns that affect the physical body. Direct motion, on the other hand, is directed towards external circumstances.
Image result for the god pluto
Pluto retrograde marks a time wherein we should seek to gain greater control over our personal life; Pluto direct is better for gaining control over professional and financial
Venus and Mars conjunct in Aries: All's Fair in Love and War
Dissonance is resolved with consonance (well, really it’s resolution~L) in both music and life, and we continually flow from one to other in the evolutionary process.   Pain and suffering result when we resist that flowing, so let’s keep moving that energy!  Whenever we exclude an aspect of ourselves, society, or humanity, it grows angry and returns to force us into looking at ourselves to find the fear that pushed us to create that separation, hence, discord!  The more we accept and include all of creation the less discord we have….. wow….. now that’s a BIG job (but could be fun). ~Kaypacha (Tom Lescher) at new 
Metatrons Cube
Aries Sun squares the Moon in Cancer 13 April 2016
The week between the first quarter and full moon (Apr 14–22) is the most potent of the lunar cycle. This is when we need to think long and hard about how we are conducting our life.  From Aries we learn to be dynamic and fearless, and from Cancer the importance of compassion.  Aries is bursting with physical and sexual energy. With Venus in Aries, nothing comes fast enough. We stamp our little sheep hooves and demand MORE. In her natural habitat, Venus is calm, balanced and thoroughly feminine, but Aries is impulsive, reckless and undeniably masculine. Venus represents our relationship to others, Aries to the Self.  The purpose of this quarter moon is healthy and open emotional expression (Cancer) concerning plans and intentions of an active/masculine nature (Aries)

April, number 13 and the Moon

April: 4th month of the year = 4
Year: 2016 (2 + 0 + 1 + 6) = 9
Universal Energy for April 2016: (4 + 9) 13 = 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                             The number 13 (through the 13 spheres of Metatron’s Cube)
In 2016 April is a 13 Universal Month of genius, breakthroughs, transformation and empowerment. 13 governs the divine feminine, the Moon’s cycles and awakens the internal power you have for spiritual catharsis.
  • There are 13 weeks in any season, which make up the 4 x 13 = 52 weeks in the year.
  • The lunar calendar was based on these 13 weeks.
  • The 52 card deck was created to track the lunar calendar – an ancient card deck comprised of 4 suits representing the 4 seasons, with 13 cards each, representing the 13 weeks in each season, and 52 cards total – each representing one week in the year.
  • There are 13 lunations in one year.
  • The Moon covers approximately 13 degrees in one day.
  • 13 adds up to the root number 4, manifesting and grounding ideas into reality.

    By merging the number 13 into important historical narrative, the feminine was included into the storyline – even when women were excluded from power:

    • Jesus plus 12 apostles = 13
    • 12 Knights at the Round Table plus King Arthur =13.
    • The original colonies in that formed the United States numbered 13.

    The month of April in 2016 is a 13 Universal Month in numerology, so you’ll be guided to embrace your sensitive, intuitive nature – your instincts, your gut feelings, to let go and

 13. The archetype of the Olympian of Obstacles.

It’s known as a number of transformation because – if you are focused enough to not fall for the trap of the short cut – you can become an alchemist; turning ordinary and frustrating hardship into something absolutely magnificent.  In crisis, I became obsessed with the elephant-God Ganesh. I remember thinking, ‘There is nothing more powerful than Ganesh. He is strong. He is persevering. He can remove and bust through any blockage or boulder that comes in my way and turn it into gold.’

The numerological 13 to a tee; positive expression, towing no weapons, even in an environment of resistance.

You have already faced it so far this year I am sure; that wall of fear. A desire or yearning has brought you to its destiny-barrier where you are facing your deepest doubts of capability.

‘Should I turn back? Should I give up? Can I really do this? Did I make the wrong decision to shoot so high?

Anything but this. Anything but the pain of not being taken care of; of not being held; of feeling negativity from every angle.

Ganesh! WHERE ARE YOU?!!!!’

Don’t give up or turn back. The calling is there for one reason, and one reason only: YOU ARE DESIGNED FOR THIS.

That luminous relationship, incredible dream job, thrilling vitality or creative endeavor. It is in escrow right below the layer of fear. It is waiting for you. (IT IS YOU.~L)

Those who have come before you and succeeded simply allowed the discomfort to be there. And you can, too. Hold steadfast and the new world will

Chaitra Navratri is an auspicious Hindu festival which is solely dedicated to the worship of Goddess Durga. This festival holds lots of importance for the entire Gujarati, Bengali and Maharashtrian communities. Navratri itself symbolizes victory over evil.  According to some popular legends, devotees believe that Lord Shiva granted permission to his wife Goddess Durga for seeing her mother for just nine days. During that time, Goddess Durga demolished demon Mahishasura. Hence Goddess Durga aka Kali is represented as a symbol of shakti – the ultimate strength. It is also said that Maa Durga has eternal divine power, which can never be created nor

Saraswati Awahan, Kalaratri Puja, Saptami – Thursday April 13, 2016

Sri Durga Mahaashtami, Saraswati Puja – Friday April 14, 2016

Chaitra Navratri ends – Ram Navratri Day 9 –  Saturday April 15, 2016

Image result for kalaratri images

Right!  SO, this is a big time (as usual) astrologically.  I think it’s best just to focus on the Sun and Moon square because of it’s potency (archetypal masculine and feminine ongoing theme) and the retrogrades, “On April 17th, Mars makes a station, turning retrograde, at 8°54′ Sagittarius. The next day, Pluto also stations, at 17°29′ Capricorn. That’s two potentially scary planets, both getting very intense at the same time.” (by the way, this is RARE, I’m told.~L)

Image result for ram navratri 2016
I’m going to read this as if my dynamic, fearless inner warrior and my compassionate, mothering inner goddess chose to go slay a dragon together.  They have been trekking for two years and the dragon’s lair is in sight across a raging whitewater river.  The warrior wants to hie their combined asses across those white caps YESTERDAY and the goddess has blisters on her feet and thinks she might be pregnant.  Can she convince him that they need to strategize, sharpen their weapons and rest (and buy herself some time to get over her morning sickness–not to mention her mourning sickness)?
Can he appreciate all they have already achieved, fill his role as protector and strategist and haud his frickin’ wheesht for 3 months?
Victory is near.  Can we martial the inner battle, focus and be CRYSTAL clear about the object of our desire and patiently, CAREFULLY appreciate that THE UNIVERSE DOES NOT KEEP OUR SCHEDULES?  ‘Cause the fact is we live on ITS time and play by ITS rules.  (It might take 3 months until we can cheerfully get with that program.)  And we guess at what IT wants.  Might not be so bad to have a little slowdown to refine the plan, yo.
Image result for ram navratri 2016
Look ahead to the Sept 4 eclipse as your new launch date and for the love of all that’s holy, get your inner goddess a sandwich AND A NAP.
Navratri is victory.  Three months doesn’t seem like enough time to learn to trust, but that’s what is promised.
Thursday at Noon, Saturday at 10:45am, we’ll flow and then see if we cannot deeply, meaningfully relax and OPEN.
Sorry I’m so late this week, oh wait, I’m not late, I’ve ARRIVED.  Hope you can, too.
Mind your heart,
PS.  Once every decade or so, an amazing phenomenon takes place in the sky… Mercury, elusive messenger of the gods and notoriously hard-to-spot celestial object, becomes visible in broad daylight. On May 9th it will pass slowly across the face of the Sun… symbolising a wonderful turning

PPS. Jupiter and Saturn are already retrograde.  Mars joins them on the 17th, then Pluto on the 18th.  Mercury caves to peer pressure on the 28th.  What’s your hurry?  SLOW and LOW, it seems to go . . .


Last Quarter Moon of March 2016

Moon Mind
{March 28th to April 3rd}

This Week’s Intention: 
Stay grounded in your physical body wisdom. Continue to release and let go of stories and personal mythology that keep you stuck, unmotivated. Move into the receptive, your feminine center. Let Her emotional body wisdom support your truth. 

Moon is waning, yet still energized at the beginning of the week as it moves through the first half of the cycle. Fertility and creative energy continue to inspire the feelings emerging at this time. With Saturn now in retrograde motion, structure and stability are more important than ever. What steps can you take to increase your relationship with your root chakra needs? Venus moves to its sign of exaltation,
  • Thumbnail

    Pavlof volcano in Anchorage from the International Space Station.  I love earth!!!
    for the Waning Moon Cycle

    {March 23rd to April 7th}

    As the silence of spring arrives, a certain dynamic energy is awakening. The eclipse portal is sealing. The full Moon and lunar eclipse are behind us. The Holi festivities are winding down. The soil has been cleared. The seeds have been planted. Make your process intentional. Bring awareness to your growth. Own and honor this fresh start!

Mars, Saturn, Antares triangle
Mars, Saturn and the bright star Antares will make triangle in the night sky for months to come. Let the moon help you identity them in the next few mornings.

Polar hydrogen map of the moon’s northern hemisphere, showing the location of the moon’s ancient and present-day north pole. In the image, the lighter areas show higher concentrations of hydrogen and the darker areas show lower concentrations. Image via James Keane, University of Arizona; Richard Miller, University of Alabama at Huntsville. Polar hydrogen map of the moon’s northern hemisphere, showing the location of the moon’s ancient and present-day north pole. In the image, the lighter areas show higher concentrations of hydrogen and the darker areas show lower concentrations. Image via James Keane, University of Arizona; Richard Miller, University of Alabama at Huntsville.

The moon’s axis rotation – the imaginary stick around which the moon spins – has moved by at least six degrees, and that motion is recorded in ancient lunar ice deposits, according to new research. A physical change in the moon’s spin axis is known as True Polar Wander, and this is the first physical evidence that the moon has undergone it. The new paper was published in the journal Nature on March 23, 2016.

Image result for True Polar wander

What is retrograde Motion?

Sometimes the planets appear to change direction in the sky. This retrograde motion is entirely an illusion caused by the Earth passing the slower moving outer planets.

Typically, the planets shift slightly eastward from night to night, drifting slowly against the backdrop of stars. From time to time, however, they change direction. For a few months, they’ll head west before turning back around and resuming their easterly course. This is “retrograde motion”. Though it baffled ancient astronomers, we know now that retrograde planets are an illusion caused by the motion of Earth.

Animation of Mars in retrogradeAn animation showing the retrograde motion of Mars in summer of 2003. Credit: Eugene Alvin Villar (via Wikipedia)

You can test this the next time you pass a car on the highway. As you approach the slower car, it is clearly moving in the same direction you are. Right as you pull along side and pass it, however, the car appears to move backwards for just a moment. As you continue pulling away, the car resumes its forward motion.

The same thing happens as Earth passes the slower moving outer planets. When we pass Jupiter, for example, the gas giant appears to reverse course in the sky for a couple of

you can see how pretty much all of the planets (except Saturn) are all pretty much in one narrow band in the center…It creates very un-balanced conditions… When things are going well, they’ll seem to fall into place automatically… But then there are those times when even doing the simplest of things can become a project or a “PITA”… (pain in the ass)… hehe…

With all that being said, if you find yourself struggling and/or trying to force things into happening then chances are you would be wise to take a big step backwards and to “re-think” your ways, means and methods…
Jupiter Retrograde  January 7, 2016  May 9, 2016
Saturn Retrograde  March 25, 2016   August 13, 2016 (The one above is Saturn)
Mars  April 17, 2016 June 29, 2016
Pluto April 18, 2016 September 26, 2016
Mercury April 28, 2016 May 22, 2016

(Cosmic yellow light, yo.  Slow down coming’.~L)

Image result for jupiter retrogrades 2016
Retrogrades don’t bother me much.  I enjoy the opportunity to be more deliberate–and do be mindful, Socrates was made to drink poison by the “old”.  Pays to keep an eye on what is passing away until it’s well and truly gone.~L

Retrograde orbit: the satellite (red) orbits in the direction opposite to the rotation of its primary (blue/black)

Path of Earth and Moon around Sun[edit]

Sun earth moon.svg

When viewed from the north celestial pole, i.e. from the star Polaris, the Moon orbits Earth anticlockwise and Earth orbits the Sun anticlockwise, and the Moon and Earth rotate on their own axes anticlockwise.

The right-hand rule can be used to indicate the direction of the angular velocity. If the thumb of the right hand points to the north celestial pole, its fingers curl in the direction that the Moon orbits Earth, Earth orbits the Sun, and the Moon and Earth rotate on their own axes.

(in other words, our moon does not really retrograde, she does a “lunar standstill” thing, but it’s not the same illusion.  The right hand rule reminds me of a beautiful song by the Cowboy Junkies called “Crescent Moon”~L)

“Reach a hand to the crescent moon
Grab hold of the hollow
If she sits in the palm of the left
That moon will be fuller tomorrow
If she sits in the palm of the right
That moon is on the wane
And the love of the one who shares your bed
Will be doing just the same.”

Songwriter: MICHAEL TIMMINS  Crescent Moon lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Knowing who you are as an individual is further strengthened when Mercury meets Uranus in Aries on Thursday.
When these two meet synchronicity is heightened significantly. Repeating numbers are likely to show up out of nowhere at just the right time to give you that message or reminder you need. When coincidences show up repeatedly you can’t help but ask what it may mean for you.

your inner Light

The real you, the very core of you – is untouchable, unstoppable, and unlimited. And if you give yourself permission to allow even the smallest ray of your inner Light to glisten unimpeded, you would illuminate this world far greater than any moonrise ever (Could NOT resist him, looga dat tail!!!~L)

Your feelings are true

Stop minimizing and discounting your feelings. You have every right to feel the way you do. Your feelings may not always be logical, but they are always valid. Because if you feel something, then you feel it and it’s real to

(In our Laughter Yoga class last week, we explored the idea that an emotion has a biological basis rooted in old brain (limbic system) survival consciousness and is a response to stimulus. Feelings are learned behaviors, both personal and acquired, that are reasoned, thoughtful and deliberate (or in my case, self-justified).  Knowing who you are and living well, begins by knowing the difference between the two since how you feel about reality (worry, happiness, contentment and bitterness) can be practiced and changed, while emotions (like joy, fear, anger and lust) likely cannot, they happen FAST.~L)

A LAST QUARTER MOON occurs on Thursday, March 31, 2016, at 11:17 AM EDT.

On Thursday, a Last Quarter Moon is exact, when the Sun in Pisces forms a square with the Moon in Sagittarius. The Last Quarter Moon phase points to some sort of crisis of consciousness. After basking in the awareness symbolized by last week’s Full Moon, we disperse our knowledge and come to a point when we need to sort out what works for us–and what doesn’t–in preparation for next week’s New Moon, when something new is born once again. This is not the best time to start a major project, as the decreasing light of the Moon symbolizes a descent into unconsciousness. It’s time to begin finishing up the details of that which was conceived at the last New Moon. What revelations did you have last week? What did they mean for you? What can be done now?

This phase of the Moon occurs at 11 degrees and 20 minutes of Capricorn forming a square with the Sun at 11 degrees and 20 minutes of Aries, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 9 to 13 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) most

Moon phase cycle: Bigger picture:
Mar  8, 2016     8:54 PM  Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)
Mar 15, 2016    1:03 PM  Sun Square Moon (First Quarter Moon)
Mar 23, 2016    8:01 AM   Sun Opposition Moon (Full Moon)
Mar 31, 2016   11:17 AM  Sun Square Moon (Last Quarter Moon)
Apr  7, 2016     7:24 AM  Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)

When the Moon is in Capricorn Wednesday March 30th 11:46am

MoonCapricornrWe become aware of the need for structure and planning ahead. We also instinctively are aware of the limitations of time. We are motivated by a desire for success. Achievement and manifestation are most important to us now. We are resourceful and don’t want to waste time, energy, or resources. This can be a very sober influence–even a depressing one. However, it can also be a productive time when we look reality in the eye.

The Moon in Capricorn generally favors the following activities: Long-term activities that yield slow but steady results, practical undertakings, career issues, making a business plan, practical investments.

Moon Void of Course Friday April 1 from 10:40am to 7:38pm

When the Moon is in Aquarius Friday April 1, 7:38pm

MoonAquarius Attraction to all that is new and unusual, and an instinctive need for improvement, characterize the Moon in Aquarius. Reactions are more intellectual than emotional, and interactions are more impersonal than personal, under this influence. This is a time that promotes social gatherings, dealing with group ideals and goals for the future, brainstorming, new ideas, and progressive changes. We are open to new methods of doing things and we have our eye on the future. It can be hard to stick to schedules now, as personal freedom is most important to us.

The Moon in Aquarius generally favors the following activities: Unusual or radical undertakings, social pursuits, group projects, trying something new, joining a

Celtic Astrology: The Way of the Trees

The Celtic Calendar is a compilation of pre-Christian Celtic systems of timekeeping, including the Gaulish Coligny calendar, used by Celtic countries to define the beginning and length of the day, the week, the month, the seasons, quarter days, and festivals. The Gaulish Coligny calendar is possibly the oldest Celtic solar/lunar ritual calendar. The year was divided into a light half and a dark half.. Much of this is only described in a few Irish texts, none of which have been published or fully translated.

In Celtic (Druid) symbolism, the moon represents the subconscious mind and hidden matters while the sun represents the conscious mind. The moon is the repository of the subconscious mind where true knowledge of past lives resides. Using the lunar calendar, Celtic astrology unlocks your past life memories and other hidden mysteries. Each lunar calendar month, thirteen in all, is assigned a tree symbol. The trees’ energies are said to be revealed through the Tree Alphabet.

According to Ellis, the Celtic calendar was similar to the Vedic astrologycalendar. Another aspect of Celtic astrology is the animal symbols used to depict the conscious mind. When the animal symbols are used in conjunction with the tree signs, a bridge is formed between the conscious and subconscious mind. In Western Astrology, the zodiac would be considered sun sign.


Dates Alphabet Meaning Animal Crystal
Birch Dec. 24 – Jan. 20 Beth Achiever Stag Quartz
Rowan Jan. 21 – Feb. 17 Luis Thinker Cat Peridot
Ash Feb. 18 – Mar. 17 Nion Enchanter Snake Coral
Alder Mar. 18 – Apr. 14 Fearn Trailblazer Fox Ruby
Willow Apr. 15 – May 12 Saille Observer Cow Moonstone
Hawthorne May 13 – June 9 Uath Illusionist Seahorse Topaz
Oak June 10 – July 7 Duir Stabilizer Wren Diamond
Holly July 8 – Aug. 4 Tinne Ruler Horse Carnelian
Hazel Aug. 5 – Sept. 1 Coll Knower Salmon Amethyst
Vine Sept. 2 – Sept. 29 Muin Equalizer Swan Emerald
Ivy Sept. 30 – Oct. 27 Gort Survivor Butterfly Opal
Reed Oct. 28 – Nov. 24 Ngetal Inquisitor Wolf Jasper
Elder Nov. 25 – Dec. 23 Ruis Seeker Falcon Jet (for you, Claire.  Hope I got your email right this time!~L)

March 28
Waning Gibbous

March 29
Waning Gibbous


March 30
Waning Gibbous
Illumination: 61%

March 31
Waning Gibbous

April 1
Waning Crescent

TODAY – Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Moon today is in a Waning Gibbous Phase. This is the first phase after the Full Moon occurs. It lasts roughly 7 days with the Moon’s illumination growing smaller each day until the Moon becomes a Last Quarter Moon with a illumination of 50%. The average Moon rise for this phase is between 9am and Midnight depending on the age of the phase. The moon rises later and later each night setting after sunrise in the morning. During this phase the Moon can also be seen in the early morning daylight hours on the western horizon.

Phase Details for –  Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Phase: Waning Gibbous
Illumination: 61%
Moon Age: 21.07 days
Moon Angle: 0.51
Moon Distance: 393,407.38 km
Sun Angle: 0.53
Sun Distance: 149,453,280.01 km

So, to wrap it all up and give it a name.  Until Friday, the Sun in Aries squares the moon in Capricorn.  Aries is all, “get off the couch, I want action, stupid”.  Aries is crashing and bumping and a leader. who does not need followers.

Capricorn is like, “you, Aries are inappropriate and you are doing it wrong, anyway”.  Capricorn is proper and deliberate and a leader who follows the rules.  Not sentimental, emotions are boring to them.

Saturn in Sag is saying “this circus is a joke, I am taking over.  these leaders don’t lead, they aren’t even good entertainment.  I’m the leader I am waiting for.”

This masculine energy is very mental, guardian and ready to GO. ~adapted from Debra Silverman’s synopsis.  Love her site

Lots of movement, mental energy and lunacy.  So I think we will work with a mantra this week.  It will be, “I am enough, you are enough.”
Love Abides, Mas amor por favor,