Monthly Archives: July 2021

Tech Neck Yoga Workshop 8/1/2021 at 3pm MST: BOTH Live AND Online

This blog started in support of a Lunar Yoga class, which is slowly returning. *Stay tuned* follow/like and share. We do asana that are cycle appropriate and at this moment, when we have all been using forward-facing technologies for more than a year, more than ever before, it’s time to focus on releasing neck tension.

This class is accessible to every body, gentle and trauma-sensitive (to the best of my ability). No downdog, no plank pose and absolutely no neck circles!!! Yoganauts! Reassemble! It’s time.

Please feel free to join us at 513 Saddle Drive if you are in the 406 or online from ANYWHERE!

Register HERE!!!

I would be absolutely honored if you would join us.

Mind your heart, soothe your neck,


Full Moon in Tropical Aquarius, Vedic Capricorn 23 July 2021, 8:36pm MST: the end of denial

NOTE TO SELF: There's nothing wrong with the world. The world is perfect.  This is just what it takes to transform your soul.
Graphic showing Jupiter and Saturn through a telescope, getting closer between December 17 and 21, 2020.

This full moon occurs at the exact degree where Saturn and Jupiter conjoined on December of 2021. More ink and imagery has been spilled about this than any other celestial happening since the great American eclipse. I have tried to explain why here. There, I wrote: “Some accounts I read put it at June 2021 before a new and creative way of living is found that will accommodate the virus.” As I write now I think this was a conservative estimate. I failed to take into account the depth of our collective trauma and how long we would spiral in the self-destructive loop of numbing and denial of internal realization.

For good or for ill, Pluto’s opposition to the sun and conjunction to the full moon (remember ALL full moon’s are oppositions, the mid-point of the lunar cycle) will end the illusion for many people, that we have effectively dealt with the virus crisis. It’s peculiar and telling that Pluto is at the mid-point of it’s retrograde cycle here. Pluto is a symbol of death and rebirth, but significantly with Pluto, death comes first. Pluto opposing the sun? Ego death comes first. Then the void of knowing and grieving happens, only after that do we experience rebirth. What is false will die here. It is logical to assume that what is false will concern the virus given this repeating pattern. “I don’t know”, is a good mantra here. When I don’t know I err on the side of caution.

What does it mean for ego resistance to end? It may be like seeing with new eyes. given Saturn’s proximity to both luminaries and the nearness of the US’s Pluto return. I think it may have a lot to do with the rampant cult of materialism that is occluding our idealist aspiration as a nation founded in liberty. Anything that encourages the belief that reality (Saturn) is “out there” is only the smallest part of the story (and the most easily exploited and gaslit, as well). Our problems come from within and, as Leo season is about to starkly demonstrate, we have daddy issues. We want someone else to take responsibility for our survival, but as the People’s Oracle will remind us: SURVIVAL IS A SHARED BURDEN. Do not abandon your own perceptions. They are direct communication.

500+ Ganesh Pictures [HD] | Download Free Images on Unsplash

“There will be an answer. Let it be.”


(a wonderful reminder from the bampot’s IG page ;))

We have wondered and searched, pointed fingers and created foreverwar searching for a reason why the suffering and wrong relation persists even though we go to work, raise our children and obey the law. All of these thing we do, these things we are told by the cult of materialism are “good” exploit someone. Someone’s labor, resources or lives are taken so that we can live within culture’s gated community. We now fear the huddled masses we used to invite into our liberty. We are afraid to wake up from our sleep walking in “it is what it is” capitalism and do the work to change from a system that deals out death to one that nurtures life. We fear the work itself and our ability to do it correctly after so long out of relationship with ourselves in favor of dependence on the strongest daddy.

But let’s not kid ourselves, Yoganauts. We know that Saturn (the REAL daddy) will force the issue. Our responsibility, the Work, IS right relation with the planet and her inhabitants. If we don’t get it right there will simply be no place for us in the cosmos. Nature is not bothered by having to start the lesson over, that is what her henchman Pluto is for. The nature of nature is change and it is simply time for us as a species to grow tf up. We have no idea what it would mean, in our ignorance and pain to face each other, love each other and forgive each other. That is the opportunity in this crisis. Please take a moment to imagine what that could mean in your life, because your ability to do so will positively affect the whole. I promise you.

the tropical chart of the full moon

We tried thoroughgoing materialism and the experiment of Descartes’ angel to conquer nature with number and measure has failed. It was not a higher angel that spoke to him that night when he was a conscripted soldier fighting the alchemical revolutionaries that wanted to save Europe from the church. Maybe it’s time to try another approach. We could attempt to become the kind of creatures who are open and loving enough that a force like whatever animates life would forgive, work with and help. We could humble ourselves enough to return to the earth herself as a guide. We could, each of us, ask to be shown in our own lives, how we should spend our days and energy instead of always looking outside to some hierarchy to show us the way.

We could begin within, then in our neighborhoods and then in the land entrusted to us where things die in our honor every day. We could stop just “being grateful” and start acting like it. It may appease Saturn, it may satisfy Pluto. Most importantly though, reconciling with ourselves IN THE BODY (which IS nature) will have a direct impact on the environment. Only you know what that will mean in your life, but if you need a sign that it is time to get rid of any obstacles in your relationship with yourself; this moment is it. We need to confide in, work with and forgive ourselves if we want nature to confide in, work with and forgive us. The nature of nature is change and we are nature. We are the agency, the transformation and the change. This is why so much effort is spent to control us, convince us and keep us small.

Uranus in Taurus still applying pressure on Saturn is having none of it. The relentless outside will keep on coming until we order the house within. We are, slowly, too slowly, developing our relationship to pain. We will learn to relax with it. It is ubiquitous. Even though it may seem impossible, we can be with our pain. Stephen Hawking meditated. His meditations were mathematical, but if he can find a way to be with his pain than so can I. Pain is not our enemy. Pain is karma ripening. Pain is birth and death. Pain is returning again and again and again, disappointment after disappointment insisting on the good, the true and the beautiful. 7 times down, 8 times up.

The proverb is “Nana korobi, ya oki” which means “Fall down seven times, stand up eight.”
100 Ganesha ideas in 2021 | ganesha, ganesh images, shri ganesh
We are processes. Noticing and appreciating our sameness, our universal suffering is like the first dance that begins a romance. When we start to get ugly and separate and begin collecting grievances, we can remember the music we first danced to: our commonality, our suffering, our pain. The dislocation of the thought "there's something fundamentally wrong with me/with the world/with my love" is supported by the materialist point of view. It is a both/and world. You are the living incarnation of spirit taking form. I promise you that you are more than just a body. I swear to you that death is not the end of your truth, beauty and goodness.
sidereal chart of the full moon

Pluto is here to remind us that there is an end to separation from the oceanic unseen realm of spirit. The Lord of the Underworld is the ego’s shepherd: the perfect guide to show the ego it’s limitation. It is so important to remember that in this realm one of the higher powers is a lower power: death comes for us all. This story ends with death. Your death. Everything and your body, even at the highest articulation of life, is dying. Your ability to change your perception of that reality (Saturn) from horror and pain to relief and joy is what makes all the difference here. We are fortunate to stand on the shore of material existence as we enter the mysterious depth of death’s dissolution. Human incarnation is said to be the only way a soul can attain spiritual realization. The difference between tragedy and comedy is one act. Let’s make the time we have joyful.

Joseph Campbell describes the archetypes of the winged fish, the feathered serpent and Christ on the cross as symbols of mythic release. This is release from the story: to go willingly into the pain and suffering of earthly life. The highest use of the lifeforce is to stride boldly and bodily into the heartbreak of matter. To go, as Christ did to the cross, like a bridegroom to his bride. We are just such creatures, I promise you. We reach through the veil to bring divinity into dead matter. It is a romance. It is a dance. Will you keep dancing with the pain of it? Will you move with the ebb and flow of it’s joy and ache? Will you seduce and embrace it’s darkness, knowing it can never taint your immortal soul or do you, even now, fear that it will turn you to stone? To dust? To ash?

Pratipaksha bhavana is the yogic practice of turning things around, cultivating and observing duality as a way to collapse the wave function of possibility into the wholeness that we embody in thought, word and deed. You can’t eliminate the sorrows of the world, but you are here bodily and yet, you are eternal. This is your playground, the field of time (Saturn). You are here consciously (Sun) because you are larger than this. You dare even mortal death. You are heroic. You don’t have to do, be, say or accomplish anything to be valuable and lovable. But pretending that you do is all part of your game. Maybe you got bored with all the love and light in the eternal realm (pet theory), but for whatever reason you. are. here. The only thing you have to do “is decide what to do with the time that is given you”. May I suggest you spend no more of your limited time (Pluto Saturn) on issues of paternity? On giving your power to others?

28,398 Ganesha Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

The winged messenger Mercury trines Neptune in the full moon chart. Being “caught” in cycles of pain and ripening karma is not “bad”. It gives us the opportunity to imagine and know, feel and create what we would rather have, do and be. It is the prima materia of the alchemical transformation and this is the change that we embody through our endocrine system, emotions and metabolism. We do The Work just by being. Our cultural systems need to be built in support of that. Please take a little intermission here and imagine what living in a system that would support your simply being on the planet would look like. This is possibly the most important exercise you can do in the crisis of living the full catastrophe that is 2021 in my humble opinion. All those ancestors that came before you literally gave you that body by imagining that life could be better. You owe this exercise to your future self more than you owe any bank, state or person.

Venus is opposing Jupiter here, authenticity and positive transformation may depend on the ability to partner with pain in the way that Patanjali describes with pratipaksha bhavana: we need to be in this difficulty long enough to commit to the change that it requires. Long enough to find that every polarity is a wholeness; every tragedy is a comedy if we give it one more act, one more try. We can turn this around of we rise again into our humanity, into our true compassion for the trauma that is being conscious on the surface of a planet in time and space. This is NOT easy. This shit is heroic. It is epic. And you are doing it. Keep going.

We are lucky that universal knowledge is more readily available to us now than at any other point in the known past. As Saturn continues to square Uranus (in each other’s co-ruler’s tropical signs no less) in both this and the next 2 lunations, tradition and innovation merge and become the third thing: the unknowable future, the flowing edge of possibility. Just as this blog uses both the tropical, egoic zodiac, based upon the vernal equinox with the ancient, Vedic sidereal zodiac, originating from the fixed star Spica to elaborate it’s universal, eternal, non-dual message, so our bodies will continue to metabolize form and spirit into a unity. “We have gone as far as we can with the mind, ” Sri Aurobindo said, “we have not optimized the body.” Let the nature you live in lead you. It knows the terrain. Do you know it’s language?

आषाढ़ पूर्णिमा ही क्यों है गुरु पूर्णिमा
Guru Purnima celebrates the teacher. Ganesha the scribe.
In the first part of the epic poem Mahabharata, it is written that the sage Vyasa (Vyāsa) asked Ganesha to transcribe the poem as he dictated it to him. Ganesha agreed, but only on the condition that Vyasa recite the poem uninterrupted, without pausing (It is pretty long.)

“On the days leading up to the Full Moon, avoid unnecessary confrontation, as peaceful communication may become increasingly difficult, particularly in intimate relationships.

This Guru Purnima, which means ‘Full Moon of the Guru,’ evokes humanity’s vulnerabilities, as well as its strengths. It asks us to reflect on who we look up to, and what we believe in. Ask yourself: Who or what is the lodestar that guides you? How can you set an example for others in your community? How can you stand up to injustice, especially in these dark and trying times?”

It’s important to note, since we are entering Leo season and the next 2 moons will be in it’s opposite sign (you see what I did there? astrology is a pratipaksha bhavana practice), that, as Dayna Lynn Nuckolls, has said, “It is really hard not to emulate your oppressor.” When you hold a mirror up to that oppressive behavior, whether within or outside you, that is when the violence comes. We can face this if we have faith in our eternal nature. If not we will. know. fear. It is very important to learn what we have internalized from abusive and unconscious systems so that we don’t visit that abuse on ourselves or others. This requires a ridiculous amount of conscious attention to our thoughts. Which thoughts are your thoughts? Which thoughts are programmed? Which thoughts need to be consciously paired with their opposites?

Nuckolls cautions that our survival instincts have been weaponized against us to the point that we do not see the tomb we are making of the tunnel to liberation. We do not see that we are selling our liberty to the lowest drives among us: fear, hunger and thirst (our systems could guarantee these for all of us easily. Imagine that, or does your colonized mind dismiss it out of hand?). The zodiac is a map of a path to liberation in Nuckolls view, as evidenced in the evolutionary order of the signs. Strip away the “coulds, woulds and shoulds” from our habitual thoughts and enter the sacred sphere of the IMAGINATION where change is possible. Let the vision of change be your prayer. (Look, if you have not availed yourself of this woman’s teaching NOW is the time. She is on Twitter, IG, youtube and once again, here is her site: DECOLONIZE YOUR SURVIVAL INSTINCT.)


Over and over again the pervading wisdom brings us to this threshold of spiritual consciousness in the human form, to see if we have learned to maintain dynamic equilibrium and homeostasis with the earth. For millennia, indigenous people respected the earth, each other and animal populations while the planet carried us to our yet unknown destination in healthy and deeply meaningful cultures. At this full moon, with the earth’s magnetic shield weakening rapidly and the sun’s cycle becoming more active our bodies are exposed to more cosmic influence than we have ever withstood in our known history. Can you keep your body calm in the coming chaos? Do you have a relationship with your thoughts that is conversational? There is a need for internal AND EXTERNAL compromise at this full moon.

You have an ancestral memory in the very cells of your body. It will only guide you if you know how to hear it. Nothing and no one can show you how to do that. You actually have to spend the time in relationship to yourself, listening like Ganesha did, so carefully, to that wisdom. The connection to the unseen is a practice that you create with your imagination. It is not delusion or lies. It is the will of what is yet to be having a conversation and a relationship with you in the present moment, which is really the only thing you have in the ever advancing chaos that is our unified becoming. You do not need a system of standardization for your divination. What you need is your your own lovingkindness and attention in time. May it be for you.

(and if you were in class in 2015 & 16 and you elaborated your own PERSONAL VISION from conversation with the will of the unseen, keep invoking that memory.)

“Faith is not about finding meaning in the world, there may be no such thing — faith is the belief in our capacity to create meaningful lives.”
— Terry Tempest Williams

Mind your heart,


New Moon in Vedic Gemini and Tropical Cancer 9 July 2021, 7:16pm MST: Venting the Volcano

Herb Kane made this image

What stands in the way becomes the way. Understanding the problem becomes the solution. The patriarchy is the 5000 year birth canal of the Great Mother Goddess and this is how new life has always come into the world since time was time. Biological life is messy. It does not conform to rational thought because it is not a concept. Life is more like a process than an object and we, collectively, as a species, are developing the maturity to see that and embody that. The 13.4 billion year process that brings us to this moment is allowing us the gift to be that. Life itself is the process of purification. Pain and grief are the physical hands of the mature mind and heart. The only difference between a comedy and a tragedy is the 5th act. The only difference between a “bad” ending and a “good” ending is time.

I am in no way saying this to discount pain, but rather to elevate it (at least into consciousness). Mercury and Neptune are holding space for our experience of grief at this darkening, when sun and moon collude in the sanctuary of the night. It is the nature of consciousness to hurt because separation is traumatic, but this is not to say that we should grit our teeth and bear it. This is no reason to become hard and unkind. Quite the contrary, as we mature we will see the benefit of wisdom that comes from surviving trauma (the trick is to actually survive it), but to do that, we need everyone working together, in optimal health with all the resources we have united. Just like a splintered psyche that cannot endure it’s own division, consciousness is meant to unify, not divide us.

The problem, as I see it, is that we become distracted by the many and varied forms of pain and pleasure that ebb and surge here. We identify with what we see instead of what we are. This is ignorance and immaturity, but in the pain of the present moment awareness we have the opportunity to see differently, to see with new eyes. We are no more to blame for our blindness than the sky is to blame for being blue. However, we are responsible for our fear of pain. It is the nature of consciousness, the very nature of reality here in Saturn’s realm. Avoiding pain compounds it. Feeling into the core of our own pain, knowing it’s signature and how it behaves through us when we do not fully feel it, is our duty as affluent white people.

by Herb Kane

Did you feel something from the way I phrased that last sentence? I did. Maybe to you it felt like the pain of being lumped together with a group of bad actors, even though you know you are not one. Imagine facing that pain every day because of the color of your skin. Imagine feeling that, not just while reading a blog, (that you can and might easily stop reading) but in every interaction in the society where you live. Imagine the grief that would come from that.

Now add to it the loss of 600,000 people in your own country and many in your own family (again more so you because of the color of your skin) within a one year period. Imagine resources becoming more scarce, hostility becoming more common and hope fading as people ignore the wisdom and empathy that pain is meant to teach on our earthwalk. Imagine the pain of willful ignorance (I wrote “ignorage” the first time) turning a paradise into a hell-realm.

When we are conscious of pain and it’s wisdom it is possible for us to learn the boundaries of grief’s sanctuary. Say, for example, when grief arose in my world I had been taught to create the time and space to fully feel it, so that I would not have to carry the negative burden of it’s effect on my psyche into all my interactions unconsciously? What if I respected my trauma enough to allow myself time to cry frequently, when I feel the need to instead of storing up my tears like a tsunami? What if we had learned to listen and hold space for each other in our grief in order to validate, witness and metabolize sadness instead of weaponizing it and using it to oppress?

Tropical chart of the new moon

Let’s be clear about where we stand: the imprisoned imprison others. Hurt people hurt people. The shameful blame. When we internalize our wounds over and over we build a volcano of resentment, shame and blame that has to vent sometime, somehow. It’s safer to be near a volcano that has efficient venting, by the way and incidentally, Yellowstone does. The impossible contradiction of self-hatred, self ignorance and grief informs moments like the one we now face. This new moon is square (of the severing nature of Mars) to Chiron, the (comet/asteroid) wounded healer. He taught us that while it is not impossible to heal the trauma of conscious awareness by yourself, it is difficult af.

You gotta be seen in your wound to elevate your pain into wisdom. Lucky for us, the ruler of this chart is a very comfortable Jupiter and it is trining Chiron. This is one of those painful opportunities to get to the root of many issues. While consciousness is self wounding, it is also self-healing when coupled with awareness. We cannot heal what we cannot see (this is a good way to make sense of the past seven years, actually). Another cheeky aphorism: love brings everything unlike itself to the surface for healing. It has been a tough go and we have a lot of road ahead, so it could be good for us to see the repetition compulsion as a gift of healing, because Jupiter and Mercury are going to amplify the hell out of this painful opportunity.

Turning the collective karma (consequence) into dharma (purpose) is no joke, and it must be done sincerely and authentically. The powers that be will never be satisfied with outsourcing or phoning in the Work. The presence and openness that you bring to this moment is all that is being asked of you. It takes more effort to avoid this than to submit. Anyway, I sense that we are getting bored with the fruitless thought-loop anyway. Chiron’s influence here invites us to more deeply explore our sense of self-worth and adequacy. Such care transmutes the poison from living in pain to a living prayer that emanates and edifies from the inside. When we are visible to each other in this process, we share the transmutation. The only way out is through. “Die trying, die changed.”

Neptune (oceanic planet of spiritual change) is also at home in the western chart and is square to Mercury (the messenger planet of perception and processing). To me this indicates that we are in the dark (new moon) about how our pain and grief own, veil and manipulate our conscious consent. We are confronting our own denial about how words and images ensorcell us and where they originate. The sun and moon (the ego and mind) are united in their unconsciousness.

If we take seriously the notion that “all is one” it is our own recidivist tendency that wants to deny the grief of those closest to the earth. And let’s face it folks, we are like mayflies here and all of us are headed back to the earth sooner than later. We have silenced and oppressed the voices of those who speak for the natural world too long just so that we could think of ourselves as outside, opposed to or above the earth. We literally come out of the earth, like an apple tree makes apples. We are not well (bad apples?). We have gone very sick in our denial of our origin, and with a new moon in the sign of the Great Mother Goddesses, this is about to become even more obvious. The enantiodromia alarm clock rings again. Don’t hit the snooze.

Do you know how to attain what effort cannot get? Do you know when to stop and let it reveal itself to you? Neptune retrograde square Mercury in shadow is mimicry and mirroring (4th act style) . This is an exquisite opportunity to check your reflexive, reactive words and have conversations that heal, that integrate and make whole. Take a moment and use that pause we spoke about last time. Look at your hands for a moment while you wait if you feel the grief/anger/hate swamping you. We receive and transmit the process of meaning without even noticing most of the time. Symbolic intuition can decipher the sorcery and spells our frightened lower selves have placed in the way of our progress, but it takes a minute for the voice we usually ignore to be heard.

New Scientist Default Image
“I walk around in my dreams, but my dreams are inside of me.” – Jessica Di Russa

This is a moment to re-frame and retell the story; of our nation, of our world and of our own personal histories. We are not the people we were in 2019. We know so much more of ourselves and of our world (good and ill). Neptune in it’s own sign is spirit’s stage and there is a way of knowing here that is inside the sea god’s sacred space and inside you. Heal the story. Let it not be solely about how the world spoke to you or who broke you or who you blame, but tell your central nervous system (messenger Mercury) what you did with it, who you became because of it and how it’s all going to come to wholeness. We don’t need a “happily ever after” and we never really did, we just need enough time not to live a tragedy, we just need a fifth act.

As I have said before, this is an inclusive, both/and universe. We can never get away from an.y.thing because we are literally soaking in it. We are witnessing all and everything and developing the capacity to love, to be with it all, without condition. This is not a concept. It’s a state of being, a state of healing and wholeness, a state of allowing all that is to be without the “othering” of judgement, division and separation. It’s the realization that everything “out there” is just stuff we disowned, exiled and failed to be with because we were too young and ignorant to know that it was part of us. My racism. My oppression. My hatred. All of these can learn a new song, gain a new voice when I listen compassionately to the grief of others.

Related image
Remember Innana and Ereshkigal in the Underworld? 2026, Neptune will leave Pisces (tropical) this is an opportunity to revision, forgive and restore balance.

The feeling of well-being is beneath our conscious control, but when your interior experience mirrors your external environment the way ours does, you get situations like the one we currently inhabit. We may need to make some changes to how we treat what, not who, but what we are. When was the last time you praised yourself for how well you are surviving the current crisis? When was the last time you did not give “the powers that be” all the control over your happiness, either because of what they are doing or what they are not doing? When was the last time you stopped striving and took a fucking nap?! Even if it was 20 minutes ago it’s probably not too soon to do it again. Hell, your dog is better adjusted than most people and look at how much she sleeps!

We are not merely our bodies and minds. In an important way, we are also our environment and everything that issues from us and happens to us. When was the last time we spoke to each other’s strengths, not our weaknesses? When was the last time we spoke to each others power, not pointed out each other’s struggles? When was the last time you were the messenger of praise, not pain? Sometimes the world is callus and cold to us because we cannot see it any other way. Our reptilian hind brain, programming and lack of opportunity occlude the beauty of the world because they are threat detectors, but we are growing out of this. (Adapted from a Trent Shelton short.)

I think this is the hardest part of being a human for most people: the frontier edge of growth and change in our own hearts and minds. Cancer season is a great reminder of how much we looooove comfort, tribe, security and home. What would it even look like to share our home with the 9 billion other human residents of this planet? Just watch where your mind goes with that question. Don’t judge it, just watch it. I bet you can think of some ways to update those attitudes. On July 17, when the sun directly opposes Pluto we shall see. It is going to be quite clear where we do not meet our own high standards and what is really driving us. May I remember to look at myself in the mirror, before I go projecting and start the whole sick process over.

Toward this end DiRuzza recommends this book:

All i ever needed to know i learned in kindergarten >
Robert Fulgum also wrote “It was on Fire When I Lay Down on It”

I don’t know if you feel this way, but I am losing my sense of wonder in all the shit we’re mired in. I am salty about it, too. Luckily, my friends recently brought their 14 month old for a weekend visit with their dogs. First thing I noticed was how fearful I was for all of their protection and safety. While I was focused on that I did things in ways I did not like and enjoy. The moon in Cancer is the womb/tomb. It’s preoccupied with safety, but there is a thin line between loving and smothering and when I am fearful I starve my needs to feed my ego. I need to enjoy those kids and dogs, but I am so concerned about their safety that I fail to take in the full picture and actually can endanger them with my tension. And it’s not fun for anyone, see how that works with me? Anything like that in you?

When we are in Cancer, we are in the presence of our unfulfilled needs. Cancer is the longing, the desire that moves creation forward. What are my needs? My deep, strange, unconscious desires? The ones I barely admit even to myself? This is a great time to get intimate with what is unseen, intuitive and generally unconscious. Dreaming and the night are so important today and in the next 2 weeks. I am learning that my Aries moon (and Chiron–in both charts!) was about feeling early abandonment. What I did not know until recently was that my mirroring process leads me to abandon myself.

Now I always thought self abandonment meant putting others first and was ‘good’ discipline HOWEVER, I recently learned that it can ALSO mean denying myself what I really need. Never thought of that. Check this out:

Essentially, self-abandonment is when you reject, suppress or ignore part of yourself in real-time. In other words, you have a need or desire you want to meet, and (often on the spot) you make the decision not to meet it.

Admittedly, I do a lot of spiritual practice that casts desire and ego in a ‘bad’ light. How am I going to parse that (not to mention several thousand years of scripture) with my personal needs? It’s a perfect illustration (imho) of the spiritual process, the psychological process, the subject object problem and the union of opposites. Our current cosmic climate is a great place to resolve these issues of microcosm and macrocosm. We will be focusing on this and playing with the balance forever, but especially until Neptune leaves Pisces in 2026. It’s very psychedelic. The cosmos IS the process of purification and gnosis. We are the cosmos.

Vedic chart of the new moon

Venus and Mars are nearing conjunction, it will be just lovely to see. It will happen on the 13th and look something like this:

Young moon sweeps by Venus, Mars and Regulus in the July evening sky. Venus and Mars conjunction happens July 12-13, 2021.
We’re in for a treat! From July 11 to 14, 2021, the young moon will guide your eye to 2 close-knit planets, Venus and Mars.

This plays beautifully into the re-evaluative and balancing power dynamics of the new moon. It’s important to remember to PLAY, rest and work. It’s important to remember that we work so we can recreate. We seem to have gotten the cart before the horse on that and the horse is where the power is. Opposite this forming conjunction is Saturn coming conjunct the asteroid Kali. It is significant that father time and mother time are joined opposite the young lovers. We don’t have forever to make our creations real (well, we do, but not in these particular bodies). It’s a good moment to ask your body for it’s highest expression. Receptive and penetrating energies working together IS magical and magic is just a change of mind and heart.

Maiden Mother Crone Posters | Fine Art America

Venus and Mars are square to Uranus at the new moon so there may be relationship surprises and renewals that reflect these needs for re-creation but also the protection of root values. This square is electric and hits us just as the Saturn opposition reminds the young lovers of the limitations we endure when we love unconditionally (remember that pain we like to avoid? yeah, that’s why we put conditions on love).

With sacrifice comes fulfillment, but we are out of practice with personal sacrifice in love relationships, or at least half of us are (I do not apply gender to this statement, but when I was editing, I wondered if you would?). The other half of us seem to be wildly compensating for those who refuse to (This can also apply to drives within us). Good time to stop before I go on the the smother love rampage and fall into that “it’s for your own good” archetype. I am not in control here. Imana watch the movie spirit is showing me and try to learn my lessons.

Final questions before we wrap it all up with the Vedic interpretation: What do you need to put more creative energy into? What in your life feels like hell? William Blake said that place, that hell, is where you are storing your energy. Might it be time to plan a withdrawal (quick, before they freeze your assets)? Is home nourishing? The leverage to sever is here. We are rewarded when we do what is in alignment with soul. This is one of the highest Truths I know and I am more committed to living that today than I have ever been.

You are soul. Do you remember the way there? Do you remember how to listen to what you really are? Our lives are easier when we face our fears from that place of alignment. I swear to you, this is the best information I have to give. ASK: “Am I betraying myself to X? Am I abandoning myself to X? What is stopping me from X?” then let the answer be revealed. The place where you have been storing your energy will become known to you without reactivity or projection. No need to be angry. you are the only one here. Just take the corrective action humbly, quietly and with as much resolve as you can muster. Good Luck, to all of us.

A star constellation of punarvasu.
The fixed stars Castor and Pollux

This new moon falls in the constellation Gemini in the lunar mansion Punarvasu. “Punar”  पुनः means once again and “Vasu”  वसु is wealth or excellence. It also means return of the light and nurtures new beginnings. It’s primary deity is Aditi, the mother of all the creation gods (the first 12 gods of the Vedic pantheon) and the origin of the primordial sound ॐ. Punarvasu is a godly nakshatra whose planetary ruler is Jupiter, the advisor or guru गुरु of the gods. Wisdom, virtue and spirituality flourish here. This area of the sky is profoundly philosophical and creative, but lusty. It’s easy to please, but hard to satisfy.

I can’t think of a better description of the archetypal mother of all who has set us on this quest at the leading edge of consciousness to discover a living planet (let’s hope we don’t kill it like a seed in a styrofoam cup. Styrofoam sux btw). I know things look bleak in a lot of ways, but She is smarter than we are and sees much farther into the future than we can. We are not in the classroom alone. There is a powerful, wise and loving teacher here. The whole world is Her language. She is teaching us. Where Cancer and Gemini meet among the fixed stars the moon (mind) and Mercury (the message) come together. May you find that you have the inner ear to hear Her and the courage to live what this magical moment of inception is giving you.

Aditi | Wiki | Mythology & Cultures Amino
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Mind your heart,
