Monthly Archives: September 2019

New Moon in Vedic Virgo, Tropical Libra 28 September 12:26 pm 2019 As Within So Without.

My will is simply that which comes to pass. For I esteem what God wills better than what I will. To Him will I cleave as His minister and attendant; having the same movements, the same desires, in a word the same will as He.


I have this posted on my refrigerator door.  On it I wrote, “Love and kisses, Hades”.  The full moon coming on the 13th of October is square to Pluto as he goes direct. Pluto has been opposite my sun in both charts for some time now, 2008 to 2022.  This motion is most welcome. Everything interacts with me in conformity with my beliefs about myself.  Understanding  myself is paramount if this is capital ‘t’ True. Especially with Pluto dredging up my shadow.

I have identified with my limitation.  I will prove I am free. You probably won’t like it.

The possibility of advance depends solely upon getting out of the identified state. Full gestalt shift required. If Persephone went willingly into the Underworld for love of Hades (Pluto) it was because she knew herself to be more than life with her mommy had allowed.  She looked into the abyss and thought, “I could rule this realm and I kinda dig this guy.  Let’s see how it goes.”

What if her separate self/ego and her larger Self were in accord?  What if she made a balanced choice? Psychic integration is possible here and in the story.  Consciousness realizes itself as a separate personality, an incomplete and manufactured identity then yearns for the return to it’s unknown, unknowable Self.  It becomes a conscious, unstoppable striving for Self realization or knowing intimately what one is meant to be beyond the binding ego identity.

Image result for Persephone Queen of hell

The realm of the transcendent being cannot exclude suffering.  It includes everything AND nothing.  Being that big requires capacity and developing capacity HURTS. It reveals the unspeakable which cannot be told or rationally apprehended because it is alive.  It is the very foundation of life and existence and EVERYTHING so it cannot be identified by concepts.  And you and I are that very something (when we are not creating stories).

We spend our whole lives creating strategies to keep what we want and get rid of what we don’t.  It doesn’t work.  What is disowned comes back to haunt us and what we want leaves.  The disillusionment gives us the possibility to examine the truth (both Ts). There is nothing going on in the world that is not a reflection of mind and there is nothing in the mind that is not happening in the world.

What if it’s all one self?  What if I am willing to see all the horror and beauty that happens here and see what remains untouched by it. What is eternal?  What if the forms and the faces change, but my perception remains? What if I see myself in all of it and none of it too? Like Persephone did when she took Hades hand . . .

Image result for Persephone Queen of hell

My internal script of identity may be holding me back but there’s an opportunity for freedom in Virgo’s precision (not perfection) and Pluto’s core of power to innerstand the transformation. Is there an “other” out there?  Can I liberate my ideas about myself and the world in the stillness and silence of my open heart? Can I stand more?

Can I become this silent awareness and realize that the thoughts I have about myself and this ‘real’ world itself appear within me?  Can I resolve the duality and end the war by ending my addiction to mind and to the outside world?  What if I don’t believe anything for just a minute and simply realize I am the language that is the world? It may be as simple as expanding out of contraction, relaxing constriction, inhaling and exhaling.

Sidereal Chart

In the Vedic chart all of the personal planets are in Virgo.  Pluto is opposite the sun in this chart. It represents issues like intimacy, trust, boundaries and letting go into total personal transformation. Virgo says it might be good to ask if we are getting good results in self-purification, rituals, habits and attitude toward work.  What should change in our daily grind? Imana go ahead and say a personal review of everyday habits regarding relationships could be timely. They could be more effectively dealt with for the next month.

Saturn squares Chiron in this chart (the Vedics don’t do asteroids, but I do because this one is a healer (see all the previous posts on Chiron)). Saturn rewards hard work, achievement and commitment with regard to health. It’s complicated by its 12th house placement, the house of collective unconsciousness, self transcendence and sacrifice, seclusion and introspection.  This is not even part of the conversation in our world. That is one reason why I write this blog.  We are being lived by forces we pretend to understand, maybe these planetary influences are part of this.  Could be complicating or slowing down healing. Dunno.  Trying to see.

Mars squares Jupiter in the 8th house which is ruled by Pluto and is concerned with crisis, emotional and sexual union, regeneration, mystery and spirit.  These things are often not part of the conversation of our world either (is there a conversation? Dunno. Trying to start one). I think this will expand the screaming match around the planetary crisis and climate understanding exponentially. That’s already happening, but it might get personal, mysterious and we may come together over it. Or get further apart.

Mercury is square the sun and the MC, opposite the Ascendant (zero Aries) and trine Mars.  Eeep. It might be prudent to be very careful with personal communication just now. Mercury represents the mind — the link between spirit and matter, between soul and personality.  It’s interpretation, intelligence, pattern recognition and fact gathering. Let’s hope it’s positive qualities; being adaptable, intellectual, attentive, clever and versatile win the day here. We want to be aware of becoming hypercritical, cynical, argumentative and sarcastic if we can and catch it before utterance.  Small chance this will happen on the world stage before the winged messenger enters Libra.

Tropical Chart

In the tropical chart all of the personal planets are in Libra (except for Mars–who dallies with the virgin–don’t worry he’ll catch up before we remember Epstien) the sign of the iron hand in the velvet glove, it’s aggressiveness is not usually obvious.  Libra is a lot like Aries, but with the passage of time the “me first” energy seeks balance and idolizes harmony. Often without opinion, Libra can see the value of all points of view but cannot choose.  This is a real consideration going forward.  We all seek and need satiation, but we have to know what that means.  Many of us don’t.  Many of us do, but can’t attain it for many psychosocialindustrialpharmaceuticalmilitary complex reasons.

This sun is also square Pluto, the psychic bilge-pump of the zodiac.  It’s making soil for a new phase of life and it’s alerting us to toxic, polluting thoughts and repressed shadow material so that they can be repurposed. It’s doing so in the 9th house of aspiration, the search for meaning, religious views and god image.  This could get messy, but it’s all composting.  It won’t make it smell better or look good, but some of this shit’s just got to go.

We are moving out of the Piscean age, where we needed an intermediary between us and god to the Aquarian age where we contact the divine within.  It’s a good road, but a hard, red one.  Keep going.  Do the best you can.  Meet your life every day doing your best.  The whole discourse on every level has to change.  No one knows how to do this. We are in a mindset of cultural denial.  Pluto will teach us to transform or we will die. Mars conjuncts Pluto and sextiles Jupiter in this chart so I am justified in a little drama.  A little saber-rattling.

Adding to the excitement, the sun and the moon are both conjunct Lilith the unfettered, sexual feminine demon asteroid.  Both luminaries are focused on conscience, emancipation, independence and freedom of choice.  She is karma and she is soul.  She is not about language, she’s about acting out.  She does what she does not have words for.  She leaves Adam, she is an enemy to children, she is darkness.  She is not well understood because she is not a symbol of a concept.  She is more an unnamed fear, hinted at in the Torah and the bible.  Wonder how that might show up?

Image result for durga slaying the buffalo demon

Tonight (last night–sorry, have the flu) begins Navratri or the nine nights of the goddess.  In this Hindu festival the waxing moon’s protection and empowering influence are celebrated in the nine forms of her Shakti or supreme universal energy that slay the buffalo god, Mahishasura.  He defeated all of the gods in the pantheon. Every one. The gods were forced to combine their powers to defeat him.  The one force they created .became the liberator Durga, her name means “impossible to overcome”. Whenever an overwhelming demonic force appears the goddess must be summoned because her “Shakti” is unsurpassable.  See if it’s not.

The first three nights are devoted to the form of the goddess called Kali, the destroyer.  She will end ignorance, disease, ego and selfishness when invoked.

Image result for kali goddess art

The next three nights honor Lakshmi, the bestower of wealth. She gives abundance, good health and opens the heart to receive.  She brings us to clarity, generosity and gratitude.

Image result for Lakshmi

The last three nights celebrate the goddess Saraswati the divine embodiment of knowledge, wisdom and art. She inspires and expands the ability to understand and create beauty.  She dispels ignorance and grants wisdom.

Image result for saraswati goddess

I bring this up because there are cultures older than ours that provide guidance in their myth that can help us at these junctures and bottlenecks on the way to peace (even if they don’t live the wisdom–it’s easy to know what to do, it’s just hard to do it).  If you want to know a more detailed version try this:  Kari Field is an inspired and inspiring woman.  Highly recommend following her.

So back to the beginning. Ethics and politics and the world and the Equinox and balance.  As long as we are coming from chronic overwhelm, we cannot know what to do.  As long as we play with cause and effect as our only toys 90/10 is going to look like balance, micro and macro ethics are going to seem unrelated and polarization and fascism are going to be the new normal.

Pluto, Saturn and the South Node of the moon in Capricorn are ruthlessly revealing the shadow of greed. Mahishasura (the buffalo-headed demon of above) believed that no woman in the world could cause him any harm.  It was true, no one woman could, but the Shakti, the mother energy, the Yin, the Receptive could and did.

Also, the proper use of time is important to remember when defeating demons. All the gods went after Mahishasura and all of them were defeated.  Cause and effect weren’t working there.  An observed, unitive response, not a reaction, that honors and receives all aspirants is what effected an end.  Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva all combined to create Durga.  There are some clues for us in this.



In the Vedic chart Pluto, Saturn and Ketu (S.Node) are all in Sagittarius the sign of study, the search for meaning, aspiration and our ideas about spirit.  The native people in all cultures tell us that we have lost our connection to spirit.  From here we cannot move forward. The concept of “citizen”, the idea of “personality” and the notion of “identity” keep us reacting to whatever the latest “issue” (demon) is.

We are all too caught up in concepts and ideas. Including me. Especially me.

What if the mind is shared?  What if that voice in your head that makes you feel victimized is not yours but all of ours? What if thoughts are received not transmitted? What if we always choose the worst possible scenario automatically and it is not a choice?  What if this is the presence of trauma in our lives and it has been going on and running the planet since before Mahishasura?

Transformation is possible, but only if we fully get that we are each fully deserving of respect and care.  We are disconnected from our own essence, from the value, worth and connection that we each are.  With the super-over population and pollution disaster we have going it’s gonna be a lot more work than we now know.  Do you think it’s worth it?

In an infantile way we all want the good to go on forever and the bad excluded.  It’s fascist and that sort of immaturity lives only in the suffering mind of constriction.  Invite the mind to the peace of bare awareness and the ceremony of wholeness the avatars of the goddess represent.  You are all things.  The long garden party at the end of history is over.  Are you ready?

Mind your heart,









Carry the Light into Shadow. Better to Remain Galadriel than Gaslit. Autumnal Equinox 9/23/19 1:50 MST

Some observations from the light at the end of the third quarter of the Gregorian year 2019.

Image result for EM Forster the seafarer quote

Dualism is fanaticism. “Us” against “Them”, light versus dark, matter against spirit threatens to overtake all the insane ideologies of Earth once again.  Extreme spiritual asceticism and austerity stands in opposition to narcissistic materialism in the battle for the throne of Earth as we approach the equal light before the longest night.


Is this because we are beyond the point where we could have turned away from super-over population, a technological final solution and an abandonment of the Earth for starfaring colonization?

Or is it because We Must Be Right and They Must Be Wrong?

Is it because we are so addicted to our fictional, idealized, ideological identities that we can no longer feel what is actually happening?  What is actually happening AGAIN?

In destroying it’s opponent Gnosticism (which took 500 years btw), Christianity became what is beheld: dualist. Adopting the doctrine of summum bonum (or a God that is wholly good) created an evil that is eternal.  Rome was thus subsumed in Greece and the US, France and the UK are becoming the fascists they vowed to destroy forever in Germany. We will become what we choose to hate.

We vowed “never again” and yet are practicing the same kind of separation of families and genocide of the planet that we rose to fight as Shia fundamentalism in 2001. Oh, and we completely forgot about Epstien.


We are experiencing a chaos similar to that of the Helenistic world where the old gods lay in ruins. Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Nestorianism and Mannaism all debated to replace the old systems of jealous, petty Greek and Roman celestial rulers in 895 AD.

It was religion that ruled the day then, are we so different now?

Even the desire for balance can become extremely unbalanced.


Light casts shadows.  I respect both.  On this equinox I am sitting very close to the partnerships alive in duality.  I’m breathing it all in and letting it flow through.  I grew up near a giant coal plant (the last 2 in my hometown closed in 2017)  and went to college in the Appalachians. I respect what the workers did to feed their families. Many of them died in abject poverty so that I could have light to learn by. I knew a few. Their whole communities are fighting to survive now.  Not all of them have a college.

The struggle to gain the awareness that will save us from ourselves is here and everywhere.  We are cosmic in this universal moment and the choices that we make must reflect that expanding awareness, must reflect our wholeness, not our lack.

It’s like love.  Love is so much stronger when it is by choice, not by cause.  Not by force.  Only chosen love is true. True love wants only the good of the beloved.  Anything else is shadow.  It has it’s place in the cosmos, too.


We come to the juncture where we must watch our own movie, not just star in it.  Is this the film we hoped to produce?  To direct?  How much of it would you like to leave on the cutting room floor? This moment is all that is real, that will ever be real. May you become aware that you still have a choice.  May it be a loving one.

This moment is astrologically unprecedented.  In the Vedic chart all the personal planets (Sun, Venus, Mercury and soon Mars–he’ll catch up by the New Moon on Saturday) are in Virgo, the sign of discernment and analysis.  Pluto, Saturn and the South Node are in Sagittarius the archer, the explorer, the aspirant.

Do you understand or know what you love?  Are you willing to be wrong to gain understanding?  How far will you go?  Where’s your map?

Maybe deep restructuring within.  Again.


In the tropical chart the sun and personal planets are in Libra and the signs of structure and the past are in Capricorn.  Enantiodromia continues, fate in the form of stellar demons and an iron prison of our own making persists until we get the lesson.  Same one.  Same as always: the universe is inclusive, it’s both/and. See the wholeness in the duality.  Love thy enemy.  They hone who you are, after all.

Time to move beyond cause and effect.  A little Libran diplomacy and stimulus, observation, response would be good.  With a side of sweet, juicy justice if anyone has some, please.


Here’s another pair of novelties: Saturn stationed direct on it’s own AND the moon’s South Node.  Mature. Just. Mature. The opportunity alone is grace.  Grow up.

Pluto, Hades, the king of the Underworld, who’s banner reads,”transform or die” has done the same thing; stood still on his own South Node and the South node of the moon. Change the past.  Face the Shadow bearing light within.

As we head toward the new moon eclipse on the 26th of December the Sun, the moon and Jupiter will join them (Capricorn in tropical, Sagittarius in Vedic).  That’s 6 planets in one sign during an annular new moon eclipse.  I have not ever seen that before.  I am looking for interpretations.  If you find any good ones, send them my way?

If you can’t yet find a way to see the side of the “other” may you have time and cause to do so between now and then.  It may help to forgive yourself first, when you are able.

Fear is how intuition behaves when it doesn’t  contact knowing.  Deep in the bones assurance.  It has been long since any of us have touched that with regard to the future on planet 3.  It might be good to forgive what others have done to comfort themselves and move on in peace. Contraries are partners.

It might also be good to stop pointing fingers at each other and just work on our own stuff for a while.  There’s plenty to do there. Truce, yo.

Image result for plotinus on beauty

Prayer: May I use my time to restore my connection to spirit, to the Gaian heart and to the heart of humanity.

May I have the courage and confidence to take the next step when the Higher Power shows it to me.

May I abide in the peace of my heart until I am invited into the service of something beautiful and bigger than me.


Mind your heart,


The Hard Problem: Participate in Matter While Living in Spirit. Full Moon in Vedic Aquarius, Tropical Pisces. Friday 13 September 10:18pm MST

I am running an experiment. I am trying to invite a higher power into my life.  I am challenged more and more every day as my fears manifest before me and I try to stand in faith that what I am is eternal.  I am cleaning my house in preparation to admit grace.  I am trying to remind myself that I am love in human form.  And that you are too.  What if we were made to make our faith real, not just hold it intellectually?  What if this is why we are tested time and time again?  So the vessel will hold it’s integrity.

I am only in control of one thing: how I face my fears.  While I am living in this world I am stretched in two directions; participating in the “reality” of the world while knowing a vastly different inner “reality”.   That is the work of being a human.  That is what art does–it’s a lie that points to the truth.  Because the truth is unspeakable.  The truth is beyond matter, beyond words.

I am the energy beyond the separation inherent in the material world.  I am the binding force of unity beyond ego, identity or personality.  To the degree that I can let that in without blowing all my physical circuits, I endeavor to do so.   This is how I try to discover my true nature.  No one starts out doing that with a perfect map, but if I survive it, I may be able to leave some trail blazes for someone else to build her map with.


This all seems relevant to me right now because this full moon in Purva Badrapada nakshatra marks a transition from Aquarius to Pisces among the fixed stars of the sidereal zodiac (the one that did not change to accomodate the Gregorian seasonal calendar).  The cold, rational eye of the man with an empty pot (Aquarius) moves into the the sign of spiritual dissolution and flow (Pisces).  I am here participating in a lie until I fully admit the truth.  I am here in matter until I am not.  True enough.

The man with the empty pot is bound in the zodiac to his opposite and equal: the lion king.  I see this pair as the perfect symbol of the subject/object problem or the hard problem of consciousness.  Identified as a person I am unhappy.  My cold, rational eye seeks solution in the outside world– the pot in my grasping hands–and tries to realize some utopian vision that will never work.  Conversely, when I reside in my heart and not my head I commit to something larger than self.  My connection, my remembrance of my divine heritage, serves all beings.

Leo can be egoic in the extreme, but right now Mars is here deep in combustion (burnt to a crisp) so that lion is humble.  Enlightenment (in Vedic astrology the sun is a malefic, purifying by fire) is a violent and releasing project.  I am not acquiring more things to edify my spiritual ego.  I am casting away the dross of conditioning and indoctrination into matter.  I am discerning my words, thoughts and deeds to purify my karma (my fear made manifest) and actively seeking opportunities to clear ancestral karma and take the high road.  I am not perfect, but I am no victim.  The universe is sentient. I tend my relationship to it carefully.  It knows my words, thoughts and deeds intimately and is sending it all back to me faster and faster.

This is an auspicious time, should you harbor warrior energy or the disincarnate demons of old battles, to steep the heart and mind in the knowledge that the war is over, despite any outward appearances of maya.  The crusader identity/story/ghost has been stuck in an unresolved trauma haunting for a long time. It is time to rest, soldier.  Go to the light, be saved.  You are love and you are loved.  Complete clarity can come.  Invisible, ancestral baggage can be released.  The malefic sun releases you with the highest burning blessing.  We are responsible for resolution, yes.  However we are not always the cause of the war.  But honor demands we finish it.

Purva Badrapada is the still portion of space from which the lightening bolt of sattori bursts forth.  A glimpse of the true nature breaks through the veil and a glimpse of life beyond the wheel of samsara is revealed.  Body and mind, identity and story block the revelation of our true nature.  We are tested continually on the earth plane, engaged in the creation of a physical vessel strong enough to hold the lightening.  This project has taken 13 or 14 billion years to get this far and still so few can contain the energy, much less impart it to others.

There are very few enlightened beings who have transcended the world of maya.  So few live outside the fear, denial, greed, shame and fear of death most of us carry about daily.  I do my best to find them, their writings, their tree blazes in the deep woods and follow the trail in hopes that I may hold the lightening in actual experience for a moment.  I long for truth.


I am told that when awakening happens one is aware of it and then its over just as fast.  Ego death truly begins then (read: loss–lots of it) and meaningful change starts.  The identity must be broken down completely before a new being arises.  This time I am building a connection to Self beyond the war of matter and spirit. I am making myself over with deep peace at the foundation instead of ego identity.  This purification will probably take a couple more eons.  There are many remote border skirmishes yet to find and settle within I know.

I’m a little worried though, about my soul.  It’s not sweet.  It is not kind or patient.  It is completely out of fucks for my ego. I was minding my own business, driving in my lane, examining my projections and resolving my attachment issues when *WHAM* it came at me like a hippo (seriously, world’s deadliest large land animal) screaming, “YOU CAN’T FIND YOUR EGO WITHOUT PROJECTION! YOU CAN’T LOVE EVERYBODY! YOU CAN’T SAVE THE RAINFOREST! THE ENTIRE ECONONMIC MILITARY INDUSTRIAL POLITICAL PHARMALOGICAL PSYCHO SOCIAL COMPLEX STANDS BETWEEN YOU AND ONE SOUTH AMERICAN BABY IN A CAGE!  Neither the problem nor the solution is OUT THERE!”

And once it got my attention like that it said more quietly: “What out there needs is in you and you have let learned pain and the pain of others who are lost to themselves keep you from being the love that you are.”  I cannot argue with this.  I hide whenever I can.  I am tired.  I am heartbroken.  I am all choked up over my impotence.  It’s been 4 solid months of Saturn retrograde, combing over the past mistakes of my unique solar fire’s expression on planet 3.  I have fucked a lot up in my 48 years.  I don’t know what the hell is happening.  But I do know that NOTHING meaningful happens until I put down my weapons and release my fists at life and ADMIT I DON’T KNOW and I am afraid I am not equal to the task of living life.

Saturn goes direct and separates from Ketu (South Node) in Sagittarius on the 18th.  (In December all the planets except 3 will be in the sign of the archer with an eclipse on the 26th!) That means only 5 retrograde planets are currently applying the cosmic brakes.  Planets, nodes and asteroids are said to be super-strong when in perceived backward motion and Saturn (stationary until the 23rd) with Pluto (Hades) and the South Node (the dragon’s tail–the body without the spirit) come off like a steam roller on the toothpaste tube of the psyche.  Crushing.

The ringed planet moved so painfully SLOWLY backward with this gang of matter and structure mercenaries (in the tropical chart they are in Capricorn–heavier!).  This transit gave us a detailed, gory tour of our material fears. I don’t know.  Could be good? Could be the end of the planet? This has changed us all.  No question. In December all the planets except 3 will be in the Vedic sign of the archer with an eclipse on the 26th. It will be a special time when the voice of the people and individual efforts will be weighty.

On the tropical side of things, the full moon is in Pisces and we are visiting the 3rd iteration of the Jupiter~Neptune square.  With all the personal planets in Virgo and the moon, Lillith and Neptune in Pisces  this could go a few different ways.  Lillith is disruptive, she’s gonna rock the boat of the status quo every time.  She’s going to force the admission of the nebulous truth I have always denied.  I had many chances to sober up to this.  Spiritual liberation can often mean material loss and with Neptune’s tide made bigger by Jupiter’s expansion . . . it could get messy.  Lillith is sextile Saturn and trine the North node (the dragon’s head–the spirit chasing immortality) so I’ve got that going for me, but it still looks like one hell of a spiritual swamping.  Man the bilge pumps, yo.


Mars does not get a break here either.  The will to power is opposite the moon (mind and emotion) and square to Jupiter (which is also square the sun AND the moon in this chart).  That looks like a lot of sunburn passed out and exposed on the deck of the boat to me.  The upshot is Pluto.  I know.  I can’t believe I wrote that.  Hades to the rescue?  Looks that way.

He’s trining the sun, sextile the moon, trining Mars and sextile Neptune.  Imagine a volcanic island rising up from the depths of the sea to lift the boat out of the water.  The warrior finds a cave to hide from the sun, then a fresh water spring in the night under a cool moon.  A couple flying fish flip onto the cave floor from the sea and some lava trickles out of the back of the cave to warm him.  He can only acquire all of this if he doesn’t fight the twisting tide when the land rises beneath his boat.  Imagine trying to stand down in all that?  Surrender to being caught by the king of Hell? Still, that’s how you accept a gift from Father Night.  You control your urge to fight him.  He’s beyond your control. Surrender.

Aepril of Aepril’s Arcana has been tracking this journey with Hades for a lot longer than I have.  I really admire her take on symbolism and what we can know from following the soul’s language.  She calls the third culmination of the Jupiter~Neptune square and the Plutonic support the butterfly’s metamorphosis.


First you spit all over yourself and dissolve in a bag of your own excretion, then you are completely remade into another being entirely.  As that new being, you beat your new wings against your old boundaries until your are strong enough to emerge from the cocoon of your own crap and soar into a world you have never experienced before. No blame, no mess.  It was you all along.

Just remember, the butterfly has no idea what is happening.  It’s all instinctive and there is a LOT of pain and dissolution in this transformation.  Neptune is highly sensitive and can be really addicted to escape in Pisces.  Expansive Jupiter packs extra punch in Sagittarius.  Enantiodromia again. Better to whale on the spiritual practice or connection to nature than the mind-altering, pain-relieving substances just now.  Just my thought, this is the stuff overdoses are made of.  This square we have been dealing with all year  moves apart in October.  Outlive it and life may look really different by then.

Friday the 13th is auspicious for everybody but the Templars.  It’s Freya’s day after all and the moon falls near Pegasus.  There is a mystical, emotional, dreamy fantastical feel to this.  Imagine the higher spiritual space, step away from the battle and fully retire into the beauty you have dreamt up.  Even if an underappreciated, debilitated Venus shows up with the receipts from the past, show her the depth of your love. Her mood is about to flip as she enters Libra in the tropical chart anyway.  Mercury will follow.  Things should get fair and even pretty quickly. Make love not war.  We have had enough war.


It’s turtles all the way down, Yoganauts.  Thanks for reading.

Mind your heart,
