Monthly Archives: June 2016

Sharing the Lunar Fruit: Day 14 to 18 of the Lunar Cycle

The full moon to waning gibbous represent the manifestation (just that word makes me shudder these days) quarter of the lunar cycle.  Our theme or intention of contacting the authentic self is realized without force, then the lessons and fruit are shared with others and others share as well.  It’s time to kick back and enjoy the benefit of creating and sharing.  We started by revisiting the Lunar yoga moon salutation and then we did several other people’s versions of Chandra Namaskar.  That covered the fruiting phase. Then we did some Yin yoga: long held poses to release and create space in the joints.  A little synovial fluid~change to spread the Lunar goodness through the body and the relaxation through the yoganauts!!!

OK!  So!  This is the value of the many and the one.  Dig all these variations!  You can just keep this one page and never have to seek more yoga again!  There is plenty here to be engaged with for a long time!!  This kind of catapulting expansion and variety has been our companion for months now.  Too much to take in at once!

The sun (divine masculine) in Cancer (astral feminine) and moon (divine feminine) in Capricorn (astral masculine) opposed each other over the Galactic center at this waning gibbous.  This is the Axis Mundi, the vertical axis of the universe with the solar luminary at it’s zenith and the moon at it’s fullest illumination speaking directly to divine partnering. This is a symbol of the druidic/hermetic “as above so below” and it’s bringing new forms of energy, information, signs and messages to those learning to trust divine wisdom.  are you still willing to dream after being pulled like taffy through the T-sqaures and grand squares?  Do you remember how?  Did your dream get updated?  Where’s your personal vision?  Did your authentic self answer your summons?  How’s it’s masculine feminine balance?  Sheesh!  Too much!

When we met, Saturn squared Neptune (retrograde), Mercury was transiting Gemini, the North node was conjunct Jupiter in Virgo and those two were trining Pluto.  Holy cats, that is some SERIOUS clearing of the decks!  Real release is possible with skies like this and there is power coming from a stationing Mars to overcome the beast of Deep Fear.  Catapulting expansion and stripping of layered conditioning are awarded to those who can stand being held here (in retrograde) to face this last, most painful of fears.

The reward of letting chaos have a seat at the table (remember Eris? yeah, she’s still around–invite her in!) is an equanimity that will help you in the eclipses of September WHICH ARE GOING TO BE COSMICALLY KNARLY.  So ask for help in dealing with the last blockage to love and trust.  ask for the ability to see the rightness underneath it all.  Ask for protection and take some solace and comfort in who you are, authentically, with this fear before you and as you invite it in.

~Frank Herbert

Uranus, the change agent, the dissolver of structure, went retro as did the wounded healer Chiron, foreshadowing the healing that passing through this phase of fear phantasmagoria can yield.  We don’t have to attach fear to not knowing.  The unknown could be positive, too.  It’s not necessary to achieve perfect optimism, but a little equanimity and faith could take us further than doubt.  We are working toward trust and we have the ally of the authentic self to provide comfort.  That and 14 different Chandra Namaskars!

In the last degrees of Mars retrograde we decided that we were ready to move through the final interior barriers to love.  That when we move and act from a place of connection, it just fucking feels better.  And no, we can’t get there every damn day.  The gift of being human is letting the difficulties, the grief and the fear pass WHEN THEY PASS.  Facing fear doesn’t mean it’s conquered in a minute, it means that whenever the thing rears it’s ugly head we face it, not turn tail and run.  IT ALSO means that if you are never going to break through, we have the self compassion to leave it.  For good. It’s not about martyrdom, but then you have been through the Virgo Pisces axis, so you know that.

It’s generally always the same messages when the “stiff upper lip” won’t cut it anymore and we are forced to overcome reactivity: feel the feels (don’t stuff them or run–take all the time you need to let it move through), invite the observer, allow the process.  Mistakes will be made, try to stay safe, honor freedom, honor you.  Congratulate yourself for authentically transcending your relationship to fear and separation.  Remain committed to love.

SO: here’s the Lunar yoga Chandra Namaskar:

Chandra Namaskar

Moon Salutation- both sides are within the single salute


I   Mountain to Moon

E  Forward Fold

I   Alanasana- Crescent Moon RIGHT SIDE  (there is no agreed upon sanskrit name for this pose that I am aware of.  this word means high lunge.)

E  Downdog

I   Updog

E  Balasana– Child’s pose

I   Ustrasana– Camel

E  Praying Child– Anjali Mudra behind neck

I   Updog

E  Downdog

I   Crescent Moon LEFT SIDE

E  Forward Fold

I   Arms Up Mountain

E  Moon to Heart Mountain


Then we did the following yin poses:

  1. Come into the pose to an appropriate depth
  2. Resolve to remain still
  3. Hold the pose for time

~The Three Tattvas of Yin Yoga Practice by Sarah Powers

When to practice yin yoga?

  • When our muscles are cool (so they don’t steal the stretch away from the deeper tissues)
  •      To see a graphical demonstration of the difference between
    cold muscles and warm muscles visit this page
  • Early in the morning (when the muscles are more likely to be cool)
  • Last thing at night (to calm the mind before sleep)
  • Before an active yang practice (again, before the muscles become too warmed up)
  • In the spring or summer (to balance a natural yang time of year)
  • When life has become very hectic (to balance the yang energies in our lives)
  • After a long trip (traveling is very yang, even if we are sitting down a lot during the trip)
  • During your moon cycle (to conserve energies)

Hold poses from 1 to 3 minutes or 3 to 8 minutes.  Follow the exhale on the way into the pose and let the inhale lead you up and out of it.  Do not resist your need for less depth or props.  Don’t fight with your authentic self or it will be a long 3 minutes!!!

Caterpillar (forward fold with bolsters)

Sphinx (cobra)

Child’s Pose (over bolster)

Supported Bridge

Twisted Roots

Gator (with rolled blanket under belly and bolster under feet)

Legs Up the Wall



Mars direct and the Last Quarter to Waning Crescent Basalmic – The Feels are Real

“Moon Mind Calendar
{June 27th to July 3rd}
This Week’s Intention: 
Begin again. Allow renewal, change and transformation to move you this week. Commit to new steps and deeper transformation.
 Get out of your
 own way.
Mercury has just moved to Gemini, joining the combust pair Sun and Venus.  The burning heat of the Sun provokes a purification process, this time influencing the mental body. This cycle is intimately connected to release, transformation and uprooting- especially with regard to relationships and the “other”.”

Here’s the tropical calendar:

“Monday, June 27th

Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces both at 11+ degrees

Wednesday, June 29th

Mercury moves into Cancer

Mars stations direct degrees of 23+ Scorpio

Thursday, June 30th

Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn both at 16+ degrees

Friday, July 1st

Venus in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Virgo both at 17+ degrees

Sunday, July 3rd

Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces both at 11+ degrees”

Here’s the Jyotish Calendar:
June 30th: Mars Direct
July 4th: New Moon in Gemini and Ardra Nakshatra
July 7th: Venus moves to Cancer
July 11th: Mercury in Cancer
July 13th: Mars moves back to Scorpio
July 16th: Sun moves to Cancer
July 19th: Guru Purnima Full Moon in Capricorn and UttaraAshada
July 26th: Mercury moves to Leo
July 31st: Venus moves to Leo”
waning quarter moon
“Questions to ask myself: Am I allowing myself enough freedom to relax? What is something I can do for myself as a token of love?”
“Get ready, Puppies and Kittens, this week will bring up all the feels!  Neptune and Saturn are still in their dastardly dance, so paranoia and anxiety are in the air.  From the 27th-29th, dreamy and romantic Neptune will bat it’s long eyelashes at sensual Venus.  On the 30th till July 2nd, transformational Pluto is coming to knock some sense into Venus, so things will very quickly get very real.  Be honest and kind because what you throw at others in these days will come back at you like a boomerang!  Play nice and you’ll be well-rewarded, loves.”
waning crescent moon
“Questions to ask myself: What would bring more peace into my life? What are the needs of my heart and soul?”
“Hey Moon-doggies…
We have Jupiter and the North Node exactly aligned in the sign of Virgo today… This is a pattern that is there to set the wheels of change into motion in each of our individual lives… While it may not feel that much different than any other day, this energy is like the “moment of birth” for our future transformations… But the real wild part of this particular transit is that Jupiter is considered “The PLanet of Good Fortune” and the North Node (which really just a calculated point in the Big Sky) is an indicator that Fate and Destiny are an active part of the horoscope.
With this kind of chart energy, the struggles we encounter are there to “teach us” something… Where we can end up gaining both knowledge and experience from what we normally would try to avoid… (or something like that)… “
Daniel Dowd of

The Moon & Mars Planetary Bio-Harmonic Audio-Video

The Moon & Mars
Video Duration: 00:03:33 min

This short video takes you on a meditative journey from the Moon to Mars. Incorporating the Moon, Mars and its Moon’s Planetary Bioharmonics; and featuring NASA images of the surface of Mars.
Produced by Nick Anthony Fiorenza of

Mars and Venus Surprised by Vulcan (detail). Guillemot Alexandre Charles,1827.

“After a long and grueling backwards drive, Mars, the planet of motivation and action will be stationing direct on the 29th.   It rules action, ambition, anger as well as impatience and war.

 This week three major planets hover in the sign of Cancer and oppose Pluto in Capricorn. Oppositions symbolize a call to action; a call for restoration after destruction. With the Sun, Mercury and Venus drifting through Cancer together the topic becomes that of harmony, sensitivity, and, ultimately, civility.”

Mars and Venus – Johan Tobias Sergel
 During the retrograde cycle we are often detoured from taking significant external action.  Though we may experience the delays as frustrating, the purpose of the time is to struggle with inner boundaries before expanding or claiming new outer territory.  If we force the issue and push through in spite of obstacles during the retrograde, we often discover later that the offensive has proven too costly in some way.  As Mars turns direct we will find resolution to roadblocks experienced in recent months or will realize we didn’t really need to take the proposed path in the first place.
Venus and Mars by Sidney Harold Meteyard.
Venus is combust and therefore invisible until July 9.  Mars on the other hand, is shining like a laser pointer in the South still retrograde until Wednesday.  The ancients assign serious influence to the brightness of the planets.  I don’t think the cosmic lovers LIKE being separated, do you?  Seems like Mars takes some exception to Venus’ tour of the Underworld?  Hmmmmm?~L
Venus Transits Sun – Cazimi
“Hundred and thousands of years ago, mythology, spirituality and magic were just a normal part of everyday life. They saw each moment of life as being infused with deep meaning, with messages for them to interpret and understand to be found everywhere.  Today, we are ripe for wisdom to reach us. A realization can slowly flow into your heart today that sends you into a whole other stratosphere of understanding what love is.
Happy Canada Day! On July 1st, Venus and Jupiter are in harmony.   A little love goes a long way. Something as simple as making a meal for someone can touch their heart, provide comfort and reassurance. Isn’t that what life needs, more reassurance, more love, more hope, more generosity and care?
 By the end of the week the Sun, Mercury, Venus and the Moon will be in Cancer. These are the early days of summer. Be sure to water your plants as another example of how you care. Make good meals. Eat well. Provide care and comfort. These are the important things now and each heartfelt thought and feeling can help to reveal the wisdom life has to offer you.”
“We are so captivated by and entangled in our subjective consciousness that we have forgotten the age-old fact that God speaks chiefly through dreams and visions.”
– C.G. Jung
“[I]t´s a good space-time to look at different ideas, paradigms, karmic paths of healing-suffering-transcendence-and getting deeper with it all. And where you stand with it. Whether it´s a roar, a rumble of thunder, the spark of fire, or the lightest whisper – my friends – Find your Voice and SPEAK.

(Or write. Or draw. Whatever works 😉 )”

Some recommended Crystals:
Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Chrysoprase, Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine, Charoite and Fairy Cross – explore have a look-see and which resonates most with where you are and what you need at this time.

Priestess Bairavee Balasubramaniam PhD

“Know your power.

Mars stations direct this week after being retrograde since April 17th. The days surrounding a planet stationing direct are intense ones. Especially when that planet is known for its intensity. This week will most likely highlight themes of personal and collective power.

If we are afraid of our power, someone else will come along and use it against us.  This is how to misuse Mars. Especially in the emotional powerhouse sign of Scorpio.  Good thing Scorpio is the most resilient sign of the zodiac. We must be willing to do the work that it takes to win back our humanity. We must be devoted to creating societies that care for the most vulnerable among us first. We can be faithful to the fight for love.

This week Venus also finds itself in intense tides. As Venus in the family oriented sign of Cancer opposes Pluto in practical Capricorn we might find ourselves going through intense and extreme emotions, relationship dynamics and learning how to deal with overbearing feelings and/or folks.

Kill them with kindness.

Because this week is also flooded with good feelings. There is harmony amidst the discord. Beauty alongside the beasts.  It’s much harder to pit people against each other if they feel loved, cared for, fed and on purpose. Our connection can save us, but we have to fight for one another so that none of us is left out along the way.”

“Moon Mind Calendar
{June 27th to July 3rd}
This Week’s Intention: 
Begin again. Allow renewal, change and transformation to move you this week. Commit to new steps and deeper transformation.
 Get out of your
 own way.”
(yes, a mistake to include it twice.  I decided I liked it.~L)

“Saturn retro often lacks in external motivation, Mars is retro as well (lack of internal motivation), and Neptune retro can lead to disillusionment to some extent. So if something doesn’t go to plan, check your motivation and goals.”
~ Bud at Weekly
(knowing where Mars falls in the natal chart can help, this planets’ retro ends Wednesday, but we still have to deal with the shadow period~L)
“The New Moon is at 12 degrees 53 minutes of Cancer, and happens on the 4th July at 4am PST and 12 noon UK time. The Sun and Moon are always together at a New Moon, and are conjunct Venus too; this is about loving feelings, particularly shared with family and those close to you. However, these planets are opposed by Pluto, the planet of power. So we may see some intense power struggles in the first two weeks of July, which can be on the public stage, or in your own relationships.
 From the 4th July, Venus is in a T-square with Uranus, Eris and Pluto, so this is about power, control, manipulation and intensity in relationships.
The Sun then replaces Mercury, and highlights the Uranus-Pluto square until July 20th. So Venus, Mercury and the Sun are all ‘pulling’ the Uranus-Pluto square back into highlight, and Eris is now part of the picture too, being conjunct Uranus in Aries.  In the world, this is likely to be continuing challenge to big corporation, institutions, and governments, authoritative structures that are felt to be too controlling or stifling to individual freedom.

There is also a beautiful Grand Trine in water from the 4th-20th July. This is between Mars at 23 Scorpio, Chiron at 25 Pisces, and initially Venus, then Mercury, then the Sun forming the third corner of the trine. If you have any planets or angles around 23-25 degrees of the water signs you may feel this strongly. This can bring profound healing, deep emotional healing, to things which you may have struggled with for a long time, that may be connected to repressed emotion.”

~Pam Gregory from

“The moment anyone tells you that your presence must be expressed in x, y, or z way – you know you´re in ego-game. It has nothing at all to do with Love.  Unconditional Presence. That when I choose to engage with you, I shall be nothing except my truest, deepest self. And that is the most Loving thing I can do for you.

But you might not like it 🙂 – or you might do. Depends on you.”

Unconditionally So,

Bairavee Balasubramaniam

The Sky Priestess

“Remember having a particularly exhausting day, and that night, how good it felt to turn off the lights and drop your weary body into bed, sloughing off the chattering thoughts? Remember how good it felt next morning, waking up refreshed and renewed, your problems shrunk to their rightful size, your optimism and hope grown larger? As the final phase in the lunation cycle, the Balsamic Moon is the monthly “sleep time”. During the three to four days of this phase, vitality and spirit are replenished, fueling your start at the next New Moon. Few neglect their nightly sleep, though most take no advantage of this cyclic rest. Yet, if you could observe just one Moon phase per cycle, this should be the one.

Our physical energy is necessarily as low as our psychic energy is high. We’re at a threshold, ending one cycle while anticipating a new one round the corner. We might want to get into motion, but our bodies are tired. Our clarity and focus wane, like the Balsamic Moon herself, rising thinner and fainter each morning until she eventually disappears altogether, lost in the Sun’s glare.

Ask a Balsamic how they accomplished their life’s greatest changes, and they’ll usually say “It just happened” or “I fell into it.” They ride the wave until they land on the beach. There’s nothing passive to this approach. Rather it’s a deeper form of intelligence, about which reason doesn’t know much. (I hope this inspires you to learn the moon phase gracing your natality. ~L)

Doing Balsamic goes against the cultural grain. We’re afraid of loss. Anything but endless upward growth appears unfortunate. The downward arc of cycles is difficult. Yet fearing Balsamic means shunning the medicine that can make us well. This Moon phase brings a profound initiation into cyclic intelligence, like the menstrual huts or Moon lodges of long ago, when women would bleed on the dark of the Moon and withdraw from the tribe’s daily business. In the womb of the lodge they surrendered to visions, renewing their powers, returning to their tribe inspired, with a renewed capacity to inspire others.”

~astrodienst at

Ice FallsFrom Thursday the 30th (which is the 25th day of our June lunar cycle and so the Balsamic phase and waning crescent) we SURRENDER and PLAY.  We let our minds wander to the future, now that the flowers and fruit of the full moon are composted and awaiting reseeding at the new moon on the 4th of July.

Our journey to the authentic self is well begun with this lunation, it was the right time to make an ally of the true self and come into union with a deeper understanding of who pilots the ship of our individual lives.  That’s all we can do here; learn to know ourselves better and deepen our healing within.  That is enough.  
Thursday at noon meet me for mindful, meditative fun and joyful relaxation.
This is by no means an end, but a celebration of beginning.
Hope to see you.
Mind your heart,

Full Moon to Waning Gibbous: Harvest and Release

Lin-Manuel Miranda 


(The underlined is a link.~L)
“As we stand in unison for the betterment of the collective good, may we also have the courage to sift through the truth of our own broken pieces, so that we might identify a wholeness within that inspires wholeheartedness for all humanity.”

Collage by Chani Nicholas & Sonya Passi

DISSEMINATING: Harvesting a 22° 53′ sidereal Capricorn Fri, Jun 24, 05:11 GMT; u, Jun 23, 10:11 PM MST

Harvesting Phase begins with:


Harvesting Phase ends with:


“Questions to ask myself: What does my body need right now? What are some ways I can pamper myself?”

Waning Gibbous

The week following the full moon is often a time for consolidation as lunar energy starts to diminish again and our activity levels begin to drop off.  It may be a time when projects come to a close (or pause) and we are able to slow down, look back and clearly assess the month.  It is good to remind yourself to feel proud, satisfied and complete, and to share these sentiments with others.

Typically, as our focus begins to turn inward again, our skills of analysis, scrutiny and our attention to detail are greatest during this phase, so if your job or study requires these traits then this is the time you may be at your most efficient.

Physically you may begin to tire earlier in the evening, as energy peaks earlier in the day, and you may notice a decrease in appetite.

This lunar phase can be a gentle time of intimacy and tenderness, once the raw passion of the full moon has

Influence of the Moon

Because of the near proximity of the Moon to the Earth, its strong tidal gravitational force makes it second in influence after the Sun. Lunar zodiac position in the sky, moving from one zodiac sign to another, helps astrologers explore the nature of human personality and daily activity.

Essence of human emotions

Astrologists (weird word!!!~L) believe that daily position change of the Moon in the zodiac reveals the essence of human emotions and may be the reason of their reaction to certain situations. Moon influences human creativity, imagination and ability to attract other people. It affects human’s personal mood and their focus on daily activities.

Moon in signs meaning

While travelling the heavens and crossing the zodiac constellation after constellation, Moon is charging itself with the power and qualities of currently visited zodiac

“An attitude of pseudo-masculine posturing could prevent you from acknowledging your own woundedness and vulnerability, and prevent you from growing. Or perhaps you experience conflict because of mentor/healer types who don’t permit or who subversively undermine your own creative expression of self-purpose. Resolution to these conflicts lies in meeting both needs: the need to connect with and trust one’s inner self, and the need to heal old wounds through accepting guidance from others who have already embarked on the healing journey.”

Double Light by Chani Nicholas & Sonya Passi

“These moments reveal to us how willing we are to learn how to take care of ourselves and our community. How willing we are to stay present with our people. How willing we are to reach out and make a connection with those we know are struggling. How willing we are to give ourselves what we need. Because moments like these speak to all the other moments that felt like fractions of this. Like splinters of this. Like hints of this. Like the possibility of this.

We cannot leave each other in the dark.

This is tender terrain.

So how do we work with these forces that don’t know much of each other? How do we make room for both of these needs? What do we see with this light available to us?

We see both.

Both the inner experience and the outer quest. Both the deeply personal meaning of the moment and also the collective one. Ask the big questions. Feel the big feelings. Listen for the quieter responses. Tend to the tiny tugs at your heart.

There is so much we can offer this moment. Mainly our humanity. Our willingness to know how our little lives intersect with our bigger roles. To know how our personal identities play out in the larger world. To connect to each other, in solidarity, so that we feel the power of collective resistance and resilience. To open to the global impact, while keeping an eye on our home front.

Solstice full moon blessings,


(It’s starting to catch on!  The moonmeme!~L)

“Sun moves into the sign of Cancer this week and that is going have a profound change in terms of financial and career/professional movement in the weeks to come… The sign of Cancer is by far the most business & financially oriented of all the signs.

 What I also have found over the years is that if you were to give something to a Cancer and ask them to take care of it, twenty years later they’d have that item in the same condition or better than when you gave it to them… But they’re not as careful when it comes to their own possessions and/or finances until they learn… The trick is to treat your possessions as if they belonged to someone else… That takes all the emotions out of the process and lets you operate in the most effective ways..

Jupiter is connecting to Pluto in Capricorn and that energy is there to help restore a sense of justice in our financial lives…it can take place in a rather herky-jerky kind of way… Or a way that can test your “inner faith” as that is a very important principle to both of these planets.  Mars returns to direct motion next week and that is going to be a MAJOR plus for us.”  ~ Daniel Dowd of

Valentine Grenier (whoa!~L)

“The Solstice, Full Moon and Mercury Influence Thoughts, Actions and Feelings

The overall manifestation this week influences emotions and sensitizes communication. What is said and done is power-packed, which has been happening during the season from the last Equinox in March until now with the Solstice. Four Full Moons with two being in Sagittarius and the strong impulse of Mercury has heightened how everyone feels and intensified actions and reactions.  There is a national and even world reaction to the compulsions through mass consciousness to go with the flow rather than thinking independently. The energy is so fast that many are on automatic pilot.

(SOVEREIGNTY ALERT!!! Mind your mind, yo!~L)

This Sagittarius Full Moon peaks early Monday morning and is the fourth Full Moon within a season. Between the March equinox and this June solstice there have been four Full Moons that is unusual. The last was nineteen years ago and the next will be in 2035. The call for manifestation is justice in its many forms. For you, much can be achieved by connecting to your personal beliefs.  It helps when striving to move through the world and life to be familiar with those inner motivations.

For the Week

Key words:

See; perspective; reality; individuality; originality; discern; focus; attune; connect; nature


My inner barometer (authentic self, perhaps?~L) is my ultimate sensor of harmony that guides me through life.

Colors & Stones:

Pearl; emerald; carnelian; moonstone; opal; pink tourmaline; mother of pearl; chalcedony

Oils & Herbs:

Chamomile; lavender; lily; sage; myrrh; rose

Next Week:

The Last Quarter Moon in Aries, Mercury goes into Cancer to join the Sun and Mars turns direct from its current retrograde position in Scorpio.

These are sensitive times where communication is critical. The urge is to say something even when many facts are lacking furthers volatility in the environment. Life is happening [quickly and furiously].

Recognizing we are all connected to everything is the Solstice message. We are part of the earth, the elements and stars and our intentions are stronger now.” (swadhyaya~L)

By: Sandra Helton, PhD (svadhyaya ~L)

“This Full Moon puts extra emphasis on the beginning and end of this sign, (Sagittarius) reminding us that cycles of growth and change take time and are part of larger cycles in our lives. We always have the chance to grow more. The past month has been a huge phase of change and growth in our lives. 
Jupiter meets the North Node in the center of the sign of Virgo at 15 degrees on Monday.
The North Node is a destiny point. It would be wise for you to use this time to think more about what you really want your life to become in the grander scheme of things, and learn the steps necessary to get there. Make lists of the things you want to experience for your life, and then make an action plan. Virgo is all about the details of the work necessary to get there. We are reminded that to reach the bigger goals in life, it starts with a big vision and small steps that build on one another.
Jupiter in Virgo meeting the North Node signifies that we also recognize the abundance and value of nature, of wellness and living life in a holistic, healthy way that honors all our lives.   We get to decide which direction we take life. We can each intelligently be a force of change in the world. Reverence for the natural world with gratitude takes us a step closer to realizing the higher purpose of life. The earth is the garden that sustains our lives, and all life.
This is a time to respect the lifetime you’ve been given so you can make a difference in the world and live to your higher potential. Your life makes a difference. Your life matters. You are a part of the abundance of life.
Jupiter in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn are in harmony on Sunday, June 26, 2016. This signifies growth and empowerment. Goals that are aligned with a higher vision for your life, and a mission that parallels your personal philosophy, are the ones to focus on. Taking the leadership approach for your life, deciding what course of action is best, will help you to feel like you’re happily ascending up a mountain worth climbing.
Mercury in Gemini and Uranus in Aries are in harmony on Sunday as well. This is great for useful information to find you out of the blue. Pay close attention to synchronicities and
Such a “Deb picture”.   “The Quest for the Authentic Self” on

“This astrology can have us feeing a little spun out and spent. It’s up to each one of us to stay close to our center and not get too lost in whatever it is getting spun.

The only thing that can counter our fear is our connection.

 We need big, broad, open minds to hold all that beauty, all that pain and all that complexity.

Let yourself be broader. Let your heart widen. Let your life deepen.”

The second book of the yoga sutras begins with an axiom that defines a key element of yoga practice as accepting pain as help for purification, tapas. The only (?~L) way that the inner fire of purification works is if you learn to stay in it and not run away. The natural human response to pain is fear, avoidance and denial, yet yoga uses pain as a method of awakening. By learning to accept (??~L–i’d say cycle) pain within the safe space of yoga you learn to create a pause between the stimulus of pain and the response in your body and mind that wants to run away. In that powerful pause you are able to choose your course of action instead of being driven by reactionary patterns from the past. The store of accumulated reactionary patterns amount to what is called in Sanskrit the samskaras and these set ways of being, reacting and running create the negative karma that adversely affects our lives.

(I don’t see it as necessary to use pain in this way, but if it is already present this is one way to use it constructively to release layers of accumulated energies.  Once the commitment to reveling the authentic self is engaged, emotions are felt and expressed more freely.  Pain is a feeling AND an emotion that is best allowed to cycle like breath, like tides, like wind and trees and rain.  My opinion, yo.  Keno is really passionate, but there is a reason for the reptilian brain’s reactionary quality.~L)

“But those who know, know. And they´re the ones with the biggest jobs right now. To hold, and transmute energy that has been so forcibly suppressed. Other energyworkers in conflict zones or places of violent disturbance (Orlando comes to mind) will absolutely be called to do similar energetic holding-and-shifting.
Because that´s where the shift begins. In You. Through You.
If your response to hate is hate, then that is all we will have, at the end of the day.
Together, let´s hold a vibration of peace and forgiveness – especially in the face of the most violent forms of hatred. That is the best that we can do.
And the rest? Let´s see what the Universe has planned.
In the meantime, send Love everywhere you can, beginning with Yourself.”
Lunar yoga can sometimes help me with this perspective: it isn’t personal.  Yeah, life can be an absolute trial and why anyone would show up here is a great mystery except: perhaps transmuting energy is what we are good for.  Maybe if we take care of these power struggles and sovereignty issues HERE, on this planet, in this dimension it echoes throughout time and space.  It could pave the way for our children and their children.  I don’t think we can deny any longer that the energy is moving from “me and not me” to “us”.  Is it worth 13 or 14 billion years?  Gaia says “yes” and she’s the one with the most to lose. ~L

Are you in a place of lack and fear?

 You can communicate with ANY energy – in both the physical and spiritual world – in either a positive or negative frame of mind.

 So preparing by consciously being in a calm, receptive, peaceful and grateful state is super

(And knowing your authentic self and how to arrive in the above state can be really helpful, too.~L)

LAST QUARTER: Cultivating a 11° 16′ sidereal Pisces Mon, Jun 27, 18:18 GMT; Mon, Jun 27, 11:18 AM MST

Cultivating Phase begins with:


Cultivating Phase ends with:


We’ll celebrate our lunar journey with a variety of Moon salutations, the long-held poses of Yin yoga and some serious restoratives.  A both/and practice.
If you have any requests for next Thursday let me know, yo.
Mind your heart,
Syzygy in 11 days

After 11 days on 4 July 2016 at 11:01 in ♋ Cancer, the Moon will be in New Moon geocentric conjunction with the Sun and this alignment forms next Sun-Moon-Earth


What is Dying is My Conditioning and Desire to Control What “Should BE”

If daytime is inhale and nighttime is exhale, then the pause between is Solstice.  In Sanskrit it’s called “kumbhaka”; the perfect moment of reflection, retention, meditation or practice.


It’s also Italian downtempo and ethno-psychedelic chill out music available for FREE DOWNLOAD: Release listen & download via, but I digress . . .

So we mimic this pause (kumbhaka) with yoga practice as often as we can.  It’s a repetition of a peak moment: awareness, pause, act.  Inhale, pause, exhale, pause.  This is the progression of Surya Namaskar, the sun salutation that connects our flowing and held poses in Lunar yoga.

The vital power of the sun has been celebrated by our ancestors since before time was time.  We pause and reflect upon it every time we practice.  I cannot say enough that this class is about the cycling of separation and return, light and dark, masculine and feminine, that IS creation.  We have practiced Surya Namaskar A in the Ashtanga tradition (or vinyasa) since September of 2015.  On Thursday 16 June 2016, we added Surya Namaskar B.

Here is a neat depiction of SURYA NAMASKAR A and B, including breath cues (use the legend at the top right). Sun salutations link each movement with an inhale or an exhale breath. Follow the length of your breath to judge how long to stay in each...

Thursday was Day 10 of the Lunar cycle of June and presented us with a waxing gibbous moon, three-quarters full.  The flower of the first quarter is pollinated in this phase and bears fruit at the upcoming fullness on the 20th.  So in this week we creatively communicate the intention of the new moon to others.  We build toward clarity of purpose by combining energy with others and  we learn to communicate more authentically by sharing what’s ripe and casting off our old, out grown patterns.  Fertilization, polarity and process all as a whole; everything is in the act of creation and destruction at once.

The Gemini sun and Sagittarian moon stretch our purpose of illuminating the authentic self across the axis of intellect and truth.  We build toward the perfection of our self-observation and contact with who we really are in a smart and seeking way.  It gives us the rare view of the individual within the context of the larger whole.  Really fortunate, if you can believe in yourself and your purpose through this lens, then you have achieved yoga.

This surprised me, though it should not have.  This is the meaning of “namaste” as you know.  Many and one, one and many.

The  full moon (opposition) on Sunday 20 June brings us to day 15 of the Lunar cycle, and some serious cycling it is!  The second full moon in the sign of the archer also brings us to the 3rd iteration of the mutable grand cross with so many amazing transits I had to just give up trying to convey them all.  (Dammit, Jim, I’m a yoganaut not a an astrologer!)  I think they are better left for the weekly posts, when the “REAL” astrology and astronomy gets researched.  Another important lesson I am becoming aware of: play is more important, sometimes.  Moving the feelings through the body, especially overwhelm, benefits from a little less exactitude.

In a welcome reversal of new moon process, the days before the full moon are the most potent and I am writing this on a windy, hiding-from-the-world style Tuesday when it is plenty crowded just being alone with 2 dogs!!  The purpose of the intention to meet my authentic self arrives in all it’s messiness and weariness and sadness.  I need to really know who I am to know how I am going to proceed and today is a sober reckoning.  I am not anything more than I was before I asked.  I am vulnerable, confused and alone on a violent planet.  I am exhausted, I feel allergic.  The future is uncertain and it looks like it’s going to require some serious flexibility and hard work to get this train to station.  But wait.  I know how to do that.

I also know that if I let myself actually feel my crappy feels, instead of trying to push through them, then the crap gets processed and I won’t have the stuck energy gumming up the works.  So, you guessed it: naps, yoga and dog walks.  Tomorrow is another day and as a matter of fact the day AFTER the full moon is an integration and releasing day anyway.  Things start to ramp up quite a bit on Wednesday and start to really roll through day 18 of the Lunar cycle, so it’s good to rest, take an honest survey and get grounded.  In the words of Kari Field, “the nature of this world is impermanent and we are meant to find our power by releasing and flowing with it”.  I can do that.  Tomorrow.

We began class breathing in and out through the heart, coming into practice asking, “What is this wisdom inside that’s ready to be known”?

Then we did too many Surya Namaskar B’s for Angie’s taste, but then she had just run 6 miles!

We did Goddess pose with Surya Prana Mudra, the chalice of solar receptivity.  The arms are raised to shoulder height and bent at the elbows, palms open to the sun, chin tilted upward.  Radiating and breathing through the heart, “the solar current causes the heart to FLOWER and stokes any weak fire, expanding contracted emotional states” says Shiva Rea (pictured below).

Side Angle and Revolved Side Angle

Dolphin to Dolphin Plank

We practiced Epiphany, Receptivity and Allowing


Side Lunge to Gate

Half Lord of the Fishes

Marichi’s Pose

Revolved Head to Knee

Seated Forward Fold

Hridaya Mudra

“Meaning of Hridaya

Hridaya is the Sanskrit word for ‘Spiritual Heart’ drawing from ‘hrid’ (centre) and ‘ayam’ (this). It is said to be different from the physical heart that regulates blood circulation and gives the body life. Rather Hridaya is the place where ego and all thoughts dissipate, the seat of Pure Consciousness, our true source and essential nature. Through stillness and self-observation (swadhyaya, remember?~L), connecting with Hridaya provides us guidance and understanding and reveals who we really are.

“When we steady our breath we feel the
steadying of our thoughts. Then the thoughts
turn inward and melt away at a point.
Watching this point, where the thoughts
vanish, will also help us to merge
ourselves in the Hridaya.”

From “Moments Remembered” Compiled by V. Genevan”

Mind your Heart,


June 20 Full Moon at 5:02am MDT Solstice at 4:34pm MDT

luna moon has arrived a summer solstice - water color

“On Monday we welcome in the Solstice on a Full Moon, which falls at the very tail end of Sagittarius. On that same day, Mercury, the planet of communications and news will also perfect a Mutable Grand Cross with Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter and the Nodes of the Moon. It may feel as if we are speaking into the wind. That we are not being heard. That our voices are being drowned out and ignored. It is also an opportunity to speak deeply, and from the heart, and persistently. And to ask questions. Even if it means that for now that there are no answers, and our words are not being acknowledged.”

“Saturn/Neptune squares are good for:

  • Making conscious and willing sacrifices for what we perceive to be a higher cause
  • Tempering our fantasies, hopes and wishes, in order to make a dream a closer reality
  • Setting healthier and more realistic boundaries, limits, rules and legislation
  • Recognizing where you have been placing unrealistic expectations on yourself and others
  • Letting go of those things that no longer serve you and being open to attracting those things that do”
  • Simulation of the If you were on the moon right now, you’d have an Earth at the “new” phase. This is a simulation of the “new” Earth as viewed from the June full moon (June 20, 2016 at 11:02 UTC).
“Jupiter perfects its conjunction with the North Node next week. There are powerful forces at work here, trying to show us a better way of doing things. May we lay to rest the sadness and miseries of the world, with whatever, even small, but effective actions we can make for the betterment of humanity. And may we continue to build on those actions in order to cultivate a happier, safer, and healthier planet where people need not fear for the safety and well-being of their loved ones.”
“The June full Moon is on Monday the 20th at 05:02 am Mountain Daylight time. Moon will be transiting Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra at the time of the full Moon. Rahu gives his shadowy gaze to the Moon, as well as the tempestuous pair, Sun and Venus, currently combust in Gemini.
Explore new possibilities, try new resources, ask for support in new ways.
This cycle is an opportunity to work with the chaos, to use it as a resource for deep transformation and change. How will you lean in to the turmoil, rather than away from it? What is the underlying root cause of the chaos that is stirring?”
Image Credit:  Dan Bush

Beginning around now – around the morning of June 23, 2016 – watch for the daytime moon. No matter where you are on Earth, look generally westward after sunrise in the next few mornings to see the moon in a clear blue daytime sky.

(This is my favorite thing the moon does.  I love the sun and the moon in the same sky.~L)

“This Friday evening holds the Saturn in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces aspect. I began discussing this major indicator of human evolution last week. This is the second hit of this square being exact in the waning square position of the present 36 year cycle between them. The other two times of exactitude are November 2015 and September 2016. These and this time represent a part of the process of swinging human consciousness towards a greater sense of unity and authentic spirituality. Neptune is in the sign of its rulership, Pisces, which gives it the stronger position. Here it represents the immanence of the collective consciousness and the dissolution of individual and separating differences between people, peoples, and nations. Our separateness is the biggest illusion.” (and that IS yoga, Yoganauts~L)
  ~David Zunker at
“This Full Moon is the same day as the Summer Solstice. The Astrological indicators at the start of summer give a description of what this summer will be like. So this week shows us clues as to what our summer will be like. This week and this summer are a boost into the world that we are creating for ourselves for the next ten years. Plant the seeds of potential. Cover all the bases and the various angles. Keep your options open. Never say never.”
(“No absolutes!”, That is Lunar yoga.~L)

“A full Moon hasn’t landed smack on the solstice since 1948.  But that’s what’s actually happening on Monday, June 20.

This has visible in-your-face consequences.

First, there’s the solstice …

  • The solstice is, of course, the day with the most minutes of sunshine.
  • It’s when the midday Sun is the year’s highest.
  • The sun rises at its leftmost spot on the horizon and sets at its rightmost position.
  • The setting sun sprays into windows at a strange angle, and touches bits of furniture that are not illuminated at any other time.
  • The Sun’s path across the sky makes its longest and most curvy arc.
  • Check out your shadow at 1:00 PM, like Puxtatawney Phil.  This Monday that’s your shortest shadow of the year.”

 “By landing exactly on the solstice, this Full Moon doesn’t just rise as the Sun sets but is opposite the Sun in all other ways too.

The Sun gets super high so this Moon must be super-low. Even at its loftiest at 1 AM, it’s downright wimpy-low. This forces its light through thicker air, which also tends to be humid this time of year, and the combination typically makes it amber colored.

This is the true Honey Moon.

The moment of full Moon is early Monday morning.  So it will look equally full on Sunday night and Monday night.  You get two chances to enjoy the Solstice honeymoon.

On the evening of June 20, join me. We’ll be looking through a giant telescope at the Moon, courtesy of Slooh, and you can see it, too, through our live feed right to this Web site. Pretty amazing, right? Click here for the live Solstice Full Moon show!”

~ By  Bob Berman  at

What follows is a long quote from Kari Field at Anandashree Astrology:


Marcia Snedecor –
“In a rare and auspicious alignment, this month’s full moon will coincide with the Summer Solstice, offering a double dose of celestial light. While the moon will reach fullness at 4:02 a.m. PT (5:02am MDT~L) on June 20, 2016, the Solstice, or the longest day of the year, will culminate just hours later (4:34pm MDT~L), giving a powerful boost to global consciousness and expanding our potential for spiritual insight.

Shining its vibrant light onto all aspects of our lives, this full moon illuminates realms long buried, allowing all that is dark to be seen. In Vedic Astrology this brilliant midsummer moon will illuminate the area of the sky known as Mula, or the “root star,” which marks the end of material attachments and the beginning of spiritual realization.”

Marking the “stinger” in the tail of the constellation of Scorpio, and situated close to the galaxy’s centerMula is said to hold great spiritual power. Ruled by the untamed Goddess, Nirriti, who represents chaos and subversion from the norm, she holds the fatal venom of the Scorpio’s sting. Nirriti lives in the kingdom of the dead, and like the goddess Kali, she uproots and weeds out what is unnecessary, leaving behind a fertile bed of possibility.

Culminating on June 20 at 15:34 PT, (June Solstice in Helena, Montana, USA is on Monday, June 20, 2016 at 4:34 PM MDT) the Summer Solstice is not only the longest day of the year in the Northern hemisphere, it also represents the climax of solar energy for 2016. This is a great time for practicing ritual and magic, and for setting goals and intentions. The Full Moon in Mula can bring about sudden epiphanies, revealing hidden gems of knowledge to all those who inquire.


The lunar mansion of MULA contains the most colorful area of the sky. – Rho Ophiuchus.
“This Full Moon asks us to look beyond the material realm.  Instead of acquiring more things, focus on clearing out the cobwebs of the past, literally cleaning out closets or unburdening yourself of wardrobe items you may never wear.  Mula Nakshatra upholds a great truth: that the nature of this world is impermanent and we are meant to find our power by releasing and flowing with it.”
Nirrti by Jarol-Tilap on

“In India, this powerful Full Moon will be celebrated as Vat Savitria holiday that celebrates the spiritual power of the ancient princess Savitri. Named after the sun god, Savitr, she embodied the effulgent beauty of sunlight and the steady devotion of its path through the sky. So immense was Savitri’s power that by following Yama, the Lord of Death, into the underworld, she was able to rescue her husband from his clutches. Yama was so impressed by Savitri’s austerity and strength that he allowed her to transgress the mighty power of death itself.”

“Savitri’s journey to the underworld represents the cycle of death and rebirth, which the sun undertakes everyday at sunrise and sunset.  Harness its brilliant energy to reset old habits and take solid action to improve your own life and the lives of others.”

“This Full Moon also has a unique influence, or sambandha, from expansive Jupiter, who will fully merge with the head of Rahu, the shadow demon (in Vedic astrology, in tropical the North Node is beneficial~L) on June 23. On a global scale, this fiery combination amplifies and distorts politics, morality, and human rights issues. Its influence can be seen in the tragic events of Orlando, and the resulting amplification and polarization of public opinion (other astrologers in Western tradition see this as straight-up Mars retro Scorpio~L). The exact conjunction on June 23 could mark an important breaking point for human consciousness, whereas on a personal level, it could bring about sudden and transformative change.”

Full moon on June 2, 2015 at Hartman Rocks, Gunnison, Colorado, by Matt Burt.Have a happy solstice full moon, y’all! Photo is the 2015 June full moon at Hartman Rocks, Gunnison, Colorado by Matt Burt.Thanks, Matt!

Be careful not to be too critical of yourself or others, and be especially conscious of the words that you choose to use.  Are they empowering you? As Mercury opposes Saturn on the days surrounding the Full Moon, also watch out for possible travel delays.

This rare combination of a bright summer moon on the brightest day of the year can set your heart ablaze and awaken a new yearning for spiritual nourishment. Nirriti has the power to uproot and destroy old patterns, leaving us free and clear to absorb all the light we can hold. Listen to your inner wisdom.  Through light can we dispel fear.”

*To fully understand how these astrological influences affect you on a personal level, book a one-on-one Vedic Astrology Reading with me here. ~Kari Field  Copyright ©2016 Anandashree Astrology,  All rights reserved.


“In Vedic mythology and astrology, the Sun represents pure masculine (or yang, creative and upward/outward-moving) energy. (The Moon, on the other hand, embodies pure feminine, yin, inward reflective energy.)
 This full Moon may call you to dig deeper into something you have felt curious about. Research and investigation are well-supported, and you may unearth some undiscovered truths. Now is a great time to begin to deepen your knowledge, especially about things like astronomy or astrology. You can also honor and connect with the energy of this full Moon by working with roots, herbs, or medicine.”
Happy Solstice and Full Moon Squared, Yoganauts!
May the Full Flower of Your New Moon Intention Delight and Inspire You!
Mind Your Heart,

Waxing Gibbous to Full Moon, 20 June 5:02am MST (Sagittarius in tropical AND Vedic!!!), to Solstice 3:34pm MST



“A Full moon in fellow fire sign Sagittarius on Monday, June 20, is culminating at the last degree, suggesting you too will be feeling your intuition pumping at its fullest. If you want to know the truth of anything, just ask your own sweet self. You will be amazed at the power of what your sixth sense can communicate if you tune in.
Use its magic to propel you forward!”

” Note that this year the solstice occurs on the Full Moon, accenting this time even more.”

“The June solstice arrives earlier than normal: marking an end to the lengthening days in the higher reaches of northern climes, while the opposite is true for those in more southerly latitudes. A full moon features a few hours beforehand and according to Universal Time (UT), a standard measure around the globe, both these events occur on the same day. This hasn’t happened for forty-nine years, making it a once in a lifetime event for many.  What that means for you is complicated, but it suggests a critical period.”

~Paul Wade from

 “With this Full Moon occurring at a fully loaded degree, I’d expect this inner restlessness to get a move on to be stronger than at the first Sagittarius Full Moon back in May. The frustration comes from feeling blocked from doing so as we’d like.  I wrote at the beginning of the year that much of 2016 would be a strange and confusing transitional period, and I think this peaks at the 29th degree Sagittarius Full Moon.  In reality, periods of emphasis on mutable signs act as periods of massive transition; no major changes as you get with the cardinal signs but constant movement nonetheless. Remember this as you’re feeling nothing is happening…that very soon the illusion will dissipate and we’ll be whiplashed by the realization that we were accelerating all along.”

Aspects For The Week
13 Jun – Moon is in Trine with Mercury
14 Jun – Moon is in Sextile with Saturn
14 Jun – Sun is in Sextile with Uranus
14 Jun – Sun is in Sextile with Uranus
14 Jun – Moon is in Square with Pluto
15 Jun – Moon is in Trine with Venus
15 Jun – Moon is in Opposition with Uranus
15 Jun – Moon Sun is in Trine with
16 Jun – Moon is in Sextile with Jupiter
16 Jun – Moon is in Trine with Neptune
17 Jun – Moon is in Sextile with Pluto
17 Jun – Moon is in Conjunction with Mars
18 Jun – Saturn is in Square with Neptune
18 Jun – Moon is in Opposition with Mercury
19 Jun – Moon is in Square with Jupiter
19 Jun – Moon is in Conjunction with Saturn
19 Jun – Moon is in Square with Neptune

20 June – Full Moon in Sagittarius (tropical) 5:02 am MST at 29 degrees, a critical degree and ARIES POINT (messages and shifts- a portal to the unknown)


“Neptune in Pisces stations Rx on June 13th. It will confront Saturn Rx in Sagittarius in an exact square, on June 17th.  This has been building for a few months, and is the second of three squares. When two Rx planets square each other, there’s an intensified focus on crisis and returning to a tricky issue in order to push past a block. Neptune shifts or dissolves Saturn’s structure, and Saturn places a reality check on Neptune’s dreams. The outcomes can range from sacrifice to a new goal. The rules have changed, and even if you have to give something up, you’ll see new potentials.”

(Remember, this time Neptune CAN prevail, if we bring the energies through the heart.~L)

(wow! not an endorsement.~L)

“Also on June 17th, Venus enters Cancer. Relationships, values, money and self-esteem will be infused with nurturing and nostalgia. The baseline needs of all Venus issues will be emphasized: not only what you want, but what you feel is essential for your security. Tenderness, neediness and emotional reactions will bubble up. As this ingress happens on the same day as Saturn/Neptune, it suggests that turning the corner on that square will reveal something sweeter, softer or more vulnerable.”

This still from Larry Koehn's recent video shows Venus and Jupiter in late, 2016, when these 2 brightest of planets will appear near each other in the west after sunset.  Visit Larry's website

This from Larry Koehn’s recent video shows Venus and Jupiter in late August, 2016, when these 2 brightest of planets will appear near each other in the west after sunset. Mark your calendar! Visit Larry’s website

“A lot of this energy is being fuled by the Lunar emotional edge in Virgo as the moon makes it’s sweep over Jupiter, the North Node, and the point of fortune… This energy can sure make you want to scream, cry, dance, and take a nap all at once. The key here is often just in allowing ourselves our own space to process the emotions….once we have truly felt things All the Way Through, then, and only then can we truly move forward with no strings attatched….”

(So, my contention being that I am a portal for the synthesis of opposites, these emotions (moon) move THROUGH me as part of the process of creation.  If they do not move?  If they get stuck?  If I don’t get better and better at embodying change by letting go?  Well, I assert that is where the trouble starts . . .~L)

werewolves and mermaids? sign. me. up.

Jun 11 22:20 Moon at ascending node
Jun 13 10:06 Mercury 6.4°S of Pleiades
Jun 14 20:47  Spica 5.3°S of moon
Jun 15 12:00 Moon at apogee: 405022 km
Jun 19 00:40 Saturn 3.3°S of moon
Jun 19 03:39 Mercury 3.7°N of Aldebaran
Jun 20 11:02  FULL MOON
Jun 20 22:35 Summer solstice
Jun 26 05:28 Moon at descending node

View larger. | 2015 Taurid fireball leaves a puff of dust.  Captured by Adam Trenholm.

View larger. | 2015 Taurid fireball leaves a puff of dust. These annual fireballs put on an amazing display for much of November, 2015. Captured by Adam Trenholm.

 “You may be really disappointed, upset, or pissed-off-as-all-get-out by a situation, a piece of news, or the behavior of a cohort, for instance. Yet, in that moment, it’s probably best to reserve any visible clues to your response (as best you can, that is) while you take it all in, digest, and begin to strategize how you’ll want to eventually handle it. The same advice also applies to overly eager, exuberant, or ecstatic reactions. A measured show of optimism will serve your short-term interests better than a full-on spectacle. The primary objective of this advice: to practice healthy emotional boundaries in circumstances where ‘too many feelings’ will prove distracting, and then handling how you feel about it all elsewhere.”

After the 1st quarter we go to waxing gibbous, a phase of attraction and involvement with our intention (our Lunar yoga example was accessing authentic self).  The outer and opposite becomes alluring, so it’s a good time to moderate and balance the inner desires as they can really leap out and attack.  Still the intermixing of these contrasts create the magic that bears the fruit (strawberry!) of the full moon.  You are POLLINATING from Thursday to Sunday.  Yowza, Yoganauts.~L

“Jupiter and Mars are the stars of this week’s horoscope… As Jupiter pulls away from Neptune, you will find that this energy creates the conditions where “truth” can be revealed… The kind of truth that can un-lock the doors to better prosperity and spiritual understanding… The wild part is that both Jupiter and Neptune are connected to a retrograde Saturn, so the results/rewards of this energy will not instantly appear… That will cause many to want to “give up” or to “turn away” but it’s the ones that hold out and “Keep the Faith” that can acquire rewards and satisfaction that most would not dream were possible.
If that’s not enough… We have Mars that is now connected to The Sun & Venus on one side, and to Uranus on the other side… It forms a pattern called a YOD and is often called “the finger of God” even though, at times the beginning of the this energy may feel like God is giving us the Finger fercrissakes… hehe..”
fruit bat. Har.~L

“Don’t let your dreams be defined by what you currently think is possible. There comes a time when we have to take off the rose colored glasses. Or do we? Although denial can be dangerous; it can also be useful. We can refuse to give in to pessimism, feeling defeated, or hopelessness, despite situations that would tell us that’s the reasonable response.

This week we charge forward by taking calculated risks that blend good judgment with a healthy dose of hope and imagination. We don’t have to take off our rose colored glasses, but we may have to wipe them clean or make an adjustment or two. Dare to dream big and Saturn will find a way to build the necessary foundation.

You Could See this Differently: Moderation is a virtue, really. I know it doesn’t sound sexy or appealing.  You’ve experienced what it’s like to live on the edge, dancing on the two polar opposites of too much and too little. Why not try moderation? Instead of seeing yourself as a victim, strive for a balance that supports your overall wellbeing.”

~by Katt at

“When we honestly look at how the structures that we are up against (Saturn) clash with the dreams we have for our lives (Neptune), we stand at the cross section of what needs to be done and what could be created.”

“Between the 15th and the 17th, as the Moon waxes entering the deep waters of Scorpio, you may begin to feel that it is necessary to hold on tighter and tighter to an ideal that hasn’t quite allowed the acknowledgement of a harder realistic truth. It is possible that you can transcend a neatly defined version of what you think love is or should be; thus, embracing a flexible and lucid version of an ideal that can be effectively applied in the face of even the bleakest elements of reality.”

“Full moons are always dramatic to some degree. This full moon at 29 degrees Sagittarius is bound to be especially memorable for three reasons.

First, it takes place at the last degree of a sign.   You can compare this is the grand finale of a fireworks show on the 4th of July. Or how about the winning touchdown at the end of a tense, exciting football game?

I’m using positive examples because Venus is involved in this mashup which is the second point I want to make. I think something good will result of whatever occurs under the full moon.

However, I do expect the prelude to this event to be quite fraught. This my third point: we’ve got the Mutable grand cross to deal with, active under the full moon.

The Mutable Grand Cross involves, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn & Neptune. Saturn and Neptune are both retrograde, exacerbating the problem. Information is concealed and/or straight talk is misunderstood. This has got everyone on edge. It’s throwing people for a loop – Gaslighting & Mental Anguish.

Expect a tense week heading into this thing…but an ultimate good result. And whatever you do, don’t lose your hope!  Because there are presents and kisses in this thing, courtesy, Venus and Jupiter.

One more note…the full moon takes place early in the morning, so expect things to be rattlin’ on Sunday night.”

“These Gemini-Sagittarius full moons are awkward and deceptively complicated.  One moment united, the next standing directly across from our twin image. Again and again I am learning that we are both the seer and the seen. This is the magic of the Gemini constellation, this brilliant and much-needed reminder that conflict is happening only on the inside, that there is no separation between yourself and the mirror. How to have compassion for ignorance and still accomplish what you need to do and live in your own truth?

Probably the most exasperating aspect of all is that not everyone is going to be onboard, so even when we are operating at our absolute best, we inevitably encounter roadblocks in the form of immaturity, unwillingness to cooperate, stubbornness. Don’t give up or give in, my friends, because this is the key to everything – without challenge, life is meaningless. Embrace the awkwardness, swallow your frustration and see what you are supposed to learn.”

“This moon is transmitting Mars for us quite magnificently. It is also transmitting the sign Sagittarius. A fire sign that knows no bounds and holds no grudges. Sagittarius bounds forwards, striding, riding full tilt towards future adventures.

Full moons are powerful moments of fulfillment and Mars is at an important moment of its own retrograde cycle, making this a full moon to take note of in terms of what we are doing with our energy, our desire, our rage, our power and the potent weapons we can be.    The point is to make Mars conscious. To understand the power that it possesses. To make the choice to work consciously with that power and to direct it to defend and protect our human rights against the forces that wish to devour them.”

sorry about the fb name. sorta.~L

“So this “square” between Neptune and Saturn is asking us to merge the irrational with the rational – the real with the unseen.

That’s a tall order! Yet, we need to accommodate BOTH right now.

And when we don’t surrender to the timing of the universe (Saturn) while surrendering our hearts to unconditional love with everyone and everything… we feel pressure.”

Well, Yoganauts, here we are in the days just before the strawberry full moon with the Solstice just afterward.  No small task too embody all this change and allow others to change in a way that honors each of us.  Exhaustion and frustration builds and that simmering “are we there yet?”  keeps calling out.  All the things that bind us to our expectation for a particular outcome are in the fore of our experience.  It’s helpful to take the perspective of the growing moon, look down on all that’s swirling in our lives and feel all the way through to the very center of your “soul’s” desire.

Having one foot in the real and the other in the not-yet realized is tough work.  It’s not easy to see how the world alters your vision of what you thought you wanted.  Sometimes it hurts.  Badly.  Still, that’s what “bringing spirit to matter” is all about.  We are literally running an experiment on the divine presence by letting it shape our experience.  We have to stretch and reach and open to do so.  There are very few concrete answers in the process, so we have to be inclusive and tolerant.  I drew myself a little diagram of all that is happening in the sky right now and it is so complex, I can’t even attempt it today and that is only the aspects within the solar system, not the alignments to the Galactic Center and Great Attractor.

I am determined to stay to the lunar basics here.  I will say more on the blog (please look, like and subscribe! ) The best ways I have found, for myself, to be open and available to myself is to keep supporting the liberating transformation with movement and breathing in and out through my heart.  Gemini wants an open mind and a willingness to learn and Sagittarius wants me to expand beyond myself, so I have got to make self-care and gentleness to me my biggest priority.  All the while, the things I have habitually relied upon and the securities I have grown to love are falling away.  What, then, is left for me to find but the fruit of all this journeying and remembering?  My authentic self shining out at me like a diamond-flower-mirror-merkaba vehicle from the rubble?  Can’t wait to see what all this pressure is building.~L

I examine my will, truth, trust and reparenting myself until I see “soul” presence in everything. The moments when I don’t are so old and tired that I find energy to go seeking again.  I’ll keep shifting and aligning energy consciousness until the efforting stops on Tuesday, which is a great day to kick back and enjoy the perspective that my intention reveals.  No need to force any longer, it’s time to see what emerges.  This is when what I was guided to intend, trust and act upon fits itself into the greater context.

Next we harvest.

We will add Surya Namaskar B to our repetoir of soul-accessing asanas (it’s another rhythm you already know) and really bear witness to the flower of all we have created on our Lunar yoga journey.  Bring with you those questions you always wanted clarity on for the asanas that vex you and we will all work together on clarity, finishing touches and discussing

our practice.

Thursday at 12noon and Saturday at 10:45am

Be there or face the square unprepared.

Mind your heart,


Waxing Crescent Wednesday and First Quarter Sunday Commentary and Asanas

Yoganauts, we are in the growing and flowering stage of our lunar journey.  This flower opens on the First Quarter, Sunday (which looks like a half) and then pollination starts in the Gibbous phase.  Full moons bear fruit and then we harvest, compost and seed anew.

or this

and this:

That waxing crescent phase is like the first eighth of the cycle, roughly 3 and a half days.  I will want to expand on the seed idea from the new moon.  So in our example from last week’s class, I’ll try to creatively engage my authentic self.  Maybe try doing some of those frequent, short meditations and inquiring about what I really enjoy or why I don’t like certain things.  Just get to know myself better and visit my native tendencies.

I also want to find a realistic, achievable way to contact my authentic self: for our example I could use every encounter with others as an opportunity to examine myself and my attitudes and scan for resonance.  When I think something I could ask “Is it TRUE?”. I could write down my dreams and free associate about them for a month.  I would try to tease out my beliefs, desires or motivations.  I could engage therapy . . . on and on.

It’s also important to identify doubts and fears about my new moon intention at the first sign of the crescent.  In my intention to illuminate my authentic self, I might be afraid to discover unconscious tendencies.  I might be stubborn or uncaring at times.  I might talk to much (ya think?), over analyze or minimize the contributions of others.  I might also have a bunch of negative beliefs working against me: I may think it’s normal to be inauthentic, I might fear that I am not a good person at heart or I may not know how to integrate my negative qualities.  I may have to face my belief that I am destined to fail.  The best way to do it that I have found is to really feel the fear, let it wash over me in waves until I can sincerely allow the thought “you never know, it could be another way”.  Don’t know mind, beginners’ perspective sometimes takes days of processing for me to achieve, and I have some issues that will take a lifetime to move through.  The point is to be willing to see the fear differently.

After Sunday at 2:09pm, I am free to put my careful plans into action.  I will try to trust the process and demonstrate that trust by applying my talents and working at it.  I will go to that therapy session, I will do “The Work” by Byron Katie about some outstanding issues (I swear I have 2 half written pages on that, I hope I can get into after Sunday!!), I will draw more, I will listen silently more (!).

I will try to keep in mind that I want to PUSH through my limitations and old patterns by Thursday of next week (waxing gibbous) when I can reach another level of growth.  I am pushing open to greater potential and personal will with action steps and then stepping back and evaluating.  I am tweaking and adjusting my actions according to how it really feels to me.

moonflower [ˈmuːnˌflaʊə] n 1. Any of several night-blooming convolvulaceous plants.

In class I did discuss some of the days’ aspects, but here I’ll just keep it to the really big deal: Uranus conjunct Eris will be a large factor in the coming months and even years.  This conjunction was with us just prior to WW2 and the insight that we can get from the story of the Godess Eris herself is really illuminating.  It is a story of the patriarchy, the glorification of a cat fight (please look her up).  It is also the story of repressed feminine energy and that needs to expand into the world through the heart chakra in 2016 to avoid another massive breakdown in world politics and collective consciousness.  When Eris, Goddess of discord, strife and chaos and Uranus, the great awakener come together in the sky the big imbalance of masculinity and femininity is punishing for all of us.

In Lunar yoga, we look at this outside of gender roles; the feminine is the encompassing unifying, leveling dark element and the masculine is that protective, security-seeking stabilizer in all of us.  There’s a part of me that wants an army to deal with the big old, bad old world and a part of me that wants to smother it in hugs and kisses.  Same story Lunar yoga always tells: fear or love, greed or giving, hate or care.  It’s gotta be both, here beneath the moon.  Stretch, reach, strengthen: encompass all.  Stand more.  Tolerate better, bigger.  And THIS TIME that “rub it all together and see what you get” energy, ALL of the feminine darkness and chaos?  It’s got to come through the heart.  The only way to a new paradigm is through inclusion, loving the journey, the hot mess we have made of it and the process.  What we were doing before was about separation and we’ve called that patriarchy.  Here forward, we must find our compassion for ALL of LIFE.  No exceptions (and no absolutes!), EVERYONE IS INVITED TO THE PARTY, but you gotta wear your big boy/girl pants.

I noticed there were no ticks nor any mosquitoes in this depiction.

There is also the minor matter (uh huh) of  Saturn Square Neptune.  Remember the dreaded Uranus~Pluto Square?  This is the updated version, with us until September of this year.

“Saturn demands patience and humility, commitment and a willingness to endure when life refuses to unfold as we desire.   Saturn looks out for our welfare by encouraging common sense and wisdom in equal measure.  Neptune embraces everything without condition or exception.  It brings us moments of complete peace and those of terrifying dissolution.  
Together these two planets provide the most polarized experiences of our lives – definition and dissolution.
When two planets square each other we must find a way to accommodate and live both.”
~Sarah Varcas from

See? It’s not just me!  Some others like to pound the “both/and” drum.  And I swear the universe it rife with it, or I would not keep bringing it up.  Notice the polarity: spirit versus matter.  This time spirit wins.  There is a thing bigger than Saturn and it is Neptune in Pisces, yo.

Class was about the way that the sun salutations and (all of yoga) honor our energy centers called chakras.  These are vortices, portals or toroidal spheres that can be envisaged as flowers throughout the centerline of the body.  So they exist in each one of us and are a collective feature of humanity.  Some people even say the earth has chakras.  The feature about chakras that ties all of this lunar cycling together is that they are our areas of assimilation.  Each chakra has a signature energy that it jibes with.  When the energy is flowing, we are like roses: created and destroyed a million time s and hour and no worse for the wear.  When we balk and stop the energy flow, things get messy.

This is one vision of what the authentic self might look like; a body with chakras that you can remember by saluting the sun–the biggest visible energy center.  You have to admit, it is still a very popular idea and lots of people like to use it as one of those fast, frequent rituals we were talking about incorporating as action steps.  Muslims do a similar thing 5 times a day, but they point toward Mecca.  Anyway, one method of illuminating authentic self and YOU ALREADY KNOW IT (without the jargon–so here it is)!!!

Tadasana-heart chakra-“I love”

Hands to sky-throat chakra-“I speak”

Standing Forward fold-root chakra-“I am”

Plank-sacral chakra-“I do”

Chaturanga-solar plexus chakra-“I feel”

Updog-3rd eye chakra-“I see”

Downdog-crown chakra-“I understand”

I like this order better than any other and other people label the chakras differently in Surya Namaskar.  This is the Lynn Lunar yoga version, you helped me develop it in class.  In our class we use Ashtanga Series A.  You are ready for B now, we are going to add it next week with the waxing gibbous and the full moon.

These are the poses (you already know from class) in their chakra context.

Forgive the body-shaming skinniness there.

Root Chakra  “Muladhara”  Color: Red  Seed syllable: “LAM”  Location: Base of Spine, Legs  Mudra: Thumb and index fingers touch, arms straight, hands on knees

Poses we use: Tadasana, Warrior I, Goddess with mudra

“I am” * Survival

Sacral Chakra Swadisthana” Color: Orange Seed syllable: “VAM”  Location: Hips, gonads  Mudra: Hands in lap, right palm resting on left, thumbs touch

Poses we use: Warrior II, Goddess with mudra to Wide Legged Forward Fold

“I feel” *  Creativity

Solar Plexus Chakra Manipura”  Color: Yellow  Seed syllable: “RAM”  Location: Belly  Mudra: Palms together between stomach and heart, thumbs cross (masculine or feminine on top)

Poses we use: Boat, Half Lord of the Fishes, Bow

“I do” * Will power

Heart Chakra Anahata”  Color: Green  Seed syllable: “YAM”  Location: Heart                   Mudra: Right hand-index finger and thumb touch at heart center, left hand same resting on left knee

Poses we use: Camel, Gate, Fish

“I love” * Inclusion, love

It cannot be emphasized too much that we begin to consciously process through this chakra.  We have practiced deliberately dropping our gentle attention down into this area in class.  It is a simple practice, but is so vital to our coming challenges.  Keep taking your FEAR to this place for processing.

Throat Chakra Vishudda” Color: Blue  Seed syllable: “HAM”  Location: Throat                Mudra: Hands by stomach, fingers interlaced, thumb tips touching

Poses we use: Cat/Cow, Shoulderstand, Plow, Bridge

“I speak” * Expression, purity

Third Eye Chakra Vishudda” Color: Indigo  Seed syllable: “AUM”  Location: between eyebrows

Poses we use: Seated forward fold, head to knee, child pose with fist stacked pressing between eyebrows

“I see” *  Intuition

Crown Chakra  Sahasrara”  Color: Violet  Seed syllable: “ANG” or silence  Location: top of head

Poses we use: Half lotus, Alternate nostril breath, Savasana or corpse pose

“I understand” * Spiritual Connection

Superpower?  Chakra flow.  You already have it and Yoganauts know!



Waxing crescent to 1st quarter moon ~ Actionable Ideas & Foundations of Support

“There was no chance Muhammad Ali wouldn’t be quoted this week…a few words from “The Greatest”:

“It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe.”

“Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.”

–Muhammad Ali”

~from the website (how’s that for active holism of masculine and feminine?~L)

Muhammed Ali 
January 171942
June 32016

GRAIL‘s gravity map of the Moon


“You are not the only one. You are no better and no worse. You are, however, like everyone else and central to it all – not the God of gods or demon of all Demons but a humble source of creation itself –taking it and dishing it, forever in the act of balancing the constant ever-changing forces.  The same person who shouldered this or that back then is the same person, the only person, who can drop ‘it’ now. Uproot that gnarled weed that has grown in your mind and grab hold of ‘it’ by the tendrils that have so long made a home in your gut of guts.”

The monthly changes of angle between the direction of illumination by the Sun and viewing from Earth, and the phases of the Moon that result

Instead of closing ourselves to an opposing point of view or opinion, Gemini encourages open-minded tolerance. If we are feeling stuck, stalled, or uninspired, isn’t it possible our way of looking at the situation isn’t working? What does it hurt to consider something else?

Remember too that retrograding Mars is in penetrating Scorpio. No superficial answers will do! We may be tired of the status quo and shallow approaches that don’t seem to work. This week, like many others, we may be keenly aware of serious issues. However, we can take them on with a sense of humor, welcoming new information and innovative solutions from every corner of the universe.

Katt Hall xo at

Things are slow in coming to fruition, and that really frustrates you, but right now shadow and light are intermixed, so you need to be cautious and deliberate.  Take all the time you need, assess the conditions, ponder your surroundings and proceed only when you are comfortable and ready.  Don’t let others push you into action.

by Terri Ireland at

William Butler Yeats’ Lunar phases

The premise for “A Vision” is rooted in Yeats’ concept of the two interlocking gyres and phases of the moon. These elements are the basis of his work. They are the essential components of life according to Yeats. Understanding them allows us to understand the concepts of life, death and time in Yeats’ realm. They explain the meaning of life and history as well as what will happen in the future.

Twenty-and-eight the phases of the moon,/ The full and the moon’s dark and all the crescents,/ Twenty and eight, and yet but six-and-twenty/ The cradles that a man must needs be rocked in;/ For there’s no life at the full or the dark/…Too perfect to lie in a cradle,/ Too lonely for the traffic of the world;/ Body and soul cast out and cast away/ Beyond the visible world. (Yeats, 60-61).

This passage is from “Phases of the Moon” in A Vision. It describes the progression of time in relation to the phase cycle of the moon. The new and full moon are the periods where time begins and ends. The darkness of the new moon is “beyond the world” where phase one starts (Stock, 124). The phases in between the two are the growth and evolution of the human soul over time, or incarnations as Yeats describes them. Yeats adds a new dimension to the phases of the moon by incorporating the four Faculties. They are: Will, Mask, Creative Mind, and Body of Fate. Each one of these aspects of human nature oppose one another at any given time. Will and Mask are linked together, while Creative Mind and Body of Fate are joined together.  

~from: “Cycle of Life Explained in A Vision.” 07 Jun 2016


Day 3  Waxing Crescent

Day 7 First Quarter Moon (90 degrees between Earth, Sun and Moon)

Day 11 Waxing Gibbous


Day 17 Waning Gibbous

Day 22 Third Quarter Moon (90 degrees between Earth, Sun and Moon–OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET!!!)

Day 24 Waning Crescent

Day 27-28 (or 1) NEW MOON

It’s a jittery process. Be gentle with yourself. ~L

 “This lunar cycle inspires audacious action and enterprising pursuits while standing in the midst of uncertainty and the diversionary conditions of human life. It brings emphasis to the physical infrastructures in our lives and to that which supports our fundamental physical needs. It impels us to create nurturing and protective environments and conditions, and brings emphasis to monetary issues.  This is the firstlunar cycle occurring as we fully engage in the last quarter of the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn cycle, that began in June of 2000 and which completes in 2020, presented in the article: Sociopolitical & Personal Explorations 2016-2020.

This lunar cycle can stimulate unexpected or disconcerting events in our lives or unexpected disclosures, but that support progressive change in the longer term. Staying heart centered is emphasized.”

~Nick Fiorenza of The Lunar Planner

The Home of “Earth’s Precessional Cross”
The Sacred Geometry of Global Change

& the Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul

(Highly recommended if terribly complex and woo.~L)

waxing crescent moon – sometimes called a young moon – is always seen in the west after sunset.

At this moon phase, the Earth, moon and sun are located nearly on a line in space. If they were more precisely on a line, as they are at new moon, we wouldn’t see the moon. The moon would travel across the sky during the day, lost in the sun’s glare.

Tonight – June 8, 2016 – the waxing crescent moon beams in front of the constellation Cancer, the faintest constellation of the zodiac.   The June solstice sun always marks the first point of the sign Cancer.

Note that a crescent moon has nothing to do with Earth’s shadow on the moon. The only time Earth’s shadow can fall on the moon is at full moon, during a lunar eclipse. There is a shadow on a crescent moon, but it’s the moon’s own shadow. Night on the moon happens on the part of the moon submerged in the moon’s own shadow. Likewise, night on Earth happens on the part of Earth submerged in Earth’s own shadow.  (Everybody’s gotta deal with their own dark side, yo.~L)

This young moon - June, 2016 - marked the beginning of Ramadan. Abdulmajeed Alshatti wrote: June 2016 waxing moon marked the beginning of Ramadan for Muslims around the world. Abdulmajeed Alshatti posted this photo at EarthSky Facebook on June 7 and wrote: “Muslims fast for the whole of the lunar month … This is the crescent as it appeared in Kuwait tonight (June 7).”

The Lunar Phases by Nick Anthony Fiorenza

CRESCENT: Growing a 07° 53′ sidereal Cancer
Wed, Jun 8, 12:19 GMT; Wed, Jun 8, 5:19 AM MST

Growing Phase begins with:


Growing Phase ends with:


How to Harness the Power of the Waxing Crescent Moon

During the waxing crescent moon it is beneficial to reflect, meditate and visualize to bring inspiration and passion into your intentions. This is a period of regeneration and anything you do to strengthen yourself is more effective when the moon is waxing. Take advantage of this time to attract and bring positive change into your life.   The Waxing CrescentMoon can have a positive affect on our behavior. If you have an interest to conjure energies into your life such as more patience, more understanding in your relationship or a more positive attitude, this is the perfect timing for such goals.

(Lindsey, you would really dig this site.)

“If this week has a theme it’s reconciliation. If you don’t find a way to get right with yourself then your relationships are likely to push you until you do. [There is] tension between what you want and what you feel locked into. Think about where your greatest growth is instead of only responding to your feels at face value.  If you’re feeling petty or resentful, try and breathe through it and show others the same patience and compassion that you most surely need.  This is an important time for getting your insides better in line with your actions, boo.”

FIRST QUARTER: Flowering a 26° 33′ sidereal Leo Sun, Jun 12, 08:09 GMT; Sun, Jun 12, 1:09 AM MST

Flowering Phase begins with:


Flowering Phase ends with:


This moon appears half-lit to us, and half moon is a beloved name (although not an official one). Still, it’s good to recall that the illuminated portion of a firstquarter moon truly is just a quarter. On the night of first quarter moon, we see half the moon’s day side, or a true quarter of the moon. Another lighted quarterof the moon shines just as brightly in the direction opposite Earth!

first quarter moon rises at noon and is high overhead at sunset. It sets around midnight.

” I am taking action to move my intention from a dream state into the physical world.

Questions to ask myself: Am I taking the actions I know I am capable of? Am I remembering to have fun in the process?”

“We all have a ‘best’ version of ourselves and a version that we know holds us back. These are the two extremes of our own inner pendulum. One end may swing faster and travel further but it is inextricably linked to the other. But what sometimes feels limiting also provides the security we need to balance us. Without it, we become detached and surge forward, which is okay – until we end up in a motionless heap on the ground. It’s time to cut yourself some slack. You’re on the move and starting to swing again.”

Lunar astrology is a very important branch of astrology and the aspects between the solar/lunar cycles can uncover the inner depths of your existence. 

The lunation cycle translates the solar/lunar aspects in the phases of the moon into human conscious (sun) subconscious (moon) characteristics that affect the course of events on earth – “fate”.

Each phase of the moon reflects a map of solar/lunar/earth energy that portrays the personal wiring of each and every one of us.

The orbital paths of the moon and earth around the sun shape the eight phases of the moon which symbolize the embodiment of life (earth), action (sun) and reaction (moon).

That’s the part we are always trying to yoke, no? Get that reactive, spastic part lined up with the higher purpose, the vision we have of how to move into this world in a way that does not destroy us, but uplifts us.   We are responsible for tending that fire of hope and not extinguishing it in others.

This week as we move from WAXING CRESCENT to FIRST QUARTERMOON (in case I did not bang on that hard enough) let’s get some well thought out plans for action in place. Let’s make those intentions to honor the authentic self real.  Let’s guide the use of our life-force energy toward our vision of who we each are.  K?

Thursday at noon, Saturday at 10:45am at the Lovely Dancing Lotus Center for which we I am very grateful.
Mind your heart,

New Moon Commentary and Asanas (6/2 to 6/5)

Hey There Yoganauts!  

Just a note to let you know that the commentaries and the asana lists will come out online this month, but I won’t be emailing them after this one.  Please, please, please go to the blog to get them and also to follow my travels in July.  I am not sure if I will talk about yoga, dogs or the moon on the break/road trip, but if you feel like checking in, please be welcome at:

This site was created just for you and I hope you will feel free to share your comments there.  I will be adding class notes and asanas from all the classes as time permits.  Last week’s is already there. Please tear it up with feedback, criticisms and rants. Remember, your journey is about you and it’s time to balance out all my jabbering with YOUR insights.  Sincere thanks.



Some of our friends and neighbors, and I imagine all of the thousands of families who were forced to evacuate due to these fires in Calabasas and Topanga Canyon, California, shared similar feelings. It certainly brought us all face to face with understanding what is valuable to each of us.
We grabbed a handful of things and evacuated to safety. Later that night we activated what Sarah Varcas called “the alchemy of surrender” and went to sleep with prayers in our hearts, not knowing the fate of our homes, but abiding in that state of trust and unknowing.
The following day we learned that although the fires had ravished 500 acres of our neighboring hillside, they had been 70% contained and our homes had survived. The courageous firefighters who came from all over to combat these fires did an outstanding job and were able to corral and eventually drown out the threatening blaze.
Sarah Varcas had adviced us to watch for “unexpected developments that may surprisingly ease progress despite conditions that indicate the opposite and to try to discover the buried treasure.”
I include this as a bit of a tribute to our friend Alex Talbot who is out fighting fires, Jen Ryan and Debra Bullington’s family and friends and anyone else who has firefighters out in the world.  All our goddess poses are for you.  Come home safely. ~L
This moon represents a turning point.  We are changing our relation to fear and to shadow.  We now know that the duality inherent in our personal cycles is intimate with the polarity that creates in the material and ethereal universe.  We are allowing  the instability to do it’s work.  We are telling the ego to stand down and let the truth, the vision, the creative essence emerge.  This emotional, archival clearing and letting go of the past will yield emotional liberation, creative freedom.  It is up to each one of us to decide what love is.  We must learn from ourselves what we value.  Answers are not being “given”.  The dance of polarity will determine the outcome and the song is not over.  This is the part of the movement where we explore the soul.  We get to use the delays and the stop-start energy to dismantle our self-sabotage, do a little ruthless pruning of our self hatred and detach from false beliefs.
Gemini energy is intellectual, quick, light, mercurial, sometimes fickle and certainly interested in moving on.  That is our tropical sign this month.  In Vedic astrology the new moon is in Taurus the sign of material values, earthy delights and stability.  It’s a great combination for the journey to you.  Take the path from your head to your heart.  Find compassion for your struggles, your point of view and decide to embark upon the Quest for Your Essence.  Ana Forrest calls this “the Warrior’s Choice”, where we detach from illusion and false belief and seek to become intimate with our authentic self.  Jettison the ballast of toys, distractions and escapes.  Seek the pain at the core of addiction and bear witness to it, include it, ask it about creative solutions.  Place your faith, hope and trust in YOU and your authenticity.  Take off the mask, go behind the veil and know your capacity to grow in integrity.
Trust you can handle it.

Venus is conjunct the sun at this new moon and crosses into the depths of the underworld. This movement out of earthly view is called “going combust” in Vedic lore and while the sun is considered to be positive in Western traditions, it’s often thought to be malefic in the East.  We of the Lunar Yoga Tribe know that positive and negative are changing attributes, contextual and subjective.  We allow the interpretation and allow it to change as well.  The end result of this conjunction is that the morning star becomes the evening star after passing behind the burning luminary (see what I mean? all flows!) and it turns out she likes it better that way.  Feminine and dark, thank you.  
Her new placement lands her in the watery, decidedly female Cancerian waters and by July 14. She promises freedom from confusion in her new placement.  On Bastille day we will have the chance to put our new, streamlined values into practice and CHOOSE ANEW. Until then we can ask “what is love?” and “what is truth?” and notice how the symbols and meaning evolve and change through duality’s process.  When the time comes, we will be ready to DO LOVE DIFFERENT if we take this time to decide what it means to be our authentic selves.
This new moon is in the Rohini nakshatra in Jyotisha (Vedic astrology) and this lunar mansion occupies the part of the sky where Aldebaran, the red star of Taurus burns.  The opportunity for healing and self-care is on the rise, but this time we are asked to do it differently: short, more frequent rituals that remind us of the authentic self are called for.  Make your mudra, mantra and meditation short, sharp and dazzling.  Take that one minute to breathe deep (Gemini) and enter your vision of your most evolved self viscerally.  Never mind harsh energies from crosses and squares, we will use this passage to deepen our focus on our personal vision and our devotion to the emerging authentic self.
This week we used dhyana mudra: left hand palm up at navel level, right hand cradled within it, thumbs touching to create a triangle.  This mudra is for introspection, for turning the gentle attention inward and remembering the true self, the authentic, unchanging  observer of all that comes and goes.
This practice is called Swadhyaya in Sanskrit and it simply means “self-observation”.  Seeing the self as a single event head to toe.  This week we aim to be “generous in the interpretation of our own and other’s behavior”, as that is one really good definition of love.  Befriend all of it, inner and outer and let the instability do its work while you focus on your relationship to yourself and therefore, to life.
I am what I seek.
Sun salutations
Chair pose
Goddess Pose on tiptoes with Dhyana mudra for Alex
Wide knee Child’s Pose
Down Dog
Rolling Lizard Twist (inhale lean back and open, exhale lean forward and humble that warrior)
side lunge/crawl into 
Frog pose
twist and crawl into
Hip wiggles into Down dog
(do the boldface on the opposite side, now)
wide knee child’s pose
padmasana (seated lotus pose)
bow pose
cobra pose 
cobbler’s (or butterfly) pose
padmasana with torso twists
child’s pose
happy baby
prone twisting (knees one way, arms the other)
I also suggested that this was I really good new moon for creating a mantra of intent, both to be used as short, sharp, dazzling ritual throughout this lunar period and also written down after the 4th and burned, buried or placed in moving water.  However you think it would get to the other side best.  Mine was “I trust I can handle it” and I burned it because I fear fire and in the spirit of “doing it Differently” I am walking into my fears lately.  Baby steps and planning, yo.  Not time for the big stuff till mid-August or so.
But you only woulda gotten that if you were there!!!
Thursday at noon and Saturday at 10:45am until
Thursday June 30th!!!

Making the Ideal Real: New Moon in Gemini (tropical), Taurus (Vedic) 9:01pm Saturday 4 June 2016

“The week begins with the moon in Pisces, making its way into Aries by late Monday, Taurus by late Wednesday, Gemini by late Friday and Cancer by late Sunday. It will be new in Gemini on Saturday, ushering in a desire for logic and reasoning.  Saturday is a day to keep things in proper proportion as both the sun and Venus square Jupiter. The temptation to see things overblown looms large.”

The intuitive and rational parts of brain interact to modify sensory information. In these images, the moon is of the same size but is perceived differently.   The position of Sun, Moon, Planets and Stars that describe the major events of ‘RAMAYANA’ in reality are not actual positions but are only apparent postions perceived by man (women don’t have this issue.~L😉). Man needs the Force of “KRUPA” to overcome the trappings of “MAYA”.
~Dr. R. Rudra Narasimham



Rohini nakshatra, where our new moon takes place, is ruled by the moon.  This is the blushing bride, favorite of the creator Brahma.  All seed action or planning is is well aspected here, as this is the origin of the creative desire for bliss.  Rohini is symbolized by the bull and means opulent, creative, fertile sexuality, imagination and beauty.  It’s all about stillness and self-control with short bursts of staccato energy that yield amazing results.  Optimal feminine receptivity amplifies your precise, playful, creative brush-strokes.  Keep it happy, flirty and sensual and mind your perspective.~L

Moon phases: 1) new moon 2) waxing crescent 3) first quarter 4) waxing gibbous 5) full moon 6) waning gibbous 7) last quarter 8) waning crescent. For more, read Understanding moon phasesMoon phases: 1) new moon 2) waxing crescent 3) first quarter 4) waxing gibbous 5) full moon 6) waning gibbous 7) last quarter 8) waning crescent. For more, read Four keys to understanding moon phases

Gemini (along with the other mutable signs) are bicorporeal or “double-bodied” signs, meaning they relate to concepts of duality and inhabiting different worlds simultaneously.
This is really significant.  The way that we are thinking is changing and therefore an energetic cascade is being set loose.  We don’t know what will be effected or how, what will be included or excluded.  Serious mental tension and emotional variance (see-saw? teeter totter?  roller coaster?  tilt-a-whirl?) can stem from this dynamic.  Just knowing this and the fact that IT WILL PASS, may help.~L

  Let’s try to be as clear as possible about this new moon in Gemini (duality, FAST, clever CHANGE).  We know from past study that new moons are conjunctions of the sun (what we want, Soul) and the moon (what we need, personality), so they are both in that part of the sky, but this time around our luminaries are joined by (benefic, attractive) Venus also in very close conjunction.

Simultaneously, Saturn (integrity policeman) in Sagittarius (truth & purpose) is in opposition and Jupiter (expansion) in Virgo (details) and Neptune (dissolution) in Pisces (spirit and duality), are both EXACTLY square that new moon, Sun and Venus (soul, personality and desire = insatiable LONGING) to our quickly shifting gathering. 

This is the “mutable grand cross” (in red, above) famous and notorious for the power it conveys.  These planets take a long time to align and in these changeable planets we are asked to be FLEXIBLE and FLOWING. This type of complexity and connectedness is also the reason I can only talk about the transits occurring to moon and sun–HALF THE SOLAR SYSTEM IS IN THERE!!
The loss of control is palpable, the fears are dissolving, the risk is to ABANDON YOURSELF.
There is access to bliss in union, but we must not wreck ourselves like empty vessels on the rocky shore of a higher love.  We gotta land on that shore with all our marbles still in the bag.  Light, precise, fun touches work best.  Delicate dabbling, please.
Time to value all the qualities you bring to the party and not waste them.  Your superpower is being YOU.  No one else knows how, so only show glimpses.  Leave them wanting more. ~L
This week is the waning Moon after the first of two Gemini to Sagittarius Full Moons. Sunday, with the waning half Moon, we enter into the 4th quarter of this lunar cycle. This portion of the lunar cycle is for letting go of what does not keep our interest or benefit us. Individuals are challenged to discern where and how to interconnect with the world. Do you fit in? Do you need to?
~David Zunker at
The location of the sun with respect to the moon determines the moon phase in your night sky.  Image via
1. When you see the moon, think of the whereabouts of the sun. After all, it’s the sun that’s illuminating and creating the dayside of the moon.
The spin of the Earth causes the moon - like the sun - to rise in the east and set in the west each day.  Image via Martin Cleburne's excellent article Where is the Moon?

Earth’s daily spin causes the moon – like the sun – to rise in the east and set in the west each day. Image via Martin Clebourne’s article Where is the Moon?

2. The moon rises in the east and sets in the west, each and every day. It has to. The rising and setting of all celestial objects is due to Earth’s continuous daily spin beneath the sky.

3. The moon takes about a month to orbit the Earth. Although the moon rises in the east and sets in the west each day (due to Earth’s spin), it’s also moving on the sky’s dome each day due to its own motion in orbit around Earth.

The moon's orbital motion carries it to the east in Earth's sky.  Image via

The moon’s orbital motion carries it eastward in Earth’s sky. Image via

4. The moon’s orbital motion is toward the east. Each day, as the moon moves another 12-13 degrees toward the east on the sky’s dome, Earth has to rotate a little longer to bring you around to where the moon is in space. .

Just after the last quarter moon rises, its lighted portion is always facing downwards, more or less toward the horizon. Why? Because you’re on the midnight portion of Earth – with the sun below your feet – just as it’s below this
Perspective.  It’s an issue right now, no matter where you’re standing.~L
05/29/2016 Sun 2:51am EDT Moon Pisces Square Venus Gemini 
05/29/2016 Sun 5:18am EDT Moon Pisces Conjunct Pallas Pisces
05/29/2016 Sun 6:41am EDT Moon Pisces Square Vesta Gemini
05/29/2016 Sun 7:13am EDT Sun Gemini Square Moon (Half Moon) Pisces
05/29/2016 Sun 1:11pm EDT Moon Pisces Conjunct Neptune Pisces
05/29/2016 Sun 3:38pm EDT Moon Pisces Square Saturn Sagittarius
05/29/2016 Sun 4:27pm EDT Moon Pisces Oppose Jupiter Virgo
05/29/2016 Sun 9:01pm EDT Moon Pisces Sextile Mercury Taurus
05/29/2016 Sun 10:01pm EDT Moon Pisces Sextile Pluto Capricorn
05/29/2016 Sun 11:06pm EDT Moon Pisces Conjunct S.Node Pisces
(OK, Lynn, what does THAT mean?  It means our emotions are powerfully brought to all of these aspects.  What we feel becomes most important.  Intuition, flow and feeling your way forward is the new method.  It’s hard to trust your senses, your broker, your politics or your meteorologist.  But nature might be safe and spirit moves here.  Can we feel it and let it guide us from detail to big picture and back again and LET the ebb and flow happen to us?  Remember: the deadline to TRUSTING the Universe approaches.  It’s not about “efforting” anymore.  It’s about allowing, NOT KNOWING, possibly enjoying and definitely intuiting.  Ask your gut.  Ask your heart.  Trust YOU first and foremost.  The Real Thing is offering the sacred wine.  Take the cup.  Be free.)
“Moon enters its very favorite nakshatraRohiniIn this lunar mansion is found the red eye of the bull of Taurus, a red giant star also called Aldebaran.  Moon loves the red light of Rohini, the most beautiful and sensual of all lunar mansions.”  
Rohini new

“There are riches to be explored in the extended pause – a number of inconvenient truths that will take us deeper to the core of our being. If you can stay put for now, you might just uncover a subtle greatness. It won’t be grand; this kind of greatness is not loud or boisterous, nor does it come with a shiny prize. It is simply and purely the greatness of you as you are that will bring a quiet relief to the mayhem, and to discover it, we must dismantle the illusions we’ve created of ourselves that blind us from the reality of what makes us authentic.

 Greatness is our approach to the journey, the intentional steps we choose to take along the way. For once, consider that you have nothing to prove to others – no masks to wear or roles to play. All you have is this one life to live, and the greatness to be that which is simply and purely you.”

“Generally, the moon represents the mind and the emotions in a person, so has a very personal significance to each individual, whereas the sun represents the soul. Of course the sun is very important to us too as it our main source of light, but its light is reflected on the moon (as the moon has no light source of its own), so the moon is the bearer of the soul’s energy. Therefore the Moon indicates our emotional and psychological patterns and tendencies.  If the  moon is waning (on its way from full to no moon), then this will generally make you more withdrawn and reflective. You will generally not seek the limelight.

~Yildiz Sethi
Balsamic – “Releasing the Past.” Turn away from thought and drop into the quiet. Emptiness is the fertile ground that recognizes and encourages the presence of the new seed. Regeneration. A time of cleansing. Inner time and reflection bring you back into emotional, physical and spiritual balance.
New Moon – “Beginnings.” Subjective-Inner awareness starts to open; new seed-ideas begins to unfold in the inner consciousness. Expand into the world of ideas, allow the outrageous wanderings of the mind, open to unlimited possibilities, watch the birthing of the idea into thought. Let it unfold in the quiet.
“New moons remind us that we must expand our definition of what we think is possible in the world and ourselves. They’re juicy opportunities to get things right, and a Gemini-infused moon encourages curiosity and out-of-the-box thinking. There’s always more of you to get to know.”
“In the week before the next new moon there is usually a sense of let-down. You’ve tackled the job and it’s either finished or not, but you need to sit and absorb what’s been done so far, or go around and put out a lot of fires if the project hasn’t gone well.
The New Moon is a dark moon. It is associated with the very inception of a new twenty-nine-day cycle of activity. The two or three days of a dark moon is a good time for dreaming, for planting seeds in your subconscious, for daydreaming about new activities in a general way. It is not an effective time to implement something. Anything started now is likely to be premature or ill-conceived.
A week after the New Moon comes the first quarter period. This is a natural time to begin projects. Dane Rudhyar calls this period a “crisis of action”, meaning that one is overwhelmed with the desire to act at the first quarter moon. It also means that the time for action is appropriate.”
~Anne Beversdorf:


An unfavorable time for beginning something new, but favorable for closing something, putting it behind us, and for endings in general. A time for personal reflection, tying up loose ends.

Keywords: Incubation; Preparation; Closure; Surrender


Something new is born; or the “seeding” of something new. We are acting with spontaneity, from a place of instinct. All information has not been revealed to us yet. There is no objectivity at this point in the cycle. It’s a good time for doing something new, but because we are lacking in information at this time, it is a risky time for important new endeavors, such as the beginning of a new business or relationship. It’s not a time for making solid commitments or promises, as new information may emerge later on that could change our minds. It’s a good time for making wishes or coming up with new ideas.

Keywords: Initial urge; Instinct; Projection

“This will be a time to make concrete your visions of the material world you wish to inhabit, and the value systems that structure them into being. Also a fantastic time to spend time in Nature and re-acquaint yourself with the consciousness of Gaia-Sophia.  Essentially, we´re being asked to release older ways of attaching ourselves to karmic patterns so that we may find the material structure and expressions of the gifts and inner knowing that lies in wait. Here is where you let Spirit take the reins and to inspire your material creations, or rather, Co-Creations.

In other words, the next three days (31 May – 2 June 2016) are going to bring a very different kind of intensity to what we´ve been feeling as of late. Or rather, a variation on certain themes. One that leads us collectively to a significant threshold of consciousness, to older visions of the Sacred: Gloriously Dark and Powerfully Feminine.

Bear in mind that all this comes just after the recent approach of Mars in Scorpio to Planet Earth. So much has been unearthed, at the individual and the collective level. Whoo hoo!”

Priestess Bairavee Balasubramaniam PhD

The Sky Priestess


There was a Buddha statue in that alcove, once.  Afghanistan.~L

“As clouds dance around the sky to illuminate areas of the earth, and other parts are left in the shadow, Gemini dances between these two realties, confronting the relationship between space and matter. This air sign, flies into our lives to pollinate ideas, inspiring us to explore new relationships, our curiosity is sharpened, opening our eyes and heart to our authentic self. A mutable time to facilitate communication, feeling joyous and electrified. Everything and everyone will be magnetized by this new moon. It is time to move into new terrain with flexibility and openness. We are entering this new phase with purpose and knowledge. Tapping into the cosmic wisdom, accomplishing miracles, bringing order to the chaos, releasing all fears.”

~Chloe from


“It’s easy to get off agenda in this astrological weather. It’s a whirligig of options. A spinning top of topics. A moving feast of facts and to try and take it all in would leave us bloated and besieged with information.

Amidst all that, the moon is waning to darkness, to be renewed in this turbine of tumult on Saturday, June 4th at 7.59PM PT (we disagree by minutes~L). This is a highly creative new moon, possibly with too many options to make use of. The key this week is to stay grounded, to take small steps without leaping to any major conclusions. With the winds of change so whipped into a frenzy, it’s best not to get caught out in the open fields when they really get going.”

– See more at:

Rohini nakshatra is called the Star of Ascent. It falls under the zodiac sign of Taurus. The ruling planet of this nakshatra is Moon or Chandra. The presiding deity of Rohini is Brahma. The other name for Rohini is Suravi – celestial cow. It is the fourth nakshatra of the lunar mansion.  The power of this nakshatra is Rohana Shakthi, which means, power of growth and creation. It also means creative development at all levels, bestowing fertility. The symbol of Rohini is Chariot.”

In Ayurveda two important concepts are fundamental: The 3 Doshas of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha; and the 3 Gunas of Rajas, Sattva, and Tamas.  The 3 Gunas explain mental and emotional perspectives; and the 3 Doshas explain tangible sense oriented experience.  In the Vastu Surya Mandala, both the Doshas and the Gunas are correlated to times and locations relative to sun.
“Individual constitution is called Prakruti in Sanskrit, which means ‘nature’.   Disease condition is called Vikruti, which means ‘deviation from nature’.”
From The Yoga of Herbs by Dr. David Frawley and Dr. Vasant Lad
The idea is that who we are gets altered in time and space.  No wonder.  Making the unseen seen, uniting matter and spirit is dirty work.  However the underlying nature, in Ayurveda, is Sattvic and therefore light, perceptive, intelligent and harmonious.  Rajas (corporeal power) and Tamas (physical senses) are temporary.  Like tools we use.  The supposition is that you will know yourself well enough to know that you HAD to distort your pure essence to gain acceptance in your family clan and therefore survive.  That’s just the journey.  No getting around it, no blame, no shame.
Still, it feels a little like you have swum through the oil-spill.  You have taken 4 showers and you still reek of fossil and have black gunk under your nails.  The good news?  You recognize the oil as “not you”.  It isn’t your nature and you are not going forward with it.
This is a really important new moon.  The energy is amazing for creating connection and sharing ideas in lots of different ways and places.  There is opportunity for resolution through light, fun, curious inquiry.
We ask ourselves what we are going to keep and what we are going to let go so that we can gain more ground for all the new things that come from our interesting interest in others and fresh ideas.  Practical, consistent change comes through devotion to your VISION (Remember your ideal vision?) or, alternately, to the thing you need resolution with.  
This is the BEST new moon of the year to create space by releasing and committing to a ritual that you can carry forward for the rest of the year to demonstrate your devotion to your ideal.  Small doses of releasing the Vikruti every day and reasserting the Prakruti.  However you choose.  Just find a small habit, mantra or mudra to support your ideal and give it a light-hearted, diligent repetition in your day.
This is the BEST new moon of the year to state clear intentions and show your devotion to them. Write them, chant them, scream them, dance them, paint them, sculpt them after the new moon is exact (so they say) for best effect.
Your authentic self, your devotion to letting that emerge and a practice of habit to support them both each and every new moon.
Thursday at noon and Saturday at 10:45.
When the mind asks sincerely, the heart will answer,