HARVEST Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces at 1:05 pm MST: Does it nourish heart AND mind?

Because if it doesn’t I will stop this spacecraft RIGHT NOW and jettison that ballast, I swear to gaud I will!!! ~L
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“This week builds to the Full Harvest Moon on Friday the 16th; and there will be tension building up towards it. On Monday, Mercury is fighting with Mars; on Tuesday, the Sun is fighting with Mars; Wednesday looks good (whew!) except Wednesday is a Moon Alert day. (Good day to goof off.) On Thursday, the Moon is fighting with Saturn just before Friday’s Full Moon, which also fights with fiery Mars. Holy Solar Panels! The thing to know is that patience is the antidote to anger. (And anger has no purpose other than to make everyone miserable.) The Dutch say that a handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains. And of course, the brain is only as strong as its weakest think.”
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The Sabian Symbol for 24 Pisces at this Lunar Eclipse is: ‘This tiny island seems lost in a broad ocean, but its happy inhabitants have created a world all of their own’.
This speaks of spiritual strength, the ability to have a strong spiritual anchor and practice

(Neptune and Chiron in Pisces), whatever is happening in the world.

~Pam Gregory of www.thenextstep.uk.com
(I did notice some other astrologers using 25 degrees Pisces, “The Purging of the Priesthood”, just so you know.  Sabian Symbols are channeled information.  I am not an authority on channeling, by any means.  It’s interesting to see if the symbols work, is all. ~L)
Ikaria: the island’s inhabitants live 10 years longer than Americans before contracting cancer or cardiovascular disease, and suffer much less from depression. Photograph: Thinkstock

“Ikaria: the island’s inhabitants live 10 years longer than Americans before contracting cancer or cardiovascular disease, and suffer much less from depression. Photograph: Thinkstock

Their secret is a complex amalgam of social supports, contentment, diet and purpose in life.”

~ William Reville of The Irish Times Sept 14 2016

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“* Powerful Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse in 24 degrees of Pisces (on Sept. 16th, 2016 at 3:05pm EDT)
* The Sun aligns with Mercury in Virgo (Mercury currently retrograde), and Jupiter in Libra
* The Moon aligns with Chiron in Pisces
* Two mutable T-squares with Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius as the focus points
* Venus in Libra sextiles Mars in Sagittarius, while opposing Uranus in Aries
* Pluto is stationing in Capricorn, coming to a halt on Sept. 26th
* Neptune aligns with the South Node in Pisces 

What if the greatest gift you could give yourself is liberating your heart energies?
What is a healthy way to connect to your inner divinity?
What might shift if you allowed yourself to be “fully-human” rather than “super-human”?

 Do you have an Ascendant or any personal planets in 19-29 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius?”
  ~Sonja Francis of http://www.AstrologerCoach.com
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Animation from “Song of the Sea”.  Kid’s movie about the struggles of transformation.
Highly recommended for this Neptunian, Piscean passage.
“The Sun is in Virgo
The Moon transits from Capricorn to Aries this week
Mercury is retrograde in Virgo.
Venus is in Libra
Mars is in Sagittarius
Jupiter is in Libra
Saturn is in Sagittarius
Uranus is retrograde in Aries (wake up, the house is on fire, but don’t freak out~L)
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces
Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn (goes direct on the 26th~L)”
(Take a step back, do NOT engage with anger, Yoganauts.~L)
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“Like a snake shedding its skin, this lunar eclipse can give a new sense of identity and a new lease on life.  Grace and opportunity may suddenly strike on this eclipse, as Jupiter, the ruling planet of expansive growth is in a powerful direct aspect.  Jupiter channels the potential of this eclipse by granting healthy breakthroughs and liberating stagnate energy.” ~www.anandastrology.com

Milky Way
(Ok, this is just for fun.  If you need the real coordinates to the SUPER GALACTIC CENTER, which is the prevailing super-massive black hole near Galaxy M-87, write me.  I have them.  While I am still trying to work out what this thing is that resides at 2 degrees Libra (tropical) and 7 degrees Virgo (sidereal) I can say that astronomically it eats EVERYTHING that gets near it and it is a point of gravitation and radiation discovered around 1918.  Astrologically, it is said to be a point of radiant super consciousness, wisdom and high level downloads of the mental and “a-ha” variety.  It is said to be very positive and active with Jupiter and Mercury in our lunar weather through to October 11.  Could be interesting on September 25 and 26, when it opposes the Uranus~Eris conjunction, but all else looks pretty happy.~L)
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Messier-87 photo by Hubble

The new ~12-year Jupiter-Makemake synodic cycle begins under the auspices of the Super Galactic Center in the Virgo (sidereal) Cluster of Galaxies.

“Astrologically, the Super Galactic Centre can be thought of as the spiritual mother center from which life emerges and spiritual nourishment and guiding wisdom expresses. The Super Galactic Centre provides opportunity for our greater wellbeing, but only if we are willing to relinquish personal scenarios or past events in our lives that may seem that, if we let them go, the ramifications will result in our total demise. However, it is only through the surrender of the past into this massive cosmic essence of pure (selfless) Divine Love that allows our re-emergence, our re-birth, into a new light of being.
This requires an inversion in consciousness (you’re a Yoganaut, you got this~L)—a conscious act where we pull the stream of our past experience into the singularity of the moment, allow it to be consumed in the ever-present now, and re-express self into a new stream unfolding into the future. This can feel as if our world is being turned inside out as our lives are re-defined. Super Galactic Centre invites us to empty ourselves and become pure vessels of spirit, committed to the fulfillment of the paths of our souls in the here and now, moment-by-moment, true to the heart of the Virgin principle.”
~Nick Anthony Fiorenza at www.lunarplanner.com
(I keep hearing this, but not from astrologers, from seers and clairvoyants, “the door to the past is closing”.  Hmmm.  Thought it was worth noting.  “The virgin principle” is another interesting concept I keep seeing and hearing about.~L)

Image result for harvest moonViveka like a hawk.~L

“The grinding gears and heavy weight of this year’s challenges will come to an end on September 17 when Mars officially leaves Scorpio (this is Vedic,~L).  Saturn’s harsh pressure will release, and courageous Mars will shift into the free and expansive fire of Sagittarius. Your drive and momentum should pick up even more after Mercury goes direct on September 21.

A unique three month period is approaching that will magnify the naga snake power throughout the world. A special alignment of planets called Kala Sarpa Yoga, or “The Serpent of Time,“ will entwine around the karmic axis of the eclipse (the north and south nodes of the moon) and amplify the shadow trickster, Rahu.
On a global level this could trigger sudden change, disasters, scandals and deception in the months to come.  The days leading up to the US election – October 27 through November 7 – will be strongly influenced by this Kala Sarpa yoga.

In yoga, the word tapas, which literally translates as “heat,” is often used to describe hard work anddisciplined focus (viveka?~L). The fiery heat of tapas purifies the spirit by burning away what is unwanted.   If we are ready to take the heat, this lunar eclipse offers a unique opportunity for rebirth.

~Kari Field of www.anandastrology.com

(It’s creation by destruction, Yoganauts.  Keep your cool.  It is a RELEASE of an unconscious, limiting belief or mind set.  That means it’s a surprise.~L)

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(Allow yourself to reveal yourself to yourself.  Take it easy. Wait.  If it’s gonna last, it’s gotta come after the 22nd.  It sucks, I know. ~L)
“When I think metamorphosis, I think big changes, meaning:  I’ve never done what I’m about to do before, and I’m not quite sure how it’s going to look, or how it’s going to turn out, but I am going towards it anyway, because I really don’t have a choice, even though I know I always have a choice, but right now it feels like I don’t and it’s scaring the crap out of me

Salamander – Fluidity, Metamorphosis, Radical Change 

Metamorphosis, what I think of as inevitable, radical change, always involves anxiety, sleepless nights, and stepping through a wall of fear. The moment we step through our fears we begin to have a different relationship with self and with others. It can be hard when you’re stepping through your fears to be around others who are stuck in theirs, and believe me you will notice. It’s not up to you to tell them though, that they need to step through their fear, that’s up to them to discover. Bless them and get on with your life. You take care of your side of the street. What I find particularly helpful when I’m going through radical change is I imagine myself wrapped in a black velvet cloak; that way all the actions I’m taking have time to cook inside me free of outside interference. In my experience metamorphosis is a solitary journey.
Sailing is a moment-by-moment experience. You don’t get all bent over the obstacles and challenges in your path; you simply accept their presence, tact around them, and continue to sail for the far shore that you can’t see yet, but you know is there. Your will and the will of wind, water, and climate are in perfect synchronicity — fluid.
Live loud, love fierce, and suffer no fools. Katherine Manaan
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Stay above the fray. There’s more to this week than a mere Mercury retrograde square Mars. This is also a week that contains a full moon/lunar eclipse in Pisces. This is a week full of emotional high-tides and temptations to run away with our emotions.

The lunar eclipse is also square Mars, making this lunation one that feels a little testy, a little emotional, a little raw, like it digs a little close to the wound.

This lunar eclipse is conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer (the Misaligned Architect?~L). Chiron is half-human, half-animal.”

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“Chiron in Pisces, a water sign, teaches us much about the importance of water, water rights and our relationship to the waters of the earth and the internal waters of our being. No emotionally healthy culture would ever forsake future generations their right to live on a thriving, healthy planet.
This eclipse sits with the south node. The south node is a point that some astrologies relate to the past, some to the psychic energy held in the unconscious, some to the downward pull of energy or a place of loss or difficulty. Whatever our belief, the south node is a place of letting go on some level.
Be wise to the game by giving yourself what you need when you need it.”
(Super-fun!  Exhaustion and frustration coupled with not knowing and anger.  Impulsiveness WILL NOT WORK.  Watch the Paralympics instead.  Irreverence, humor, joy. ~L)
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“This is when the chart really starts to come alive… The energy that I have personally been waiting for quite some time… Jupiter entering into the sign of Libra can be fantastic for all of us… And the Jupiter energy brings a sense of optimism with it too… Yeah, there can be struggles, but Jupiter’s energy makes it a hell of a lot easier to find answers and solutions… This is an awesome chart for sure.
 There was a time when I had “run out of options” and had no other choice than to “Keep the Faith”… The Big Spirit is like a big kid that is just waiting for those that want to “play”… It gives it the opportunity to show off what it can do for those that have the courage to trust, believe and have faith… (all the Jupiter things)… “
~Keep the Faith… Better Days and Higher Love are comin’ soon…
daniel “whelland” dowd at www.weeklyhoroscope.com
(It’s kinda a lot to ask, but I know he’s right.  There’s a low followed by a high, here.  Middle ground, wu wei if I can, but always seeking the hearts’ answer.  The quieter one. ~L)
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Mystical Worlds Open through the Pisces Lunar Eclipse

“The Pisces Lunar Eclipse on Friday is amazing energy that resonates all week and throughout September. This is a very mystical Moon that enlightens all who want to tap into other realms and realities. The three eclipses, this being the third since the first on August 18 have created concentrated energy lasting for months that has, and is increasing sensitivity and intuition. The overall trend and mindset in society is being infiltrated with subtle awareness that challenges the status quo with feelings and thoughts that originate from deep within the mind and spirit.

This triple blanket of lunar and solar dynamic is combined with Mercury Retrograde and the Saturn-Neptune angle to give the world a great jolt of reality and need to work through the meaning of cause and effect. What is done has an impact and all actions have a reaction. The undercurrent is about personal responsibility and working with the greater consciousness.

The Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces at 1:06 PM is when the Moon and Sun oppose each other, the Moon in Pisces and the Sun in Virgo being opposite signs. Work to have completed by this time your projects and what you want to be finished. The energy peaks and then drops. Visualization and seeing with a wider view than usual benefits everything you do. Be ready to go into repose and take a break at this time so that you can replenish your energy. Heightened awareness of your surroundings and the environment is strong.

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Colors & Stones for the week

Amethyst; moonstone; crystals of all shades and especially clear; topaz in all colors; tiger eye; amber

Oils & Herbs for the week

Mint; orange; frankincense; cedar; redwood; patchouli; lotus

The higher octave of the Pisces eclipse is attunement to your spirit and soul so that you may think outside-the-box rather than follow along current movements and trends. Small signals remind you that you are not intended to be a follower, but your own voice in the world. Compassion and spiritual bonding are powerful energies manifesting right now.

The lunar eclipse in August was in Aquarius that affected mass consciousness and global issues with unusual and at times erratic reactions. The great drive for unity was complicated by the solar eclipse in Virgo that prodded to maintain reason and logic. Within that mix was the profound, eighteen year cycle of Saturn square Neptune that held everyone’s attention to major events and world chaos. Now, the gentle energy of Pisces opens doors to seeing beyond public opinion and trends and yet you are more sensitive to those energies as well.

(I can see the world I want to go to and there is a gigantic wall in front of it.  The way will be revealed, but it is not going to be the way I thought. I have to remember, I invited spirit, consciously, to direct me to where I needed to go.  The LYF experiment is not over yet.  Things not working out the way my ego dictates is part of it. Sigh.~L)

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This is an excellent week to tune into your higher mind, inner self and the self that is the core of your truth and guidance. The very next major angle after the eclipse with significant influence is Mars trine Uranus on the next day that sparks a strong impulse for sudden flashes of awareness.

Within the dreamy atmosphere of the eclipse is fast moving and unique impressions. This could be manifest through dreams, in meditation, while absent-mindedly driving or absorbed in a book or movie. The mind easily wanders and is receptive to unexpected psychic thoughts.

The etheric veil between worlds opens, through which you may travel and also receive otherworldly visitors. The mystical rays offer balance and relief from the outside world.  (Sunday looks really powerful and super positive.~L)

In Truth,

Sandra at http://www.shirleymaclaine.com/


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“If you can approach the energy this week with a sense of humor, flexibility, and wonderment then the contrast won’t knock you off your center, but it will allow you to move gracefully through the challenges. We are about to enter into a time when the emphasis will be on equality, diplomacy, harmony, and partnerships. The contrast we experience this week will help us to come up with win-win solutions as we move forward, because we will be able to identify clearly what works for us and what doesn’t.”  ~newdawnscopes.com at 12house.com


“One scripture used to puzzle me when I was a young fundamentalist Christian minister. It’s when Jesus says, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Not to wade into deep theological waters here, but I don’t think this means Jesus wasn’t dedicated to peace. It suggests that sometimes the way to peace is through strife.

Even peacenik Venus supports this message when she counters shocking Uranus by opposition on Sunday. Yet, Mercury brings with him a dawning clarity as he steps slowly away from the bosom of the Sun. He transforms into a morning star that shines for peace amidst antagonism. It’s a peace forged by confronting unsavory details and sharp edges. Don’t shy away from that. Embrace it. Step into the eye of the storm.” ~http://unlockastrology.com

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“The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which began at the New Moon. It is an emotional time–-a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships. Lunar Eclipses are about relationships and polarities. With the Virgo-Pisces service axis involved, this Lunar Eclipse presses us to look more closely at our needs, lacks, and wants in our lives. We are pushed to find a balance between day-to-day functions and routines, physical health, and the need for order (Virgo) and vision, spiritual health, disorder, and the infinite (Pisces). Virgo rules the tools and techniques that we use to deal with day-to-day life, while Pisces rules the tools that we use to deal with our spiritual selves. This energy echoes the energies of the Saturn-Neptune square in some ways, pitting realism against idealism. The key to balance lies in identifying and expressing our spiritual needs while maintaining order in our everyday lives. Neglecting either end of the axis will surely backfire–-we would either be living in chaos or excessive order.”~cafeastrology.com

(Spirit in Matter and Matter in Spirit.  Mundane activities become the spiritual practice.  Chop wood and carry water, but line it up with my INTEGRITY.  I am being improved, not my outward ego-life.  A total pain in the ass. ~L)

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“Full Moons and Lunar Eclipses bring issues in our lives to fulfillment. Our emotions are heightened, and there is often some drama involved with the house, sign, and any contacted planets activated by the Full Moon. The areas of life activated by the eclipse may see dramatic turns, after which the path is clear to move forward. Note that whatever “happens” at this time is nothing truly new. The issues have been brewing inside of us, and emotions have been building. Something comes to light at the time of the Full Moon, and if we get in touch with our feelings, we can get a better idea of what needs to change, or what needs to go.”~cafeastrology.com

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“With the health and service axis (Pisces-Virgo) involved, health or work issues may come to the fore. As well, the ability to set boundaries to the amount of service we render can become a major issue. Situations that test our faith, or magnify our fears and doubts, may be part of the picture. Secrets may be revealed, and these can include discovering secrets of our own nature from deep within. For some, a new “calling” will surface in the coming six months. A new line of work that better matches our inner nature, desire to serve, or emotional make-up may unfold in the months following this eclipse, particularly if the natal Sun, sixth/twelfth houses, or tenth house is activated. We may discover that we need more rest or attention to our spiritual nature than we are currently allowing ourselves. This is a time when lunar energy emerges and is most potent. It’s a time when we can tap into our more idealistic, imaginative, and visionary nature. Our hearts open, and issues of trust and faith are in focus. Decisions made now are emotionally-driven.”~cafeastrology.com

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The Moon will just be passing from Aquarius into Pisces, in the nakshatra called Purva Bhadrapada, a gateway from the material world into the ethereal. This is a great time to let go of some of our attachments and practice trusting in source as we surrender to the flow.

Harvest Moon

The Harvest Moon is the Full Moon that occurs closest to the autumn equinox (September 22nd), and brings with it a few nights of very bright moonlight under which farmers are able to harvest their crops. (The Moon normally rises about one hour later each night, but for this week he will rise only half-an-hour later per day, giving much brighter evenings.) This is also a time where we energetically begin to harvest that which has come from our efforts put forth throughout the year, as we move into a more inward period for the darker months (in the northern hemisphere). It is also a potent moment to offer our prayers and to harvest the bounty of growth that comes with our own self-effort in shadow work.” ~somyadevi.com

Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse Chart - September 16, 2016 in Pisces
“The deity for this nakshatra is Aja Ekapada, “the one-footed goat,” who is related to Rudra, a destructive form of Shiva. The destructive nature of Shiva is that which allows us to destroy one thing in order for that energy to transform, rise again, and grow into its new phase of evolution. He also offers us the power to destroy illusion and attachment, which is a good tool to have at hand at the time of an eclipse.”
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(So the beauty of this moment of flowering, that is such an amazing powerful energy, is that it perfectly coincides with the timing of our Lunar Yoga Flow class.  We have been at it for a year, Yoganauts.  One of the first and most persistent axes (dimensions) that we discussed is this Virgo~Pisces crucible.  You know this territory (and if you are like Angie, you are sick to death of it) but let me reiterate: what is being eclipsed out of your life cannot come with you as you go on.  It is just a misalignment, a misunderstanding.
It’s my chance to see how I deal with being corrected, now that I am more experienced.
This is, for our culture, about letting go of patriarchy or the idea that I can avoid my metaphysical lessons (or any other lessons) by hiding behind science or government or might (or anything else).  It’s my chance to be vulnerable, show how much I care and ask for help.  WITHOUT A PROXY, DISGUISE OR NOTE FROM MY MOM.  Gaud, I hope I don’t get left standing out there alone again, but I might.~L)
“If you need a break from all of the astrological intensity being handed out this year, I think this is your chance. Shadows do arise during the eclipses, but the more dedicated we are to looking at them and being willing to make and allow change in ourselves, the better off we are after they pass. (As the the Full Moon heads into Pisces on this lunar eclipse, allow yourself to surrender to the flow and trust in source. This is the lesson being offered that will help free you from any feelings of chaos or confusion.”~somyadevi.com
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It arises in awareness and it transforms.  That’s all that’s going on here, that’s all that’s ever been happening.  Awareness has been expanding so much that it’s evolving through the collective programming.  Or not.  They both feel pretty uncomfortable at this moment.  With any luck, you got a glimpse of Pluto as he really is; willing to live in hell to transform and express the highest love he’s got.
Bet you also got an eyeful of the darkside; love that appropriates, demands, seduces, controls and manipulates out of fear.
I pray my discernment is equal to the task of showing me the difference and transforming the latter.  Pretty sure I can tell what resonates with my soul’s truth at this point.  Mind my own mat, don’t try to drag others into my journey and don’t be dragged into others’ dramas.  Gaia is the greatest teacher.  She is on my side, mirroring my projections back at me allways.  I plan to hang tight ’till the 22nd while I get my sea legs (or flippers).   Then Imana walk right into my fear.  Prolly pee myself, too. ~L
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Hearing both sides brings enlightenment. Believing only one side brings obscurityWei Cheng

I don’t understand you. You don’t understand me. What else do we have in common? Ashleigh Brilliant

Do I contradict myself? Very well; I contradict myself. Walt Whitman

Doubts are more cruel than the worst of truths. Anon

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Look, a stationing Pluto looming before a full moon lunar eclipse,  2 t-squares, four retrograde planets and 4 retrograde asteroids the feels are getting really real.  If you are anything like me you might feel frustrated, restricted, blocked and like your personal needs never have been met and are not going to be ever (and maybe you are not sure what they are anyway).  Here’s another way to think about it, maybe, because wallowing in the stuck energies is unhelpful, perhaps:
What if the tension I am feeling IS the hold-up?
What if this is what it feels like to ALLOW DIVINE TIMING when you are wearing the earth as a body?
What if my only job is to repeatedly ALIGN and stay in the flow as often as I can?
What if all the other work is already done and I should be celebrating because I know I made it through?
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What if this is the moment of integration and I ALREADY insisted upon a different ending to my story and it’s here, but only if I allow that?
What if all these people that I don’t understand, who seem to misunderstand and hurt me are doing the absolute best they can with what they’ve got?
It makes me feel better to think about right now this way.
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I have named the lizard in the picture “Crikey” in honor of Steve Irwin and Logan Young.  Two beautiful males who honor Gaia and who I miss very much.
I do feel certain that there has been a real intensity surrounding the present moment, like massive downloads happening so fast that there is no time for integration before getting hit with another wave.  It has been all I can do to keep my trajectory toward healthy boundaries, maintaining my integrity and making as much sense as I can while shredding my foundational beliefs and learning to stand on a new platform of beginning.  I send you nondenominational blessings as you reap your harvest.  The door to the past closes, the door to the future opens.  Just don’t leap too fast or you will bang your nose.
See you on the other side.
Mind your heart,
PS “The next New Moon on September 30th  (the second new moon in September 2016– the Black Moon~L) will lead us into the Navaratri Festival, a ten-day period for celebrating the Goddess and all her Shakti. Also coming in with the New Moon is a Kala Sarpa yoga (alignment), as all planets cross to one side of the Rahu-Ketu axis. This will affect us for two weeks of each month until January (for the other two weeks, Moon will be on the other side of the axis).”~somyadevi.com
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Image result for nothing that confines you is stronger than your will to be free


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